Will bunkers be nerfed?

Will bunkers be nerfed?

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


I haven’t listened to the latest SOTG — are bunkers being nerfed? Please tell me it is so. Bunkers ruin tPVP completely. I don’t want to be forced to play a bunker or glass cannon just to compete. I like my balanced spec and want to feel useful, but that’s quite difficult when the other team has 3 bunkers that are impossible to kill. This game will not become an esport until such basic mechanics are fixed. I’ve only been playing spvp for a month, but I’ve played pvp since DAOC and also regularly compete in Counter-Strike matches. I know it’s impossible to bring the kind of gameplay an FPS has to an RPG, but how can this game become an esport when winning depends on which build you bring, not how much skill you have? I really want a skill based PVP game and thought GW2 would give us that, but it seems like more of the same unbalanced build-dependent pvp that we’ve seen time and time again. Really hoping anet makes some changes or spvp will keep dying. Hardcore PVPers want fairness in a battle. There’s absolutely no point in calling the sPVP balanced if your team make up determines whether you win before the match even begins.

(edited by sim.8903)