Will the feature patch be good?

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


now when you say you play internally, do you mean a bunch of really good pvpers who can give intelligent feedback on balance designs or do you mean a bunch of rabbit rank 5 signet warriors? maybe i’m wrong because this is hearsay but i heard a lot of the people responsible for pvp balance are like rank 20 on their actual characters and not really that good at pvp. it would explain why the current state of the game is how it is.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Sixtyfivekid.5726


So when is the build? Is it that hard to answer? There is no logic in a company with such shady policies.

Apparently you are remembering around instances, when companies have to delay something, whether it is a game or just an update. The backlash is huge and reaches from accusations of lying to the customary threat of uninstalling.
Three weeks ago the update was just delayed by a few hours and people were up in arms, or even that time when the update preview page wasn’t up on a tuesday but on a thursday (shock and horror!).
They will announce the update when they are good and ready, and sure there won’t be any delays.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


So when is the build? Is it that hard to answer? There is no logic in a company with such shady policies.

Apparently you are remembering around instances, when companies have to delay something, whether it is a game or just an update. The backlash is huge and reaches from accusations of lying to the customary threat of uninstalling.
Three weeks ago the update was just delayed by a few hours and people were up in arms, or even that time when the update preview page wasn’t up on a tuesday but on a thursday (shock and horror!).
They will announce the update when they are good and ready, and sure there won’t be any delays.

What they did was give us a fixed date for when they were taking X away. This was done to allow greater flexibility without people logging in one day and thinking “where have my chests gone”.

The problem isn’t the way they’ve gone about it. The problem is the timescale this is all being done over.

Phaatonn, London UK

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Sixtyfivekid.5726


The problem isn’t the way they’ve gone about it. The problem is the timescale this is all being done over.

Um, I agree? But that wasn’t my point, nor his/hers.

(edited by Sixtyfivekid.5726)

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


If the patch is good enough ill buy another account. If its not ill probs quit for Wildstar

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: TangyOrange.4258


Will Account Bound WXP be coming out in the feature patch? Haha

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


The real question is will the feature patch be good enough?
I really cant imagine how their gonna ship this patch without naming it expansion and selling seperately. I mean it takes 4 months already and will be 1-2 more till it arrives.
I really doubt there can be anything in the patch to approve a half year of waiting.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Datsuni.4678


The problem is that there is zero communication. It is ok to delay stuff, but it is not ok to not communicate. Pratically the only communication from anet is blatant hype that is ment to keep the weakminded in order.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

Well considering that the WVW season 2 is starting March 28, and ending May 30 AND that they have previously said that they did not want to do any balance changes during a WvW season (as that would be too traumatizing for us, or too overwhelming for our tiny brains), this would lead one to conclude:

First Balance Patch = earliest June 6!!!! So soon! (If its ready by then, do not keep your fingers crossed).

Which leads me to wonder… they claim they want a “shaving” approach to balance. Shaving to me leads me to think of many small changes occurring rather frequently. Kind of like… shaving every morning. So to extend that analogy… instead of shaving every morning, this is closer to shaving once a quarter. Granted, I am not a hairy dude, but if I were to try and use my small daily maintenance razor on a monthly basis – I would have one fugly mess of facial hair. So.. why continue the shaving approach when we have only 1 – 2 balance patches a year?

I’m pretty sure they just misspelled ‘shearing’.


Typically each adult sheep is shorn once each year

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: cuge.5398


June ? … that would be so f(u)cking fool, if so they could really write a book with title “how to delay your game to death”.
What we know is that ESO will be out on April 4, which means that they might be thinking to use this super-mega-hyped-teasing-uber-feature-pvp-patch as a marketing counter move, releasing it by those days.

Analyzing the market situation… i dont see a really nice future for gw2.
What are good points of GW2 ?

  • It has a really well coded combat system…. but doesnt have a good pvp infrastructure to support it.
  • It has many fans of the lore, and many who came from GW1 …. and most of them left already i heard.
  • and…. its free.

What have they invested in ?

  • Living story: temporary content that doesnt satisfy PvE addicts.
  • WvW: its a matter of opinions here, but some friends who came to gw2 FOR WvW now left for ESO, cause they said its a lot better.

So… ppl interested to pvp quit long time ago, and others are quitting while they get tired of waiting for changes; ppl interested in open world pvp will leave for ESO; ppl interested in pvp …. dont know where did they go, maybe dota, lol, or maybe wildstar in future, idk but they are not here lol.

If this patch wont really solve something important or at least will let us see a light at the end of the tunnel, there wont be anymore ppl to hold here.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Some friends of mine left also gw2 for eso because of WvW. WvW is not bad in GW2 but it seems to be better in eso.

I stay for the mists

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


If the patch is good enough ill buy another account. If its not ill probs quit for Wildstar

Ye, I will quit for wildstar unless two things happen in gw2:

1, New game mode with a tournament queue
2, Reversal of power creep/evasion/immunities

Even if these happen I will probably quit for wildstar anyway

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


lol, wildstar is pretty bad compared to gw2.

I’ll probably try it and quit for gw2

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


lol, wildstar is pretty bad compared to gw2.

I’ll probably try it and quit for gw2

Well they have arena. 2v2 and 3v3 I think. That sells me instantly as I often have 1/2 other people I want to play with. 5 man teams are just too many if you want to try hard in this game. Which is the reason I just mess around when I play this game (which isn’t often) for a while now.

No more winning a team fight and being 2 capped again because they player vs pointed onto our close. That is what I want

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


We have already been told the balance changes (in ready up and on the balance forum). Prior experience shows us that these will be close to all the balance changes in the actual patch. So it is unlikely thief will be addressed. AH bunker guard (bunker), spirit ranger (support), warrior (transition class) and thief (roamer) will thus all likely still be the apex predators of the game for another … <snip>

If warrior and thief remain anywhere close to their current state, I will uninstall the game and never look back. Those professions are abominations that I would expect to see in game like Rift.

…and Rift has the worst PvP in the history of MMOs.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: aelfwe.4239


We have already been told the balance changes (in ready up and on the balance forum). Prior experience shows us that these will be close to all the balance changes in the actual patch. So it is unlikely thief will be addressed. AH bunker guard (bunker), spirit ranger (support), warrior (transition class) and thief (roamer) will thus all likely still be the apex predators of the game for another … <snip>

If warrior and thief remain anywhere close to their current state, I will uninstall the game and never look back. Those professions are abominations that I would expect to see in game like Rift.

…and Rift has the worst PvP in the history of MMOs.

I would agree with you but after some month of this meta gw2 won the prize of the worst PvP i’ve ever played since uol till now.

That not regard just war and thief, spirit ranger, decap engi, hambow war, fgs ele, mm necro are abomination too.

There’s anything to save here, really, even leaderboards are bronke.

Just erase and restart

Aelfwe Dark Asura Mesmer\Thief,

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


5 man teams are just too many if you want to try hard in this game. Which is the reason I just mess around when I play this game (which isn’t often) for a while now.

5 is not too many, I never had any trouble getting 8 together for gw1 whether it was friends and guildies or random pugs – the reason you have trouble finding 5 in gw2 is because most people have quit!

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


…and Rift has the worst PvP in the history of MMOs.

It wasn’t balanced, it wasn’t competitive… but I still had far more fun playing it than GW2.

It was more team centric, you weren’t constantly bashed down with this ‘solo or GTFO’ mentality GW2 has. Sure GW2’s combat (not gameplay) is more dynamic, but short of a hardcore premade you only ever fight next to allies, never with them.
That is a TERRIBLE thing for an MMO.
That alone can kill a game.

Being able to work with pug-teammates in fights, it gives so much.
It makes the game more social.
It lessens the impact of OP specs.
It lessens the impact of low skill specs.

GW2 threw all that out the window.
Doing that put an extreme amount of focus on ‘what your spec can do’, I mean, that’s workable, if specs are well made, if the maps are well made, if there is some other source of engaging gameplay… but in GW2, there isn’t… that causes such a solo-based game where in allot of fights you will win or you will lose, no questions asked.

I’m not saying Rift was gold, it actually had a large issue with that same sort of thing in endgame PvP.
If a team had notably more healers or one or two other specs, it won, end of story… that’s why I ended up quiting, but I still have so many more fond memories of that game than GW2…
My nightblade/bladedance or RS/sab rogue was sooo much fun.
Under-level-cap chloromancer… so much fun.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Short answer: No.

Will the feature patch be good?

in PvP

Posted by: Turtle Dragon.9241

Turtle Dragon.9241

The build is not in June. Just wanted to squash that before it became a thing! :P

I am just pointing out that:

May 31st is not in June.
July 1st is not in June either.

I know how to turn words around too, see? I could totally be a dev…