Will the leaderboards work with seasons ?
i dont think so, it doesnt have any reason until they add bigger scheduled tournaments like monthly and yearly, if they ever will…
anyway, reseting rating even on monthly basis would probably cause many matchmaking problems and unbalaced matches for unreasonable long time, depends if new team have 0 rating and need to grow or it begins on average e.g. 1500 and then fall down or grow up
(edited by MaXi.3642)
I would more see it as a replacement for those bigger tournaments. Cause now you don’t really have a reason to play or try to get a high rating, besides a high number(well low.. :p ). If every few months top players would get rewards that you can’t get in PvE. This could really (and very easily) get some more excitement going for PvP.
I think organised tournaments would do this job a lot better. Resetting the rankings doesn’t really seem like it would serve any purpose than to make everyone groan.
And with the way the rankings work, a really good new team will get to fight the top teams relatively quickly.
Yes of course that would be better, but that takes more time and effort to implement. This could be done fairly easy. Also splitting up ranking/matchmaking between people who play solo and teams would be a huge step forward, cause how it is now is just a joke. And i can’t believe that with so many good ranking system examples available they come up with this ancient crap.
Some games do this, Starcraft 2 is the first one that comes to mind. It makes more sense there though, as they rate in divisions that they lock at season end. So you could be locked in platinum and playing awesome, and after the first game in the next season put in mid-high diamond. They use last seasons end MMR to determine a start point for the next season, though wins/losses are wiped. If you miss a season, you have to start back over from scratch.
It would be cool though if they eventually added seasons that ended with large tourneys that you register for with a set 5 man. The seeding order could be based on the average leaderboard rank of your members with only a set number of teams qualifying. If not enough register, the top teams would get a “bye”. Give some reward to the winners (legendary skins, new skins or titles, w/e). After the tourney, the boards would reset. Could do these every 3-4 months.
That would probably instantly revitalize the pvp community somewhat, and more people would make set teams. Though at the pace they develop for spvp, this would be unlikely.
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief
Rankings should definitely be reset periodically. I don’t understand arguments to the contrary at all. People are constantly leaving and joining the game.
Rankings should definitely be reset periodically. I don’t understand arguments to the contrary at all. People are constantly leaving and joining the game.
If you go by some of the other systems, they actually do not reset between seasons, they pretty much keep the same, throw in some “ranking match” at the start which is little more than cover for not resetting at all. I do not think it is practical to reset the ratings completely and wait for all of it to stabilize again.