Wins/Losses... how to get a win streak

Wins/Losses... how to get a win streak

in PvP

Posted by: Celine.6857


Before reaching Sapphire, we would be in that MMR HELL of the worst lose streak ever. But, the problem I am experiencing now is that I am getting too much of a win/loss ratio of 50/50. So, I am not getting the boosts I need to progress. I was stuck in T4 of sapphire for over two weeks. I’d win 2, lose 1, win 1, lose 2, win 1… and so on. I literally felt I had a brick wall of 2 or 3 pips into that tier.

I FINALLY made it to T5 last night and am hoping I get an actual win streak to shoot me through to Ruby.

On another note, one of our fairly new guild mates is convinced it is me or my build when I know it’s not. I am rank 80, he is rank 30ish and is almost out of Ruby. Does he get matched with ‘easier’ opponents? I hate to use the word ‘easier’ but, I am just wondering since the same has happened with another guildie who is rank 60 or so and believes that is the case.

Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow

Wins/Losses... how to get a win streak

in PvP

Posted by: Hansen.3264


If you play thief or warrior its defently you. Most likly. If you dont rotate classes after matchup, team comp, its likly you. If you play desent meta build on strong class and play propperly, Then it might be a skill thing. If you Are unlucky and get legendary players on enemy team on alt accounts on importen tier jump and you loose thesse you have just not much to do.
Playing 100 more games Will get you to ruby no matter any of the above.

Wins/Losses... how to get a win streak

in PvP

Posted by: Servant.4053


“Playing 100 more games Will get you to ruby no matter any of the above”
How do you come on that?

Wins/Losses... how to get a win streak

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Interesting. Although anecdotal, tier 4 sapphire is when i went from 87% win rate to 51%. The amount of win-lose-win-lose I had in that tier was insane. I ended teaming with 2 others from guild to move beyond that. They too distinctly remember tier 4 sapphire being a tipping point of heavy win/loss ping ponging. We all thought it was us, but once we teamed we started getting 500-180 wins..tier 4 sapphire is the magic line when players need to communicate now and most don’t and their organisation becomes terrible.

Obviously I can’t prove it, but tier 4 sapphire seems like the soft ceiling where the MMR makes a decision about whether it thinks you deserve you progress now, or are just fodder for others it thinks should progress.

The only thing that sticks out is that you’re another person of about a dozen who found tier 4 sapphire massively troublesome.