World Series?! WHY?!

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

ArenaNet, you don’t even identify your own game as an Esport. Your hardcore PvP player base, constantly mocks PvP for all it’s faults. Your PvP player base is small and a lot of it isn’t even dedicated.

Lets compare to League of Legends ranks, League has 214 people in Challenger (AKA Pro rank) and ~700+ master ranked (just under pro, can be considered pro), over 30,000 people are diamond (AKA high end, very skilled but not exactly pro)

Guild Wars 2 can’t even get close to those numbers.


Why have a world series? Shouldn’t your focus being trying to improve PvP? Build a large PvP community? Fix a lot of the annoyances like immobilize-air bug and Skyhammer? Why put effort into a world series?

Grouch and I were asked to talk about GW2’s competitive program at a local conference and if your interested you can watch here:


I looked at your obstacles section, do you guys not have enough people?

  • Who is your PvE team?
  • Who is your dungeon team?
  • Who is your combat team?
  • Who is your WvW team?
  • Who is your PvP team?
  • Who is your material (crafting, items, gemstore) team?
  • Who is your community team?

If you have a big game, you have many teams to carter to all players, right?


If the community doesn’t identify that the game is eports, why offer real money? Guild Wars 2 is NOT an Esport game, trying to treat it like so is wasteful.
Why not just give gems?


ArenaNet is the biggest issue. Ironic, a great PvP system being held back by their own creators.

The key thing for any esport is a community. Which, ArenaNet has killed time and again with Dhuumfire, stun bug, turrets, each time PvP blossomed ArenaNet let problems run wild.

The best plan for GW2 being an esport, is rebuilding the community.

Step 1.
Bring in Random Arena’s from Guild Wars 1.

Fight with a random team until you lose or get 10 wins. Why this isn’t in GW2 is absolutely beyond me, no dedicated healers so… What’s the hold up? It’s a fun mode, it was popular in GW1. ADD. IT.

Step 2.
A refined Practice and Warm Up mode.

Now, you can hop into any custom match, get dailies and max out the progress bar. Fine, but if you go into a random server with a new build on a new class. You will get PUNISHED. Have a practice mode that will net you 500 for winning OR losing, as long as you are playing on a class you play the least. I have 5,000 games on my Elementalist, why practice with my thief? When my Elementalist will get me rewards, faster. As for Warm Up mode, that SHOULD be what practice is right now. 500 for winning, 200 for losing. Bring the class you have 1000 wins on, leave the class you have 8.

Step 3.
Polish the maps!

Skyhammer. Throwing people off the map is to easy and to rewarding, teleport falling people back to base IF they have over 50% of their health with a 5 second DAZE. Not stun, DAZE. You can use a stun breaker and start leaping back to home point or run slowly. Also, if you had under 50%, you will fall to your death, preventing throwing yourself off a cliff as a viable way to escape. This will add a level of strategy and skill to the map and won’t make it unbearable. There are other maps that can also use some polish but Skyhammer has the most sins.

Step 4.
Add a new exciting mechanic.

Having it that when certain skills hit a player, it will instantly kill them. No down state, instant death, a Death Strike. Like, add a Death Strike to most of the Warriors burst skills, thief sneak skills, Necromancers Life Blast. Have fun with it too, the Guardians Binding Blade, give it a Death Strike. If your opponent reaches 0 health while hexed with that, they will instantly die. Meteor Shower can be even more scary as it’s an AoE rain of instant death. With instant death around more, you can buff revive skills like Glyph of Renewal or Signet of Undeath. This will mold players thoughts on what weapons to bring and what role they will play.

Step 5.
Feel free to balance/all the above.

I couldn’t care less about elite spec’s right now ArenaNet. Bring back the community. Then you can balance, make fun sigils, change up some runes, have it so you can only have 1 rally per death, etc. A balanced game doesn’t mean anything if no one is around to play it

Above all, you need to resurrect your PvP player base. That should be #1 on your list, at least, I thought…
Seems like #1 on your list should be development teams :\

Just… Why work hard for a World Series? What possible good can come from it?
Have a good, large dedicated PvP community, THEN build it into an Esport like League of Legends did! Not the other way around!!!

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


League has over 2,000 Challenger players Worldwide, nearly 4,000 Master, and 211,000 Diamond, and those represent just the top 2.14% of League players. However, the reason ANet is supporting the pro scene is because there was a pro scene before they got involved. It doesn’t meaningfully slow down their balance, except in rare cases where a patch might be pushed back a week or two, and if anything allows them to get better data on what balance is.

Now, sure the game will never be one of the big eSports unless they fix the many issues with PvP, but that doesn’t mean they should just leave the pro scene alone until then. If people are wanting to play, why not support it.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


You seem to be under the impression that people handling tournaments and such are the same people that fixes stuff in the game. That is extremely unlikely.

LoL was built from the ground an up as a PvP game, there is literally nothing to do in that game other than PvP, while GW2 have 2 other modes that needs to be taken into consideration as well.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


“Having it that when certain skills hit a player, it will instantly kill them. No down state, instant death, a Death Strike. Like, add a Death Strike to most of the Warriors burst skills, thief sneak skills, Necromancers Life Blast. Have fun with it too, the Guardians Binding Blade, give it a Death Strike. If your opponent reaches 0 health while hexed with that, they will instantly die. Meteor Shower can be even more scary as it’s an AoE rain of instant death. With instant death around more, you can buff revive skills like Glyph of Renewal or Signet of Undeath. This will mold players thoughts on what weapons to bring and what role they will play.”

You’re insane…

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Extreme.8350


I dont want it cluttering my screen atleast not in pve anet pls

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

You seem to be under the impression that people handling tournaments and such are the same people that fixes stuff in the game. That is extremely unlikely.

LoL was built from the ground an up as a PvP game, there is literally nothing to do in that game other than PvP, while GW2 have 2 other modes that needs to be taken into consideration as well.

That’s why you have dedicated development teams.

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


That’s why you have dedicated development teams.

Which is exactly what ArenaNet have. And thus the World Series will in no way or form stop them form working on fixes, since it is not the same people working on those two things.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


From what I can surmise, there really isn’t a competitive gameplay (i.e. balance) team. The PvP team works on PvP systems like rewards, matchmaking, etc. There is a class design team which updates abilities and traits, but they’re more involved with PvE stuff and split duties with other teams. I think the dungeon team was dissolved over a year ago.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: BLUna.7928


I normally wouldn’t comment on these forums anymore, but OP is about the 30th person to make this exact thread, and it needs to stop yo. Let me clear this out for you.

Unless ArenaNet are doing something weird, the money being used for WTS and any other tournament is coming out of the MARKETING budget for the game, not the budget used for development.

This is fairly common among developers trying to push their game from a competitive aspect. If ArenaNet were not doing WTS, the only thing that would change would be you having more GW2 banner ads on your favorite adult content website.

Retired GW2 Shoutcaster
Now Casting CS:GO with ESEA
Twitter: @BLUCSGO

(edited by BLUna.7928)

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


ArenaNet, you don’t even identify your own game as an Esport. Your hardcore PvP player base, constantly mocks PvP for all it’s faults. Your PvP player base is small and a lot of it isn’t even dedicated.

Lets compare to League of Legends ranks, League has 214 people in Challenger (AKA Pro rank) and ~700+ master ranked (just under pro, can be considered pro), over 30,000 people are diamond (AKA high end, very skilled but not exactly pro)

Guild Wars 2 can’t even get close to those numbers.


Why have a world series? Shouldn’t your focus being trying to improve PvP? Build a large PvP community? Fix a lot of the annoyances like immobilize-air bug and Skyhammer? Why put effort into a world series?

Grouch and I were asked to talk about GW2’s competitive program at a local conference and if your interested you can watch here:


I looked at your obstacles section, do you guys not have enough people?

  • Who is your PvE team?
  • Who is your dungeon team?
  • Who is your combat team?
  • Who is your WvW team?
  • Who is your PvP team?
  • Who is your material (crafting, items, gemstore) team?
  • Who is your community team?

If you have a big game, you have many teams to carter to all players, right?


If the community doesn’t identify that the game is eports, why offer real money? Guild Wars 2 is NOT an Esport game, trying to treat it like so is wasteful.
Why not just give gems?

Above all, you need to resurrect your PvP player base. That should be #1 on your list, at least, I thought…
Seems like #1 on your list should be development teams :\

Just… Why work hard for a World Series? What possible good can come from it?
Have a good, large dedicated PvP community, THEN build it into an Esport like League of Legends did! Not the other way around!!!

Agreed. They dont even have the infrastructure for all this kitten. Instead of letting us queue outside hotm or putting resources into balance they try to jam esports down our throats.

Anet puts 90% of their pvp resources and communication into supporting about 40 competitive players. Funny really

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Ristillath.6745


I normally wouldn’t comment on these forums anymore, but OP is about the 30th person to make this exact thread, and it needs to stop yo. Let me clear this out for you.

Unless ArenaNet are doing something weird, the money being used for WTS and any other tournament is coming out of the MARKETING budget for the game, not the budget used for development.

This is fairly common among developers trying to push their game from a competitive aspect. If ArenaNet were not doing WTS, the only thing that would change would be you having more GW2 banner ads on your favorite adult content website.

Why are you still reading the forums?

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I normally wouldn’t comment on these forums anymore, but OP is about the 30th person to make this exact thread, and it needs to stop yo. Let me clear this out for you.

Unless ArenaNet are doing something weird, the money being used for WTS and any other tournament is coming out of the MARKETING budget for the game, not the budget used for development.

This is fairly common among developers trying to push their game from a competitive aspect. If ArenaNet were not doing WTS, the only thing that would change would be you having more GW2 banner ads on your favorite adult content website.

Not really. It is more about communication and perception. Managing customer expectations. Giving customers ideas about the future. Like I get why they dont say x is coming on x date.

However, they have never said that stuff like “Not being able to queue outside of the mists is not something we like”. Or " We know that this build/spec is a little too strong".

If you are going to buy into a service then you need to understand the vision for improving that service. The problem is arenanet and most development companies don’t have respect for the users of their service. It is a problem in the gaming industry.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Jesiah.2457


Oh my god … the suggestions under that spoiler “This have been suggested before” some of them are attrocious.

Instant death skills? Instant death skills on an aoe that could literally instant death an entire team fight? HOW could that ever be good? :l

And as far as polishing skyhammer, why waste time polishing a turd? I don’t really need to say more about that, but, being able to teleport back to your base at 50% health for dropping off the map at full health or above 50% would cater more to a snowball effect than anything. As far as “prohammer” goes, it’s not in ranked PvP and at least there’s that, don’t give Anet the idea that making it “better” which as long as you can fall to your doom instantly is possible, it never will be, so that they think it’s okay to put it back in ranked. Don’t do drugs kids, wait, prohammer? Kids, do drugs, it’s better than that cancerous map.

I can agree with the rest of the suggestions hidden in the spoiler, save for I don’t really care about the suggestions to improving practice mode. It’s hotjoin, it’s casual mode, it’s I don’t care about PvP mode except for raging tryhards who aren’t very good at the game. Reward tracks are IMO fine the way they are, they don’t really need work.

When you say Arena, I imagine just 5v5 DM … would love to see a mode in the #1 suggestion with just raw 2v2 and 3v3, especially under the premises of that suggestion. It blows my mind that this game doesn’t have a dedicated 2v2 and 3v3 only mode, I’m pretty sure that scene would be well received, but Arenanet seems hell-bent on making sure there is some form of AI or secondary mechanic in their PvP games, so it’s unlikely. I mean, we got courtyard right? That’s enough to satisfy the people who wanted 2v2 and 3v3 modes, right? :P

And not that I should waste my time writing up a suggestion for how to incorporate 2v2 / 3v3 into this game’s system and load times … load two teams of players into a room, make it best out of 3 for team winner. A “round” ends when a team is disabled entirely, and then teams reset back to spawn for the next round, if same team wins again, they win the game. Honestly, the only reason I suggest that it is to save on load-times per arena which seems like it might be a QoL thing for players, maybe even slightly easier on Anet servers? Who knows, but what I do know is I’m out of this thread.

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Nyx.7342


Hm your suggestion thing…idk about it. But yeah when i saw the thing about wts tournament i have to say i was dissapointed. Wats the point of having a “huge” competition when there is no competition. Sure other games only have a couple of really great teams, bukittens exciting about their tournaments is that the mechanics of the game, and the competitive nature of the teams makes it so that upsets actually happen and it really is a “who is going to win” not a oh who si going to place second because this one team is definitely going to win NA, or one of these 3 teams is definitely going to win EU.

Spend the money to fix the game, make it a good environment for people to get better, and bring in more players. Then have a real tournament with real competition.

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Genoshock.2104


These type of competitions boost number of people that play PvP

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

As poor as the OPs argument was I have to agree.

They should focus on fixing the leaderboard, and getting more people playing.

And yes the budget for the WTS probably comes from somewhere else, like marketing. Well guess what, budgets can be moved!

If they really want GW2 to compete with the likes of LoL they have to go F2P. That is the only way they will get those sorts of numbers.

I think a PvP only F2P version has to happen. And we will all be better off for it.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


As poor as the OPs argument was I have to agree.

They should focus on fixing the leaderboard, and getting more people playing.

And yes the budget for the WTS probably comes from somewhere else, like marketing. Well guess what, budgets can be moved!

If they really want GW2 to compete with the likes of LoL they have to go F2P. That is the only way they will get those sorts of numbers.

I think a PvP only F2P version has to happen. And we will all be better off for it.

Fixing the leaderboard is made by developers, developers are not working on the tournaments.
And how is a rather big worldwide event not a good way to get more people playing?

Budgets can indeed be moved.
If you have control of said budget.
It is rather unlikely that they do however, considering that they are fully owned by NCSoft, so I am rather sure that NCSoft sets the budget. Which would require that they brought it up to them and convinced them to change the budget. It is also rather funny that you feel like they should move parts of the marketing budget just a single line under the statement that they should focus on getting more people playing.
You are aware that marketing is about getting more people playing, right?

You do not have to have the numbers of LoL in order to work as a esport. In fact, having those sort of numbers would probably just make it worse.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Dramen Maidria.1034

Dramen Maidria.1034

If you’re being honest with yourself about the type of game League is you wouldn’t compare it’s player base size to GW2. It’s a very easy game to pick up and play if the players don’t run you off due to their attitudes.

Dramen Maidria
Knights of ARES, Dragonbrand
Good times, good memories

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Calm down, im no fan of conquest but some folks like it and Anet supports those few with ‘official’ matches.

I doubt it slows down development of other pvp modes like deathmatch because there is no development of other pvp modes like deathmatch.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Amstel Steel.2058

Amstel Steel.2058

I normally wouldn’t comment on these forums anymore,

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Elitist.8701


I dont want it cluttering my screen atleast not in pve anet pls

Literally 90% of GW2 players.

-Elitist, retired best multiclass NA, Plat 1 in league and climbing.

Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.

(edited by Elitist.8701)

World Series?! WHY?!

in PvP

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

While we’re at it – Lets stop the support for all the community held tournaments. Supporting the community will not increase it, i thought Anet knew that.

P.S. The people on the forums would never stop to amaze me.