Would You Still Try To Do A Finisher If...?
Does it not depend on the class you are fighting? And at which health you are? For example if you also are at low health while trying to finish a downed warrior it cold be a problem since he has that one skill where he can get up for a short time and he could down you then and finish you and then be alive.
Guardian is easy he only has skill 2 to interrupt and the 3 if I remember correctly is a skill healing him and doing damage to you(that’s why I don’t want to be downed the same time with him… but with good health it seems okay to try finishing him).
But group fights… lol… impossible… cause other people just do tons of damage while you are doing no damage trying to finish(and might also interrupt you).
This is one of the biggest issues with Downded State mechanics in my opinion. The balance class to class on Stomp-ability is awful, but getting rid of “safety stomps” like mist, shrink or even stealth to a lesser extent would not really make it better, because then no one would ever die in a 3v3 and it would take an obsurd amount of time to get through a fight. You could conceivably have a 3v3 at mid go for an entire tPvP match with the point being neutral almost the whole time. That is kinda silly.
This is an aspect that needs better balance in many regards, but if Downed State is going to be in the game then those stomp mechanics need to exist.
I think what we have going is about right.
It can be extremely difficult to get stomps at crowded nodes without stability. Even in the current setup WITH the safe stomps available, it’s common for it to be desirable to DPS a downed player down. It’s not so easy to always save those cooldowns for the various safe stomps when you’re in a brawl at a node with several people.
There’s also the matter of being blasted with burst by a couple people while trying to stomp someone. Sure that doesn’t apply to stuff like mist form, but it’s not like every stomp is always protected by invincibility.
i don’t bother stomping anymore, i can’t even really think of the last time i did it
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer
i don’t bother stomping anymore, i can’t even really think of the last time i did it
If they plan on wasting my time, I just waste theirs back. I’ll attempt one stomp if it’s a 1v1 and if I see mist form or shadowstep unless they’re on the point I’ll attack them briefly to prevent healing and slash dance. Seriously, just die and revive.. so annoying.
I just wouldn’t stomp anymore. But then I am a thief, and If I have lower health try to spam attacks into someone I would get downed and most likely die to, so an engineer, or a necro in a downed fight.
Thinking literally and not hypothetically, there is nothing wrong with guaranteed stomps. Since you can get guaranteed revives.
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock
people would simply choose to kill instead of finishing, specially since every class has a mechatic in order to prevent the stomp.. imagine knowing that you have to try to finishing someone at least twice.. and that’s if there aren’t any team mates around..
group fights would also be hell lol
So exactly what does a necro have access to that doesn’t require either 30 points into a bad trait line or burning an elite?
If they plan on wasting my time, I just waste theirs back. I’ll attempt one stomp if it’s a 1v1 and if I see mist form or shadowstep unless they’re on the point I’ll attack them briefly to prevent healing and slash dance. Seriously, just die and revive.. so annoying.
If someone is down just off point, with no chance in hell of getting a revive (this happens quite frequently), and they choose to waste everyone’s time by using their prevention skill, I just leave em. If they start to heal, I poke them to interrupt. I basically make them take as long as possible to die, just out of spite.
The downstate system is one of the worst things in pvp i’ve ever seen. Games like Dota2 or LoL have plenty of instances where someone is simply ganked in a matter of seconds. And say what you will about that game, ( I personally don’t care for the moba playstyle, but cannot deny they are popular) it has quite a following.
Remove downstate please.
I wonder if anyone would think this devastating to perform a finisher if you could not perform a finisher with Invulnerability, Stability, Stealth, and any other exploit out there if any?
oh come on now. those are not exploits.
it is called playing the game the way it is meant to be.
Remove downstate please.
no, please. down state will stay.
there are countless times where a team member was downed right in front of me and i brought them back up immediately.
well it helps if it is their first time downed.
Remove downstate please.
no, please. down state will stay.
there are countless times where a team member was downed right in front of me and i brought them back up immediately.
well it helps if it is their first time downed.
At this point the phrase, “Remove Downstate Please” Is akin to saying, “I want world peace.”
Pointless to say, yet we still say it.
what I really hate is starting finisher then go into mist form.
If they wanted to allow you to use mist form while doing finisher, why cant you go into mist form than do finisher?
You can go invis and do finisher, why don’t they make it like mist form, where you have to start finisher than stealth if you want a stealthy finish and not allowed to stealth before finish.
The fact that you can stealth first or last when doing a finisher makes me think stealthing is allowed, but not being able to finish while in mist form makes me think its not suppose to happen, but finishing then being able to go into mist form just breaks all those rules.
what I really hate is starting finisher then go into mist form.
If they wanted to allow you to use mist form while doing finisher, why cant you go into mist form than do finisher?
You can go invis and do finisher, why don’t they make it like mist form, where you have to start finisher than stealth if you want a stealthy finish and not allowed to stealth before finish.
The fact that you can stealth first or last when doing a finisher makes me think stealthing is allowed, but not being able to finish while in mist form makes me think its not suppose to happen, but finishing then being able to go into mist form just breaks all those rules.
what are you talking about?
Only thing I don’ t like about downed state is when a pet absorbs your cc because it’s position is in front of the player about to finish you off…
That and being blinded