Yet another matchmaking suggestion?

Yet another matchmaking suggestion?

in PvP

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

A little idea I have in my mind, maybe some folks like it or can point out the cons of it?

- Make every league be able to lose pips/tiers.
As current system anyone who rolls “insert easy to learn class / build” is able to make their way into Ruby, even into diamond with a bit of luck.

- Changes to queue I’d appreciate:
soloQ only with solo players, never teams involved.
teams of 2 mixed together with teams of 3.
make teams of 4 unable to queue.
Teams of 5 only vs other teams of 5.

- Keep pip loss / rewards the same, with a minor tweak:
If one loses with say 50 point difference, let loosing team keep their pips cause of “honorable match”? anything bigger than 50 points will remove 1 pip.

- As I’ve heard the suggestion of dropping back in division, think with my solution that shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

aka Holy Blood Guardian
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Yet another matchmaking suggestion?

in PvP

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


I say get rid of mmr and make matchmaking based on your current division only. ANET needs to get rid of this farm pvp mentality. Randomize matchmaking based on division so that teams that play together have a bigger advantage. Encourage players to team up rather than soloq for farming.

At the end of the day I feel pvp should be more about finding friends and queueing together because its fun and not going solo because you want a legendary.

Bad Elementalist