Your 3 least fun 2 watch/fight classes?
A DPs thief or mesmer is one of the most fun to watch in my opinion. Its fast paced and takes skill to survive which is what this game should try to so more of. I don’t see how you left out all the AI builds like spirit ranger or turret engi. Also what you said about the evades can apply to many classes that have lots of vigor and dodging is not RNG. Its frustrating when your attacks are dodged but its really a good job by the other player
Fast paced true, but its not much in entertainment value. They’re just doing the same thing over and over again with little skill punishment. At least with AI builds you can kill their minions and they don’t summon back right away like mesmers do with their clones/phantasms.
Classes you don’t enjoy fighting and classes you don’t like watching needs a different list for each other. For instance s/d thieves are annoying to fight and probably one of the build/class i least enjoy fighting yet watching how they play (especially the correct way) on stream or in duels is actually quite enjoyable because of how fast paced the fight is and how the s/d thieves does all the tricks like porting all over the place.
the 3 i least enjoy fighting are:
Turret engineer – Its a brainless spec and heavily relies on input on your part to counter this build, where as the guy who runs this build pretty much mashes his keys for a bit and then afk or spam auto attack. Fights are usually drawn out as well you have take your sweet time to take out their turrets and then you have to burn thru their extremely tank stats.
Elementalists – Especially the popular d/d one, another build where you have pay alot of attention and be on your toes at all times to beat which is usually fine by me, except that the person who this build can beat you just by mashing all his keys while drinking booze.
Mesmers – the clone and purple spam gives me a headache, and also because the typical shatter mesmer counters rifle engineer pretty hard.
Classes i least enjoy watching:
1) turret engineer – lays down turrets and then just spams hipshot, real boring to watch, i rather go watch some pve hero kill the same boss over and over then this piece of kitten
2) any rangers – it doesn’t matter which build ranger do, they much like turret engineer, spams 111111111 for the most part of the fight. Sure they sometimes might use another skill or two but its not frequent enough and fights are usually drawn out with rangers relying on passives.
3) Minionmancer – another build where you see the player pretty much do nothing and relies on passive AI to do all the work for them.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
I agree with the post above. I don’t agree that thieves or mesmers have no punishment at all though. If you get hit with something or are out of position you get punished fast.
1. any AI based builds/classes (turret engis, any mesmer, mm necro, spirit ranger) – too much crap on the screen often with little involvement of the player actions… i might as well just go watch NPCs (charr and ascalonians) killing each other in fractals for hours for the same effect
2. any bunker builds, usually involves afking on point or very long pointless fights, neither is entertaining to watch
3. majority of rangers, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
I enjoy to watch
- thieves since, imo, it is most action based class in game and outcome of the fight is usually pretty quick (weither they die or kill enemy) + they don’t flood screen with AI
- certain ele builds (s/d for example), for same reason (Zoose da best)
Warriors are too 1-dimensional and too forgiving for my taste but i did see some fights that were actually fun to watch.
[Teef] guild :>
No punishment on shatter Mesmer or thief post patch? You’re on crack.
For me:
1. Engi (Turret of course, but I’m not the biggest fan of fighting condi engi)
2. Necro (Feels gimmicky to fight, not exactly the necros fault though)
3. Thief (A bias input as I usually play bursty toons that should be countered by a good thief)
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
(edited by Neptune.2570)
I usually don’t enjoy watching Rangers, no particular reason though. I like watching good AND entertaining people from any other professions though.
I don’t mind fighting anything that will actually contest a point in a 1v1 or team fight. (Kiting off point to avoid serious disadvantage is cool though)
Pretty much any kind of “Only works in duels” and WvW roaming builds that beat up idiots and run away from everyone else is just boring to fight.
“Oh look, this SA D/D Thief is going to engage on me, guess I have to make him Shadow Refuge when his Cloaked in Shadow+CnD doesn’t carry, since he’s SRing right in front of me I might as well move on to an actual objective so both reset hp instead of 1 (and wasting my time). Good thing these playstyles/builds have such low presence on objectives means they’re largely useless in SPvP. (Except D/D Eles…)
If I’m playing Bunker Guardian, I generally dislike having to 1v1 MM Necros.
If I play Condi Engi (mostly likely in WvW) I generally dislike having to 1v1 Condi Necros.
Least fun to fight:
1. Turret Engineer
2. Minion Master
3. Condi Engineers (drop crate, Incendiary Powder, etc)
Least fun to watch:
1. Warrior … Such a snooze fest to watch people stream hambow
2. Necro … Aids passive fear or minion both super boring
3. Bunker Guardian… Yeah, lol
Fun to watch..least to most fun.
8. Guardian
7. Warrior
6. Mesmer
5. Ranger
4. Mesmer
3. Necomancer
2. Elementalist
1. Engineer
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
Theres no least fun to watch classes i think..just least fun players.
I thought warriors were the epitome of boredom till i watched the pov of Rom playing one for example .All classes can be fun to watch as long as the people playing them can use them to almost full potential. Every class gives opportunities of clutch plays.
Gw2 pvp community is just really small and not serious at all (by other games standards) and so this game’s potential will always be unfullfilled.
Least fun to watch:
1. Warriors – too full of themselves and not skilled in the least. Most of their strength is passive.
2. Thieves – also very arrogant, but at least more skilled than warriors, and they usually have to pay for their mistakes by dying because they can’t nike away as easily (too squishy) unless they start running when they’re at like 40% health. They don’t have as many passives to carry them either.
I don’t really have a third because all the other professions can be interesting in at least SOME way to watch lol.
I do have some favorites though. (Necromancers and Engineers)