Your Easiest Solution
1. Add merchants that convert glory to PvE stuff like karma (to buy equipment), and XP so going to PvE isn’t as much like starting a new character.
2. Make custom arena tokens a possible reward from tournament chests. Since you would get the token directly instead of the gems to buy it, it would not affect conversion prices
3. Add a way to spectate tournament games but make it delayed by 5 min instead of watching it live.
4. Similar to WvW/PvE , add a setting that toggles the quality of character models and which race you see all others/allies/allies+you/enemies only
5. Make summoned allies hp bars and name tags smaller
(edited by Super Riceman.8702)
1. Remove 8v8 Hotjoin OR move 8v8 hotjoin servers to be lower priority then 5v5 hotjoin
2. Split glory / rank points between enemies killing a player, so if 5-8 people gang up on 1 foe they all get less points
3. Bring back GW1 dishounerably system, punish earlier but lesser stackable punishment. Also included a report afk feature that handled false reports.
4. Do not take rank from people losing a <5 v 5 solo or team q. Make people leaving lose rank.
5. Ignore the negative feed back (the troll ones of course), there are a lot of people here who want to see you succeed and many posts with positive feed back and good solutions to some problems. GIGO, Garbage In Gems Out, find those treasures.
So ignore “this game suxxx!!!”
But listen to “this game sucks, here is why, here is some solutions”
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
(edited by TGSlasher.1458)
I second supernricemans #4.
having the standard race char models in pvp as in pve/wvw would help slightly.
however, along with this option, team/enemy team colors being more vibrant to improve visibility models would help a tad bit as well.
i would prefer fatter hp bars on allies/enemy players but not spirits or turrets or pets
both suggestions not game changing, but is a small and very doable step forward
1. Give us some way to actually spend glory on things we care about. As I’ve suggested in the past, give players an option – When spending money for gems, allow players to spend X amount of glory PER 10 dollar spent to gain additional gems. This way, Anet is getting paid, and players have some use for glory.
2. Glory gained in games is awarded to the entire team – this will encourage players to play intelligently. The bunker holding home point will get the same amount of points as the roamer trying to neutralize/cap far point – they’re both contributing to the team, reward them the same.
3. Put up a PTR (public test realm) – There’s really no way around this one. Let the players test your game changes before they go live. This will lead to smoother game updates and a happier playerbase. Make players pay for a “PTR access token” if cost is the issue, but it just has to be done.
4. As others have said, Remove 8v8 Hotjoin. You’re trying to balance the game around 5v5, 8v8 only serves to confuse players. People will get a skewed view of how balanced classes are when they take classes and maps balanced for 5v5 and play them in an 8v8 format. I personally have not touched 8v8 since 5v5 hot join has become an option – literally not once, it isn’t fun.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
1. Get rid of the current meta. I know it’s being worked on with a major patch coming either tomorrow or two weeks from tomorrow.
2. Give us something to work toward. Not legendaries. Not skins. Give us qualifier point tournaments back. I want weekly, monthly, and a yearly tournament.
3. Paid tournaments. It goes with the qualifier points. We want something like gems that reward us better than the current “rewarding”.
4. Hire some top players to test things. Either that or a PTR.
5. Get your priorities straight with PvP.
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
1. Delete necro,warrior, mesmer, guardian, and ranger.
2. Delete Tpvp, Solo que and hotjoin
3. Fox only
4. No items
5. Final destination.
~ Would like to see a dishonor system trigger faster but last less time.
~ Adding chat macros? (would this be hard outside of UI?)
~ The mist to count as a pvp zone.
~ A Confirmation check when que is ready.
~ exp gain in Mists.
1. Flatten out the rank curve, just like the PvE levelling curve.
2. Glory/Rank can no longer be gained from hotjoin and Custom Arenas. Only Team and Solo Arenas.
bad. should increase glory / rank gains in solo / team arenas.
3. Hotjoin is now only 5v5.
bad. people love 8 vs 8.
Get at the root of the problem. Find a way to monetise pvp. Unlikely to be very popular however. In fact you could almost be sure of a repeat of the hysterical implosion we had earlier.
(edited by Mammoth.1975)
- Lower down all the damage ( single target should be stronger then AoE)
- Get rid of AI pet spam
- Fix Runes/Sigils so they work properly (is like they are gonna be changing every patch)
- Fix randomizes; getting temple 70% of the time isnt random..
- R e w a r d s! maybe just maybe
1. Delete necro,warrior, mesmer, guardian, and ranger.
2. Delete Tpvp, Solo que and hotjoin
3. Fox only
4. No items
5. Final destination.
—————-~ Would like to see a dishonor system trigger faster but last less time.
~ Adding chat macros? (would this be hard outside of UI?)
~ The mist to count as a pvp zone.
~ A Confirmation check when que is ready.
~ exp gain in Mists.
Final Destination … as in SSBB (brawl)? That would be interesting to say the least
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
- Default 5v5 hotjoin.
- Fix the queuing system so when I play with my only friend (so lonely ;_;) we don’t play against MLGPRO 5-man teams on TS/Vent/Kissing each other in the same room.
-Diminishing returns on CC.
-Buff Engineers. (anet pls)
-Delete Skyhammer.
Ten Percent [Rekt] – GET REKT
This is the only profession I play.
-Fix sync queue = groups 10 then randomizes.
-Fix skyhammer rank farm servers = temp ban to obvious exploiters or remove fall kills.
-higher rank points when you win tpvp matches.
-introduce a new glory vendor (starting with unidentified dyes for starters) add stuff as you get new ideas.
thats all i want for the time being, i can wait on new modes ect.
just throwing it out there tho, maybe award tpvp players with wvw badges of honor if they win. prob scratch that tho.
—Move the tournament npc to the same pedestal as the hotjoin npc. Rename both. Tournament becomes “PvP match” and hotjoin becomes “practice arena.”
3. Add a way to spectate tournament games but make it delayed by 5 min instead of watching it live.
Since it’s late and I’m here, want to quickly debunk this one. This is like a year+ work minimum for an entire team of engineers, and may not even be feasible in our game engine.
Just to give some perspective on why stuff that often seems so easy to do, often times isn’t being done.
In general great thread though folks, keep the suggestions rolling =)
+1 for your efforts tonight from the pvptv stream.
most definitely not an easy solution (or it would’ve been available when guesting was introduced), but here’s one back end feature i’d like to see:
- allow NA players to guest on the EU mists and vice versa, to allow cross-region play.
why the extra step of guesting instead of just merging everyone under a single mist banner? because lag. with the guesting feature (it could work like GW1 districts), these cross-server matches would be voluntary, and the volunteers would be, presumably, the only ones that would potentially have extra lag issues.
3. Add a way to spectate tournament games but make it delayed by 5 min instead of watching it live.
Since it’s late and I’m here, want to quickly debunk this one. This is like a year+ work minimum for an entire team of engineers, and may not even be feasible in our game engine.
Just to give some perspective on why stuff that often seems so easy to do, often times isn’t being done.
In general great thread though folks, keep the suggestions rolling =)
Please don’t tell me scaling down or removing AI HP bars/names from spectator (Probably the single-most important thing for improving the game’s viewability, ) is 1 year of development time?..
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament
(edited by Jumper.9482)
3. Add a way to spectate tournament games but make it delayed by 5 min instead of watching it live.
Since it’s late and I’m here, want to quickly debunk this one. This is like a year+ work minimum for an entire team of engineers, and may not even be feasible in our game engine.
Just to give some perspective on why stuff that often seems so easy to do, often times isn’t being done.
In general great thread though folks, keep the suggestions rolling =)
So I shouldn’t expect a replay mode nor observer mode a la gw1 anytime soon. K, is automated tournaments like gw1 hard to implement?
Just so we can get some perspective…
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
3. Add a way to spectate tournament games but make it delayed by 5 min instead of watching it live.
Since it’s late and I’m here, want to quickly debunk this one. This is like a year+ work minimum for an entire team of engineers, and may not even be feasible in our game engine.
Just to give some perspective on why stuff that often seems so easy to do, often times isn’t being done.
In general great thread though folks, keep the suggestions rolling =)
Please don’t tell me scaling down or removing AI HP bars/names from spectator (Probably the single-most important thing for improving the game’s viewability, ) is 1 year of development time?..
well, going from my own experience with programming, that shouldn’t be harder than tying a visibility parameter to a checkbox (or just outright wiping the code that displays AI names and health bars).
then again, i’ve never worked on something of the complexity of a AAA game, so who knows what weird way they chose to display those.
shouldn’t be hard though.
EDIT: the best part about the finals that no one talks about was when both grouch and chaplan were convinced that zombify showed up to support one of the rangers on kyhlo, without realizing (or at least acknowledging) that “zombify” was the name of the ranger’s pet drake.
(edited by BrunoBRS.5178)
Please don’t tell me scaling down or removing AI HP bars/names from spectator (Probably the single-most important thing for improving the game’s viewability, ) is 1 year of development time?..
That one is perfect for this kind of thread, and something I think you’ll hopefully see soon here. It’s clear when watching games there are areas that need improvement to make visibility easier to allow people to watch and understand what’s going on, that’s a big one that jumps right out at you for sure.
3. Add a way to spectate tournament games but make it delayed by 5 min instead of watching it live.
Since it’s late and I’m here, want to quickly debunk this one. This is like a year+ work minimum for an entire team of engineers, and may not even be feasible in our game engine.
Just to give some perspective on why stuff that often seems so easy to do, often times isn’t being done.
In general great thread though folks, keep the suggestions rolling =)
I don’t understand why your engine is such a limiting factor. Half the time a popular request comes up, the response is ‘our engine can’t handle that,’ or ’we’d have to completely rehaul the engine’. Since launch, so many things have been impossible because of the engine, or have required a massive rework to fix (culling).
Why didn’t you use a better engine? Why is it that this next gen MMO can’t handle the things that have been common place in games for well over a decade? It just doesn’t make sense. Did we get stuck with all these limitations for the sake of the overbearing graphics which most pvpers want massively toned down?
1. Incentive. Add rewards that are enticing that will further incentivize, players to play GW2. This could be end of season titles or armors/weapon skins.
2. Completely overhaul their reward system. Flatten the rank/glory grind, but make armor/weapon skins something unique. Remove RNG for getting the armor skins, that you the player wants.
3. More maps to be made viable for tournament play. Make the Skyhammer radius smaller, or make it so you can dodge it and block it. Spirit Watch, the orb matters to much and this is another build wars map. Temple is very close, the water has to stay, down by Tranq, so I am not to sure what needs fixing about this map.
4. Public Test Server. This game needs one. There have been way to many patches where one classes is way to strong, and another isn’t strong enough. If you had players playing, in the upcoming patch I don’t think anyone could complain about transparency. Also, keeping the testers, and general player base up to date on what is being tested with update notes.
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock
So I shouldn’t expect a replay mode nor observer mode a la gw1 anytime soon. K, is automated tournaments like gw1 hard to implement?
Just so we can get some perspective…
Yes, that’s also very hard to implement, but will be a great addition to the game down the road!
3. Add a way to spectate tournament games but make it delayed by 5 min instead of watching it live.
Since it’s late and I’m here, want to quickly debunk this one. This is like a year+ work minimum for an entire team of engineers, and may not even be feasible in our game engine.
Just to give some perspective on why stuff that often seems so easy to do, often times isn’t being done.
In general great thread though folks, keep the suggestions rolling =)
I don’t understand why your engine is such a limiting factor. Half the time a popular request comes up, the response is ‘our engine can’t handle that,’ or ’we’d have to completely rehaul the engine’. Since launch, so many things have been impossible because of the engine, or have required a massive rework to fix (culling).
Why didn’t you use a better engine? Why is it that this next gen MMO can’t handle the things that have been common place in games for well over a decade? It just doesn’t make sense. Did we get stuck with all these limitations for the sake of the overbearing graphics which most pvpers want massively toned down?
to be honest, usually those “common place” things are using engines specifically built for those features, and you can bet your money that that engine is also crowded with limitations that would require a lot of tweaking and tuning to get in shape for the necessary features.
people tend to think of engines as “general purpose things that make the game run”, mostly because of outsorced engines like unreal and cryengine, but the truth is, those engines are usually heavily edited to fit the necessities of the project.
Removing Hotjoin shouldn’t be hard though. Many would agree on this. Hotjoin is more pve than it is pvp. People just farm it for their achievments/titles/ranks. And it hurts the pvp scene more than it does anything good for it. Except maybe the custom arena’s used for player tournaments/scrimming.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Removing Hotjoin shouldn’t be hard though. Many would agree on this. Hotjoin is more pve than it is pvp. People just farm it for their achievments/titles/ranks. And it hurts the pvp scene more than it does anything good for it. Except maybe the custom arena’s used for player tournaments/scrimming.
you are wrong. many would not agree.
also, colin, i’d like to take the time to thank you for taking your time to be this frank and admitting the issues that need to be addressed and the issues that just can’t be addressed, especially this late at night.
keep up the good job, i’m sure you also have a list of things you’d like to see improved. they say every creator eventually hates his creation because he sees a thousand things he wished he’d done different or improved. if that’s the case, i hope you really, really hate GW2, for as long as you have the power to try and fix the things you hate :P
Removing Hotjoin shouldn’t be hard though. Many would agree on this. Hotjoin is more pve than it is pvp. People just farm it for their achievments/titles/ranks. And it hurts the pvp scene more than it does anything good for it. Except maybe the custom arena’s used for player tournaments/scrimming.
hotjoins are great to kill time between queues or just jump in with a new build to try out some stuff and iron it out.
and sometimes, people want mindless zergy fun. why would removing features help?
a small adjustment:
-when the flame aoe blast from a crit from the sigil of fire procs, everyone doesn’t need to know that a crit proc went off (a person already got hit by it and therefore doesn’t need to react), so the proc animation should be much smaller.
this concept can be applied to a large number of other similar skill animations that are unnecessarily telegraphed, even with the limit of detail box checked.
this would help visibility during gameplay and spectating
(edited by Boon.3627)
Removing Hotjoin shouldn’t be hard though. Many would agree on this. Hotjoin is more pve than it is pvp. People just farm it for their achievments/titles/ranks. And it hurts the pvp scene more than it does anything good for it. Except maybe the custom arena’s used for player tournaments/scrimming.
hotjoins are great to kill time between queues or just jump in with a new build to try out some stuff and iron it out.
and sometimes, people want mindless zergy fun. why would removing features help?
TBH I’d like to see one of the more casual pvp modes from GW1 like JQ/FA to replace it, I played those maps SOOOOOOOOOOOO much with so many crazy builds it was a blast.
Removing Hotjoin shouldn’t be hard though. Many would agree on this. Hotjoin is more pve than it is pvp. People just farm it for their achievments/titles/ranks. And it hurts the pvp scene more than it does anything good for it. Except maybe the custom arena’s used for player tournaments/scrimming.
hotjoins are great to kill time between queues or just jump in with a new build to try out some stuff and iron it out.
and sometimes, people want mindless zergy fun. why would removing features help?
TBH I’d like to see one of the more casual pvp modes from GW1 like JQ/FA to replace it, I played those maps SOOOOOOOOOOOO much with so many crazy builds it was a blast.
we have them (sorta). they’re the seasonal activities. only problem is that they have different skill sets and they’re only VS randoms.
BTW, i feel obligated to mention that GW1’s JQ is pretty much what we have now as GW2 conquest lol.
there are areas that need improvement to make visibility easier to allow people to watch and understand what’s going on, that’s a big one that jumps right out at you for sure.
Could you imagine if mesmers were in the same meta as the petting zoo?
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]
there are areas that need improvement to make visibility easier to allow people to watch and understand what’s going on, that’s a big one that jumps right out at you for sure.
Could you imagine if mesmers were in the same meta as the petting zoo?
and minion master necros?
and spirit weapon guardians?
Since everyone else is suggesting visual improvements,
Necromancer marks, IMO, should have a distinct signet-ish icon when casting. I mean, as it stands, every mark is pretty much equally deadly and you’re forced to dodge each one no matter which it is, but it would be nice to know if their Reaper’s Mark went on cooldown or not for example.
When versing a Warrior, when I react and dodge his Eviscerate or Hammer Burst, I know I’m safe for the next 9 seconds (unless he weapon swaps) and can act accordingly.
Against a Necro? I can’t possibly count their cooldowns…because, well, they all have the same animations..
This is assuming ANET doesn’t want to spend the resources to completely rework the Necro’s animations.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament
(edited by Jumper.9482)
Since everyone else is suggesting visual improvements,
Necromancer marks, IMO, should have a distinct signet-ish icon when casting. I mean, as it stands, every mark is pretty much equally deadly and you’re forced to dodge each one no matter which it is, but it would be nice to know if their Reaper’s Mark went on cooldown or not for example.
When versing a Warrior, when I react and dodge his Eviscerate or Hammer Burst, I know I’m safe for the next 9 seconds (unless he weapon swaps) and can act accordingly.
Against a Necro? I can’t possibly count their cooldowns…because, well, they all have the same animations..This is assuming ANET doesn’t want to spend the resources to completely rework the Necro’s animations.
Nods, I agree. Some of those are hard to see, or all use the same animation.
The marks themselves may have different effects once they’re placed on the ground, but that doesn’t help if the mark instantly hits you or an ally.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
2. Glory/Rank can no longer be gained from hotjoin and Custom Arenas. Only Team and Solo Arenas.
Why do you care where people get glory/rank? PvP is PvP; that I get most of my rank from hot join rather than tournaments says nothing about my skill/validity as a player.
From a balance perspective, I think it’s crucial that if there is no public testing of changes before they go live, that the team communicate possible changes with the playerbase before all the work goes into implementing them. We simply cannot have a repeat of what happened with this meta if the game is to continue in any competitive manner, especially when it is not the team’s intention to make such reeling changes to the game.
Since everyone else is suggesting visual improvements,
Necromancer marks, IMO, should have a distinct signet-ish icon when casting. I mean, as it stands, every mark is pretty much equally deadly and you’re forced to dodge each one no matter which it is, but it would be nice to know if their Reaper’s Mark went on cooldown or not for example.
When versing a Warrior, when I react and dodge his Eviscerate or Hammer Burst, I know I’m safe for the next 9 seconds (unless he weapon swaps) and can act accordingly.
Against a Necro? I can’t possibly count their cooldowns…because, well, they all have the same animations..This is assuming ANET doesn’t want to spend the resources to completely rework the Necro’s animations.
Nods, I agree. Some of those are hard to see, or all use the same animation.
The marks themselves may have different effects once they’re placed on the ground, but that doesn’t help if the mark instantly hits you or an ally.
Or, better yet, simply emphasize the color glow of the hand which swings while casting (Chillblains and Putrid have this but are barely noticable/distinguishable)
Make it similar to Heals or Moa/Mass Invis which are readable even on Asuras most times.
Countless number of games against Necros and 400+ games on Necro and I only just now noticed they had this “hidden” feature.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament
(edited by Jumper.9482)
Since everyone else is suggesting visual improvements,
Necromancer marks, IMO, should have a distinct signet-ish icon when casting. I mean, as it stands, every mark is pretty much equally deadly and you’re forced to dodge each one no matter which it is, but it would be nice to know if their Reaper’s Mark went on cooldown or not for example.
When versing a Warrior, when I react and dodge his Eviscerate or Hammer Burst, I know I’m safe for the next 9 seconds (unless he weapon swaps) and can act accordingly.
Against a Necro? I can’t possibly count their cooldowns…because, well, they all have the same animations..This is assuming ANET doesn’t want to spend the resources to completely rework the Necro’s animations.
Nods, I agree. Some of those are hard to see, or all use the same animation.
The marks themselves may have different effects once they’re placed on the ground, but that doesn’t help if the mark instantly hits you or an ally.
Or, better yet, simply emphasize the color glow of the hand which swings while casting (Chillblains and Putrid have this but are barely noticable/distinguishable)
Make it similar to Heals or Moa/Mass Invis which are readable even on Asuras most times.Countless number of games against Necros and 400+ games on Necro and I only just now noticed they had this “hidden” feature.
Nods. The reason you’re noticing the heal/elites is because they have their own cast effects (the blue glow for the heals, for instance) when they’re used. If we put that on all the marks, that’s 5 more skills using those effects…which means you’d no longer be able to differentiate them.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
Or, better yet, simply emphasize the color glow of the hand which swings while casting (Chillblains and Putrid have this but are barely noticable/distinguishable)
Make it similar to Heals or Moa/Mass Invis which are readable even on Asuras most times.Countless number of games against Necros and 400+ games on Necro and I only just now noticed they had this “hidden” feature.
You can make the casting as distinct as you want; until the cast time or the skill effect time is increased, this problem will never be solved. Fears and condition spikes that cast instantly (or almost instantly) are terrible for a game where telegraphing is so important.
Maybe filling the rest of the AoE circle with some extra effects could help things up. Not anything too shiny so it won’t harm the visibility , maybe some green thin lines around the mark , or a few spread out crystals etc.
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU
1. Add a 1 (or .5) second delay to marks, sort of like the toolkit grenade for engineers or a elementalist using AoE the damage tick can be avoided on a proper dodge, the instant mark damage is what truly makes the Necromancer incredible in team fights right now.
2. Stay awesome.(not a fix just something to do)
3. Give make a blank PvP map (flat nothing but flatness and 4 walls) and people make teams and kill each other until they are all dead or 5 minutes are up (no waypoints needed). Then make the game restart and give winners 100 PvP rank points. effect all the people whining about how we need death match stop.
4. Make conditions more longterm yet and slower to apply (through cooldowns and cast time) because a bunker guardian who removes.2 conditions every 10 seconds and 2 conditions on every shout only survives 10-15 seconds against a condition build (or make condition attacks like engineer pistol attack where no more than 3-4 bleeds can possibly be a solution as well.
5. That’s it top 2 are probably the most important. I need to be able to see damage incoming.
Champion Paragon
(edited by D best.3547)
Removing Hotjoin shouldn’t be hard though. Many would agree on this. Hotjoin is more pve than it is pvp. People just farm it for their achievments/titles/ranks. And it hurts the pvp scene more than it does anything good for it. Except maybe the custom arena’s used for player tournaments/scrimming.
hotjoins are great to kill time between queues or just jump in with a new build to try out some stuff and iron it out.
and sometimes, people want mindless zergy fun. why would removing features help?
TBH I’d like to see one of the more casual pvp modes from GW1 like JQ/FA to replace it, I played those maps SOOOOOOOOOOOO much with so many crazy builds it was a blast.
we have them (sorta). they’re the seasonal activities. only problem is that they have different skill sets and they’re only VS randoms.
BTW, i feel obligated to mention that GW1’s JQ is pretty much what we have now as GW2 conquest lol.
Not from what I remember playing.
JQ was more like a keep defense than conquest.
there are areas that need improvement to make visibility easier to allow people to watch and understand what’s going on, that’s a big one that jumps right out at you for sure.
Could you imagine if mesmers were in the same meta as the petting zoo?
and minion master necros?
and spirit weapon guardians?
Our guild held a tiny casual pvp tournament today in a custom arena for fun, and in the end ended up just going it at in like a 4v4, had spirit weapon guardians and mesmers……. was a completely mess TBH lol. Being able to hide nameplates on pets (except for mesmer clones) would be nice though.
Since everyone else is suggesting visual improvements,
Necromancer marks, IMO, should have a distinct signet-ish icon when casting. I mean, as it stands, every mark is pretty much equally deadly and you’re forced to dodge each one no matter which it is, but it would be nice to know if their Reaper’s Mark went on cooldown or not for example.
When versing a Warrior, when I react and dodge his Eviscerate or Hammer Burst, I know I’m safe for the next 9 seconds (unless he weapon swaps) and can act accordingly.
Against a Necro? I can’t possibly count their cooldowns…because, well, they all have the same animations..This is assuming ANET doesn’t want to spend the resources to completely rework the Necro’s animations.
Nods, I agree. Some of those are hard to see, or all use the same animation.
The marks themselves may have different effects once they’re placed on the ground, but that doesn’t help if the mark instantly hits you or an ally.
Or, better yet, simply emphasize the color glow of the hand which swings while casting (Chillblains and Putrid have this but are barely noticable/distinguishable)
Make it similar to Heals or Moa/Mass Invis which are readable even on Asuras most times.Countless number of games against Necros and 400+ games on Necro and I only just now noticed they had this “hidden” feature.
Nods. The reason you’re noticing the heal/elites is because they have their own cast effects (the blue glow for the heals, for instance) when they’re used. If we put that on all the marks, that’s 5 more skills using those effects…which means you’d no longer be able to differentiate them.
Could utilize the sceptre animation on the staff, you could just tint that a different color, but even then the marks cast really fast anyway so it would still be too hard to really react to it, this coming FROM someone who mained Necro.
Personally I think the marks should have like a 0.5-0.75 delay when they’re laid down, sort of like Karthus Lay Wastes from LoL, that on top of the better “telegraph” from the staff animation and it could be easy to read and react to.
(edited by Knote.2904)
Personally I think the marks should have like a 0.5-0.75 delay when they’re laid down, sort of like Karthus Lay Wastes from LoL, that on top of the better “telegraph” from the staff animation and it could be easy to read and react to.
See I just posted this idea right before you and I was thinking.. They should reduce the cast time of the mark to .25 seconds and have the rest of the cast time become the marks activation time on the ground. This could allow for a huge fast DPS burst to those not careful but would bring balanced point control to players who save their dodges or have clever positioning.
Champion Paragon
Personally I think the marks should have like a 0.5-0.75 delay when they’re laid down, sort of like Karthus Lay Wastes from LoL, that on top of the better “telegraph” from the staff animation and it could be easy to read and react to.
See I just posted this idea right before you and I was thinking.. They should reduce the cast time of the mark to .25 seconds and have the rest of the cast time become the marks activation time on the ground. This could allow for a huge fast DPS burst to those not careful but would bring balanced point control to players who save their dodges or have clever positioning.
Aww yeah I didn’t notice that haha.
Also this might not be an easy solution, but I think conditions need to be a little bit less sustained a little bit more bursty in terms of application, and the passive condition removal needs to be looked at, theres just too much passiveness in both application and removal of conditions.
Taking Necro Sceptre as an example, you could backload the conditions a little more on the 3rd attack in the chain and slightly reduce the condition dmg from the first 2.
Like shave a second off the bleeds on the first 2 attacks, then stick an extra bleed on the third hit along with the poison.
Or, reduce the bleeds on the first 2 attacks by 2 seconds, then REPLACE the poison on the third hit with 2 bleed stacks at a longer duration.
Then make Feast of Corruption apply 3-4s poison based on how many conditions are on the target. This way poison isn’t being applied passively by auto attacks, the condition dmg on the auto attacks is back loaded a bit more, and the poison application is more in the player’s control.
(edited by Knote.2904)
Personally I think the marks should have like a 0.5-0.75 delay when they’re laid down, sort of like Karthus Lay Wastes from LoL, that on top of the better “telegraph” from the staff animation and it could be easy to read and react to.
See I just posted this idea right before you and I was thinking.. They should reduce the cast time of the mark to .25 seconds and have the rest of the cast time become the marks activation time on the ground. This could allow for a huge fast DPS burst to those not careful but would bring balanced point control to players who save their dodges or have clever positioning.
Aww yeah I didn’t notice that haha.
Great minds think alike. Also you were writing when I was there is a 2 minute delay between our suggestions. Also your new suggestion is approaching my number 4 condition removal is just not having enough damage reduction on condition builds
Champion Paragon
(edited by D best.3547)
Nods. The reason you’re noticing the heal/elites is because they have their own cast effects (the blue glow for the heals, for instance) when they’re used. If we put that on all the marks, that’s 5 more skills using those effects…which means you’d no longer be able to differentiate them.
Increase marks cast time and make them appear on the ground during the whole cast but in a slightly muted form. Or make the mark take time to activate once on the ground.
Those changes are even PvE compatible mostly, except maybe the slightly longer deploy/cast time
A resign function.
Too many quitters who think it’s lost after a bad start. A penalty alone won’t cure this.
You can’t do much but half afk after that, try to look for a decent fight (which you won’t because they’ll just 3vs1 you for glory) or leave yourself (which most of us refuse to do)
This is extremely frustrating.
Nods, I agree. Some of those are hard to see, or all use the same animation.
The marks themselves may have different effects once they’re placed on the ground, but that doesn’t help if the mark instantly hits you or an ally.
So how do we easily fix this without wasting a lot of ressources?
You give marks a 1 second activation time. People wouldn’t need to distinguish their casting animations but could simply look at the mark on the ground. This would also decrease the effiency of marks, hopefully making other weapon-sets from the Necromancer more viable. Another great thing about this is that Marks would require a little more skills, since you would have to predict where your enemy would be running.
Furthermore, It wouldn’t really hurt PvE since it would be very easy to predict the movement of AI, and this goes for the zerg in WvW as well.
A change that would be welcomed by a lot of people (everyone not playing Necro), and easily adapted by Necromancers.
Had already been suggested twice. I will just silently leave the thread!
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian
(edited by KrisHQ.4719)