Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: IDICERI.4268


1. Please reset MMR
2. Solo/Duo Que separation from premades
3. Scaling points with consecutive wins when win/loss is positive (eg. 3 straight wins = 1 extra pip)
4. Please release the balance patch.
5. Fix thieves so they’re viable again.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: Simeonus.9237


6. Buff core warrior

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: lloydst.6985


nerf stuns/interupts on mesmer (shield and wells) and DH
and make DH traps visible after their triggered (+LB 5) cus i cant see the barriers preventing me from moving

roaming/havoc commander of FTF

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


My biggest wish is to make the premades much more visible because I have done over 20 games and not a SINGLE match was against a premade against pugs.

The lines at the end of the match show you whom is grouped, I have never seen a match with 5 in a premade and 0 in a team on my side.

So that way people can stop complaining on a non existent issue on the forums

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: dylanirwin.6249


1) tone down tanks; Some crap can just live long off of pure build not skill. This would put thieves in a good spot.
2) Give thief gs or rifle and take away staff.
3) Solo que or Dou que.
4) A new leader board PLEASE!!!!!!
5) Balance stuff right. Fix everything for Christmas.

Don’t be a hater

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


1) Solo Queue
2) Let us play hotjoin again while waiting for a queue pop for fraks sake

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


I seriously do not know how this game still starts when all 10 players are not present during the wait time when you zone in.

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


1. reset mmr
2. bring back soloq
3. revert game to pre-june state with some tweaks (which is inrealistic at this point) or go back to risk vs reward/opportunity costs balancing
4. stop blatant class discrimination when balancing
5. let us do something else than afk in HotM while qing

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


delete revenant, diamond skin, scrapper, bristleback, reaper chill spam

I’d rather play vs 4 cele d/d eles and a thief again. Was still more fun than this.

Your Spvp Ranked Fix Wish list

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


1. Balance the game
2. Balance the game
3. Balance the game

Seriously. Everything else is secondary.