Zero incentive to win or be helpful

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Zeta Reticuli.9203

Zeta Reticuli.9203

ArenaNet cannot consider this game worthy of esports if the #1 goal of a match ISN’T to win, but to rack up points and rank up as fast as possible. There is next to no bonus for winning, or playing as if it were a team match, not a – ‘run like a chicken with your head cut off zergfest’.

Here’s 2 examples of me trying to play the objective/roam and defend nodes, and winning, but getting half the points of the other team:

Here’s a screenshot of me playing like a ninja: Notice the extreme variations in Glory/Rank gains compared to the other picture.

Being a team player, roaming between two points held to make sure attackers don’t come, fighting on a node for a very long time in epic fights where few people die – gets you few or no points.

Whereas playing like a ninja roaming for easy +15 kills, spreading as much splash damage as possible so you get credit for the kill (like in PvE), speed capping points and running away immediately without looking for attackers, running to evade combat at all costs just to get +20 points at the next node over and over without caring about if you win or not, racks up TONS of points fast. I know, I often resort to it.

Other points of annoyance:

Remove rallying from downed state due to someone near you dying. We all have our horror stories on this issue. Resurrecting other players from a downed state, or healing yourself with the 4 ability is fine with me. However, being able to pop back up because someone around you died is simply ridiculous, and demoralizing. Such randomness for life and death in PVP doesn’t feel like it fits at all.

Get rid of PvE elements in PvP please (sharks, cannons, etc). Tone down trebuchet damage or increase reload time by a lot more; It is way too powerful right now. If you play a tanky build you can rack up 325 points EASY on Khylo. All of these elements feel cheesy, game breaking, and out of place in competitive skill play. This is not an FPS, sorry.

Tone down Quickness/Haste. Nearly by itself, it enables the crippling game breaking elements in sPvP at the moment.

Allow “Solo-queue ONLY” tournaments. I’d like a shot at some more Free Tournament Tokens without having to beat my head on my desk, or go through the unnecessary rigamarole for the average, casual (not idiotic) PvP player.

Whatever the heck this little ledge here is: needs to be fixed. It’s on one of the starting side on the Capricorn map. I feel like if you don’t do an olympic long jump out of the gate, you take fall damage, get slowed because of it for 20 seconds, and get attacked by sharks.

(edited by Zeta Reticuli.9203)

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


if you’re a team player, you wont really care about your rank points but the win. with this note, the title that you win matches (game and profession) is much more important than rank points. don’t you agree?

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


if you’re a team player, you wont really care about your rank points but the win. with this note, the title that you win matches (game and profession) is much more important than rank points. don’t you agree?

I fully agree with the OP. Many people neglect team-based strategy because it actually lessons your glory; thus, it causes you to LOSE many matches because you have incompetent teammates.

Edit: I also fully agree with every point in this thread. I love this game but it’s not without flaws. Many of the points you made are the same issues I have.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: okplayer.8510


i agree with op. damage dealt and healing dealt tabs would be nice additions

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Krilce.7864


Try to play tournaments instead of hot join, point defending and winning is much more viable than just killing people. Honestly, what’s with all of you guys taking hot-join PvP as reference to player skill, what’s viable and what’s not, and so on. It’s meant to be casual, nothing more. Glory gain from tournaments is much higher most of the time than in hot-join PvP, that is, if you win of course, so farming glory in hot-join PvP isn’t very bright, to say at least. If you are really looking for PvP, then tournaments are way to go. If you are looking to just pass some time, or something like that, than I wouldn’t really complain there.

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


ya true, i was a team player till i realized i was getting screwed on glory, so now i run with the zerg and made a build that supports that playstyle. ill gladly switch back once the incentive is placed, i dont even care if i win/lose anymore so long as i get high glory.

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


Yeah, I’ve been complaining about the glory point system since Beta.

Suggestions were points for dieing on a point controlled by your team, give a small amount of points every X second for people defending a point controlled by your team and team wide points for capping/killing NPCs. Increase cap/neutralization to 15/15 or 20/20 glory points (keep as is for score). Basically, everything that benefits the team should be rewarded.


Solo queue 5v5 is also a given.

(edited by RamzaBehoulve.5640)

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


I see people responding with “go join tournaments”. That will be a fantastic choice once they get the matchmaking fixed to where 5 man pre-mades aren’t facing off against full pug teams. That is a massacre.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Zeta Reticuli.9203

Zeta Reticuli.9203

@Ramza – I want the option to join a tournament where the only participants allowed are those that solo queue. Maybe make it a rank 10 requirement if need be. I’d like to be able to compete for the same rewards without getting steamrolled by organized teams with set schedules and super serious mode engaged – OR – having to be on one of those teams.

I, and many others really want this option. I’m sure even those who do hardcore 5v5 would like it so they could do more competetive matches if their teammates aren’t on.

You can remove the team/individual rankings if you must (if they ever get added) from this “solo queue tournament”, give that to the hardcore dedicated team guys that use ventrilo call outs etc.

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


Erm, I think you misunderstood me or I misunderstand you. That expression basically meant solo queue is an evidence and should have been added weeks ago already.

I apologize if I wrote it wrong, but I’m pretty sure I got it right. Note the difference between “given” alone and “it’s a given”

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Zeta Reticuli.9203

Zeta Reticuli.9203

Gotcha. I don’t know if it has been even mentioned or not as a coming feature. I think it would be pretty silly otherwise.

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


In the Pug Games I just try to rack up as much points as possible to get top player, really all that is needed to level Glory at a decent level.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


ArenaNet cannot consider this game worthy of esports if the #1 goal of a match ISN’T to win, but to rack up points and rank up as fast as possible.

You posted pics of ZPvP (zerg pvp) instead of TPvP (Tourney, actual competitive game, e-sport material).

Your argument is invalid.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


the problem is winning means nothing in spvp and tpvp. No ladders, no rankings, no matching, nothing. Cool you won 100 tournaments in a row, nobody cares or knows and 80% of those matches were vs pug teams including the finals since it’s just first 8 teams that queue up and majority of teams in tournies are full or partial pugs.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Airfury.9435


I agree and disagree, lol

Yes you get too many points from loosing, but as you can’t really control it by yourself unless your in a tourney group…..
You come to the problem that MOBAs face with ELO systems. How to judge an invidual without judging the team he got thrown with unasked for? SPvP does a pretty bad job of it, because it awards the most points in games where everyone just runs around flipping every point 20times and occasionally zerging eachother down.

People are not getting poitns for participating in long teamfights over key central areas, the downed position is a major problem. In a teamfight, with the amount of CC + channel time to kill downed players, means that only the winning team is really getting player kill points. The player-made solution has been for Thiefs to finish from stealth (That that is even possible, and the attacking from stealth for extended time is bad design in itself imo though)however granting a small amount of points for downing, and than the full larger for finishing would seem to be the best course of action.


Zero incentive to win or be helpful

in PvP

Posted by: Zeta Reticuli.9203

Zeta Reticuli.9203

ArenaNet cannot consider this game worthy of esports if the #1 goal of a match ISN’T to win, but to rack up points and rank up as fast as possible.

You posted pics of ZPvP (zerg pvp) instead of TPvP (Tourney, actual competitive game, e-sport material).

Your argument is invalid.

Unless I’m wrong, don’t the same principles apply? Ninja capping/killing rewards more points than warding off attackers, or roaming between points, or saving your lord from defeat (aside from possible easy kills) etc.. Or do those tourney chests have tons of glory/rank points in them? I wouldn’t know because since I don’t have a team, I CBA to get stomped by premades.

Sure I imagine winning is pretty cool in tournaments, but I’m also sure your average player will go out of their way to pad their points, if that means possible losing certain points of interest.

I guess that’s the style of play they want though for their esport schpeel. Need fast exciting action so people tune in. Zergy, quickness/haste filled fights so you lose 1/2 of your hp in a split second if your stun break is on cooldown, while getting the other half of your health taken away by 1 trebuchet shot that has a 600+ radius range and seemingly 5 second reload.