6k+ PvP games
add new forum category: VIP PvP Balance
6k+ PvP games
A decent idea pitched to developers filled with bad ideas.
You don’t need a large community to help, Guild Wars 2 PvP is not as big and complex like League of Legends. The problem is you got a bad combat design team, nothing more to it. It’s not cooperate direction, it’s not the lack of help, it’s not a mechanical issue. Just unskilled combat developers making unskilled combat.
I couldn’t help but laugh at the unbelievably forced dialog of the ESL players saying how great combat is now in the intro videos. I think Toker was cringing as he said those words.
Condi rev can be countered whit condi/hybrid reaper, very easy to kill it, so that’s it to the 8 player rev… only no pro player out of that 4 learned how to use a profession like that, only zerker reaper..
There is a complaint against condi/hybrid reapers in the forums, and it’s growing more… condi meta will be in season 2, and Reaper will be the beast! You can counter it with condi resistance and condi cleanse, it’s not enough
The forums are full of complete garbage threads and opinions so, to help Arenanet find the right answer to balance *they should have a forum section for balance where only players with 4-5k+ games can post(I wouldn’t mind an IQ test either :P). *
This would make people who actually have a valid opinion to be heard. Everyone hates when his good idea gets lost in the flood of trash which the forum usually is. (this is one of the reasons Helseth doesn’t post on the forum).
Moreover, it would make it easier for Arenanet to get feedback. (less comments to go through but they are of higher quality)
No offense but so to speak I’m not satisfied with current balancing. Neither the quantity nor the quality. I do understand that it’s hard to get feedback from the forums because half the people say that thief and warrior is op half the people say that they are way too weak. This is why the people who make these comments should be sorted.
There are many good changes each balance patch but the amount of buffed meta classes or too gentle shavings makes out the other half of the changes each patch. To give u an idea I quote myself from the finals discussion:
out of 20 players:
(each team had to pick at least 4 classes to meet the rules)
7 Revs (later 8 revs, which is the upper limit)
4 Eles
4 Necro
3 Engi
they all have to be nerfed. It’s funny that these were the strongest ones last balance patch too. Instead of buffing the most op classes or -in a better case- shaving them, they should be decapitated. Like why did they triple the dmg on rev sword2 if it was the most broken class’s most broken weapon already? Why did they buff (@thief) d/p more than s/x if it was already way better? Acrobatics negligible buffs when its utter rubbish? Engi shavings? Necro buffs?? and the list goes on… plus this happens every patch.To those people who don’t have enough matches played to post something in the VIP PvP balance category they could still post valuable feedback to regular threads which VIP ppl could still read and quote in a VIP thread.
Anet doesn’t need any VIP section, they simply ignore the forum and ask top players for balance suggestions, which are arguably much better than opinionated trash like this thread
No worry we already have VIP people who directly talk with devs.
You sounded like Anet listen to feedback or suggestions, they don’t even read their own forums, better luck posting that in reddit.
The communication is non existent and even if there is, its getting worse by the day, its like GW2 is running out of steam even for devs .
Why should they not buff d/p . Its what people use pvp. Buff sword ok but its crap weapon and no fun. D/P needed AA buff i hit before patch for so little it was bad.
If skilled people would stop cream low skilled people with stupid OP yolo builds that only Works on nuubs , they will stop post and scream nerf.
Yes thief is in not best spot. But better with last changes.
Still you tell me if a high skilled player . Thief in berserker amulet, duel pistol, spamming 3 on a low skilled , wich will die in the burst. Feels OP to the low skilled player.
Almost, all the high level twitch pvp players smash theese low skilled players with stupid yolo builds. Ofc they scream nerf.
ANET already lets a bunch of teenagers dictate balance. ( the pro league ) The very last thing we need is even more disconnection and elitism.
Adding a 4-5k+ game count restriction isn’t a magic filter that leaves you with players that only have “valid” opinions. You can play a huge number of games without trying to improve. See these people. Out of the 100 players that have spent the most time on league, 49 of them are Silver or lower (including Unranked).
It’d make more sense to have some sort of legendary player’s forum since that’s at least slightly based on skill. But even then many legendary players don’t know what they’re doing. And definitely can’t be said to only have “valid” opinions.
But seriously hours played is such a terrible metric to go by. Honestly thinking about the game’s health as a whole, skill is a pretty terrible metric to go by as well. Since balancing for those at the top of the ladder only will not magically balance the game at lower skill levels. And if the game’s not fun to play at lower skill levels then you’re left with no new blood and eventually a ghost-town.
Anet doesn’t need any VIP section, they simply ignore the forum and ask top players for balance suggestions, which are arguably much better than opinionated trash like this thread
Maybe if arenanet would let multiple experienced people discuss builds instead of asking the abjured in PMs, the abjured classes wouldn’t be as op as they are. They are the ones biast, they get tons of money for it too so why wouldn’t they be.
6k+ PvP games
Not a bad statement, VIP or not is a matter of perception but there’s sure as hell a couple of differces between my league (poop league) and pro league.
Pro league:
-mesmers aren’t used
-DH isn’t used
-Thief isn’t used
-People play to won, and use the best tools to do so.
Poop league
-Can end up in a match against 3 mesmers and the whole game becomes an insufferable clusterkitten
-Can end up against dual DH who totally control the pace of the match, wether they win or lose is a non issue.
-You have thieves coming out of your ears making the whole match a random gankfest.
-People sometimes muck around with unorthodox builds, and don’t always solely play to win.
So either the pros and the amateurs both have a point, because they’re both playing 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAMES, where pro league looks more like Guild Wars and Poop league reminds me more of counterstrike.
Balancing the game with the pro’s in mind effectively leaves out a HUGE load of players that don’t play pro league and probably never will. Do you really wanna tell those people to stop playing cos the game will continue being bad? Since pro and poop hardly overlap I don’t see the problem with listening to both, all in the right perspective.
Of course I can beat DH and thieves at time, but it has come to a point where PVP simply isn’t interesting anymore for the sake of competition. And yeah, scrubs also like competition, it might make them good at the game.
If you want to solve your forum problem, I’d suggest a moderator who is knowledgeable about the game. Don’t bash players for giving feedback just because they can.
(edited by Siren.2843)
The forums are full of complete garbage threads and opinions so, to help Arenanet find the right answer to balance *they should have a forum section for balance where only players with 4-5k+ games can post(I wouldn’t mind an IQ test either :P). *
This would make people who actually have a valid opinion to be heard. Everyone hates when his good idea gets lost in the flood of trash which the forum usually is. (this is one of the reasons Helseth doesn’t post on the forum).
Moreover, it would make it easier for Arenanet to get feedback. (less comments to go through but they are of higher quality)
No offense but so to speak I’m not satisfied with current balancing. Neither the quantity nor the quality. I do understand that it’s hard to get feedback from the forums because half the people say that thief and warrior is op half the people say that they are way too weak. This is why the people who make these comments should be sorted.
There are many good changes each balance patch but the amount of buffed meta classes or too gentle shavings makes out the other half of the changes each patch. To give u an idea I quote myself from the finals discussion:
out of 20 players:
(each team had to pick at least 4 classes to meet the rules)
7 Revs (later 8 revs, which is the upper limit)
4 Eles
4 Necro
3 Engi
they all have to be nerfed. It’s funny that these were the strongest ones last balance patch too. Instead of buffing the most op classes or -in a better case- shaving them, they should be decapitated. Like why did they triple the dmg on rev sword2 if it was the most broken class’s most broken weapon already? Why did they buff (@thief) d/p more than s/x if it was already way better? Acrobatics negligible buffs when its utter rubbish? Engi shavings? Necro buffs?? and the list goes on… plus this happens every patch.To those people who don’t have enough matches played to post something in the VIP PvP balance category they could still post valuable feedback to regular threads which VIP ppl could still read and quote in a VIP thread.
Anet doesn’t need any VIP section, they simply ignore the forum and ask top players for balance suggestions, which are arguably much better than opinionated trash like this thread
I agree with this
The VIP players who talk directly to the devs are probably the reason the meta often totally excludes certain professions. I agree this forum is filled with noob complaint threads, but the last thing we need are a handful of biased players who for better or worse have personal agendas having their way with the game. I mean put Helseth in charge of balance and what exactly do you think is going to happen? It’s not a dig at those players, but human nature.
And it’s all sort of irrelevant anyway, the devs are going to ignore most of the junk threads. They probably have an intern to sift through the mess and find reasonable points.