afker and botters

afker and botters

in PvP

Posted by: UptheIronz.6732


i’m really fed up Anet with ur piece of crap game , i’ve been trying to play this morning each game we have 2/3 afk and nothing we could do about them

whats the point of playing

we’ve been silent about the balance , but this afk kitten is really pissing a lot of people off , not everyone has a team u know and i don’t like to play with a team myself due to my tight schedule , so get a freaking afk system that ban people at least

afker and botters

in PvP

Posted by: Colton.9460


Excuse me? Your post will hopefully be deleted due to its negative insulting tone but before it is let me say a few things.

First of all afkers are few and far between in this game, this game has fewer afkers than any game due to the fact it does not give blanket points for winning, it gives glory for playing.

Secondly, me and my guildies do nothing but pvp, both spvp and tpvp; none of us have had any problems on this issue and there are 45 of us constantly playing. If this was such a big issue we would have encountered it.

Thirdly, If you are in a bad hotjoin then leave. It is called hotjoin for a reason, people can come and go freely. This is the most casual level of pvp in the game, winning/losing isnt really the goal; the goal is to have fun and play.

Last but not least if this is such a kitteny game then come on the forums, act like a decent sensible person and voice your discontent. Do not rage, inflammatory language doesn’t get you anywhere; try constructive comments, Anet is good about addressing peoples concerns. Believe it or not they want this game to succeed.

tl;dr: Rage bad, Exaggeration Bad, Chill bro and be constructive in your complaints

“I’m watching you violate my game mode”

(edited by Colton.9460)