anet please
Working as intended, how dare you to queue solo in pvp! You shall be punished with extremely frustrating pvp experience for such deed for the sake of esparts!
[Teef] guild :>
round 4 boys
they put nos on the team this time
it’s not like i got anymore pips to lose
Well I hope this will make you feel better. Match from 1st day of season which felt like ages ago. Prefer the last 2 pvp preHoT test ladder seasons. It was grindy but a little more friendlier to soloQers.
I also thought the first 2 pvp test ladders were soloQ friendly
round 4 boys
they put nos on the team this time
it’s not like i got anymore pips to lose
Yeah as sapphire I got put in vs that team 15mins ago. They’re a premade team full of diamonds and rubies…except they slot in 1 amber to game the system.
Losing vs them is one thing, it’s to be expected. I could care less about losing to them. Losing to them and losing a pip as a result, that’s just absolutely ridiculous. Fix the matching system please. And if you must toss me into a game vs those pro premade teams who are 2 divisions higher than I am, then please don’t take my pips away.
Full blowouts to premades shouldn’t take away pips.
4 man teams are worse than full premades. Aside from them gaming the algos (aka exploit) I lose a pip when going against those.
EU Scrub