another season with duos... oh no
Really wish they would just separate Solo Queue and Team Queue. It’s not a difficult concept.
The Smurf thing has been fixed since Season 2…
The Smurf thing has been fixed since Season 2…
- alts are allowed
- queuing whith a far away ranked friend are allowed
smurfing is not fixed, they fixed for full team, but reintroduced with duos
and another thing:
this, full random vs double duo… why????
(edited by megilandil.7506)
I agree, solo and duo should have separated ranking leaderboards.
As a solo queuer I feel frustrated most of the times when I’m up against high coordinated duo queuers.
It’s not impossible to beat them, but it lowers my chances of success greatly.
I hope that one day they’ll fix this “exploit”.
(edited by Paposeco.6013)
I hope that one day they’ll fix this “exploit” After 4 years still not fixed.You have better chance see Jesus that duo queue fix.
I hope that one day they’ll fix this “exploit”
After 4 years still not fixed.You have better chance see Jesus that duo queue fix.
Hope never dies, young master hobbit!
Till then I guess leaderboards are meaningless. :p
Really wish they would just separate Solo Queue and Team Queue. It’s not a difficult concept.
You’ve grossly over-estimated their abilities.
The Smurf thing has been fixed since Season 2…
- alts are allowed
- queuing whith a far away ranked friend are allowed
smurfing is not fixed, they fixed for full team, but reintroduced with duosand another thing:
this, full random vs double duo… why????
Agreed it’s BS… Just watch tomorrow morning Naru and his boyfriend(s) will be in top 5 because they will smurf at 3 am tonight when there isn’t much competition for them so they can easily gain the ranks. It’s really quite pathetic that ppl have the need to feel so superior that they pull garbage like this and Anet doesn’t do anything about it.
Oh well I solo queued to Platinum after everyone telling me I’m no better then Bronze. What do I experience in Platinum? A bunch of entitled, know it all, toxic players, so really it’s nothing special at all. The players at the “top” in this game that are left are mostly complete kittenes who just talk crap and call you names and whatever it maybe. Meh, lots of games are releasing soon and I have a Nintendo Switch that should be played more so I think I will be done with this game shortly until the next expansion.
To my haters I told you so, to Naru, you’ll always be a cheater, and no doubt you’re about to start in a few short hours your BS tour of crap again.
To the rest of you, I wish you luck.
Really wish they would just separate Solo Queue and Team Queue. It’s not a difficult concept.
+1 this. Even sindrener said during the unity tournament that ranked would only be good if it was 5v5 solo que, because the population is so low he and misha were being matched with silver players to even out games.
Solo/duo que is not competitive at all, it’s a zerging mess. I hope that the automated tournaments work out and we get solo q next season.
The Smurf thing has been fixed since Season 2…
- alts are allowed
- queuing whith a far away ranked friend are allowed
smurfing is not fixed, they fixed for full team, but reintroduced with duosand another thing:
this, full random vs double duo… why????
I don’t think it matters how many times we keep explaining this to people. They still don’t get it.
As long as people can alt smurf duo queue will always be abusable.
Person with higher rank gets on an alt- boom. Match 100% manipulated. There is nothing anet can do about it.
This is why the queues must be separated. For every pair of players that legitimately just want to queue with a friend there will always be 5 other pairs that are exploiting the system to dishonestly misrepresent their mmr.
well they have to use the higher MMR for both players in a duo.
well they have to use the higher MMR for both players in a duo.
this solutions the problem of smurfing but creates another problem for the 3 other on the party, brings a low level to a higer rank(asuming legit players)
there is only two solutions:
1- only pure solo
2- if duos, duos have to be tight in rank (maybe 150 mmr spread max or the amount devs asumes is the wide of a mmr"balanced" match)
I don’t mind facing duoq, i do mind when one team consists only of duoq +1 solo and other team consists only of solo players… but it is just another issues on the long list that has not been addressed, yet again.
- rank gain/loss is still based on avg mmr of enemy team vs personal – bad design
- MM still doesn’t balance out teams well for the sake of short queues thus making issue stated above worse. A legend should never be facing silver but this is still the case and people have been abusing it for 2 seasons now for easy ranks.
- you can duoq with low rank (skilled player on alt) to get easy matches. There is no limitation unlike in other games where is limit on how low ranked your partner can be if you want team up with them.
- the rank gains are still abysmal the more games you play and completely don’t reflect the actual situation in the match and matchmaking all together
- there is 0, absolutely 0 punishment for griefers, afk’ers, cheaters and exploiters in this game. You can report them all you want, make tickets, they even stream it on twitch – 0 consequences. But hey don’t you dare to joke about role player in DR – suddenly there are consequences. Dem priorities.
The pvp system is still a big lottery and offers little motivation for players to compete on first place (especially considering that exposing yourself to such wonky system is hardly fun). I wouldn’t be surprised if people did their 100 something matches this season again and avoided ranked otherwise.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Yeah i agree with the Afkers or pll that play late at the morning is a problem (but thanks god there are a lot of drunks ppl that you have to carry/face at that time LOL!!!)
After some season , they change the algorimth so if you have a low + High MMR duo/full party, then the lower members get the same MMR as the higher ones
After some season , they change the algorimth so if you have a low + High MMR duo/full party, then the lower members get the same MMR as the higher ones
This is no longer true. It was the case after season 1 but unfortunately i believe its been reversed and now it averages the 2 MMRs. hence allowing smurfing again.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
yes OP u are right, there should be 2 queues, 1 only for solo with solo MMR and 1 for groups with party mmr for any group (2-5 players). Any healthy pvp game works like so.
Unfortunately GW2 PvP doesnt have a wide playerbase so we would be talking about 15min queues.
PvP as it is requires a massive overhaul to draw new and returning players in order to flourish. Then the queues would be separated without increasing queue times.
yes OP u are right, there should be 2 queues, 1 only for solo with solo MMR and 1 for groups with party mmr for any group (2-5 players). Any healthy pvp game works like so.
Unfortunately GW2 PvP doesnt have a wide playerbase so we would be talking about 15min queues.
PvP as it is requires a massive overhaul to draw new and returning players in order to flourish. Then the queues would be separated without increasing queue times.
Actually if you think about it the system would actually find solo que games faster/at the same speed if we had the separate ques because it wouldn’t need to spend forever trying to match legend duos when there is no competition online.
You would be looking at long que times for team que though, and the matches would probably be quite lop sided I would imagine.
After some season , they change the algorimth so if you have a low + High MMR duo/full party, then the lower members get the same MMR as the higher ones
This is no longer true. It was the case after season 1 but unfortunately i believe its been reversed and now it averages the 2 MMRs. hence allowing smurfing again.
Any patchnotes about that ? I dont remember .
But i am preaty sure , that in season 1-3 the smurfing was avilable , because ppl where moaning TROLOLOL
(edited by Luci.7018)
Restricting leagues to solo and duo only is one of the main reasons pvp
died. You are over-exaggerating the effect duos have on your w/l. Its actually very insignificant and evens out over time.
After some season , they change the algorimth so if you have a low + High MMR duo/full party, then the lower members get the same MMR as the higher ones
This is no longer true. It was the case after season 1 but unfortunately i believe its been reversed and now it averages the 2 MMRs. hence allowing smurfing again.
Any patchnotes about that ? I dont remember .
But i am preaty sure , that in season 1-3 the smurfing was avilable , because ppl where moaning TROLOLOL
No patch notes(changes on calculations in seasons rarely where published in patch notes), the past season a dev recognized in this forum that duos are managed with the average mmr score again
No patch notes(changes on calculations in seasons rarely where published in patch notes), the past season a dev recognized in this forum that duos are managed with the average mmr score again
I am not sure about that ….
‘’duos are managed with the average mmr score again’’ , it mean that the lowest MMR team8 dont get a humogous MMR points on win (boosting alts – and then use the alt to afk when you see other top players who are trying to achive a ’’good’’ Leaderspot and then procced to play your main account )
(wtb boost , paying 100g and a male hug with plentiful hairchests /wink /wink )
(edited by Luci.7018)