(edited by Kitt.2567)
any1 knows what builds top4 run? (SoloQ)
If my memory serves me well avitori and josre are both ele and they don’t multi class.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
Josre (Celtus) is awesome staff ele. Best ele in game imo.
i can tell you they all 4 arent very skilled and you shouldn’t be trying to mimic someone in solo queue. although josre is a ok staff ele
i know Josre/Celtus he’s a pretty good dervish
If my memory serves me well avitori and josre are both ele and they don’t multi class.
Avitori does multiclass, but I see him on his thief more often than not. Josre might play other classes, but he’s more known to be best at his ele.
i can tell you they all 4 arent very skilled and you shouldn’t be trying to mimic someone in solo queue. although josre is a ok staff ele
You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. I can’t speak for #1 or #4, but from reading what you posted, I can tell you’ve never played with either Avitori or Josre. They’re both solid players that know what they’re doing. While SoloQ isn’t a good judge of skill, they’re both highly ranked in tPvP. They both know the ins and outs of their respective classes.
Integers – Mesmer
Nigyro – Engineer
Thank you all for the comments.
@ConRae: Thank you, but there is no need to defend me. I think I know who daltondeguzman.9182 is, and if so, he has certainly earned the right to talk here. Regardless, people are entitled to their opinions, and there is certainly some truth to what he says.
On topic: I tend to play staff elementalist, usually with hybrid/support builds in a 0/0/2/6/6 trait setup (pre-April 15th patch, I mostly used 0/0/4/4/6 with rock solid for stability support, but now the cleansing of 6 water is quite useful). I often change my gear/amulet/utilities and traits (mostly within 00266) to mix it up.
I have been fortunate to have a good amount of success in SoloQ (having been top25 for the better part of 2+ months now and played some 200-300 matches within that time). But I am certainly not one of the best pvpers in the tournament scene (especially while I almost exclusively play staff ele!). Furthermore, to the OP, I think any profession has at least a couple builds each that are capable of reaching the highest ‘levels’ of SoloQ success.
I would like to offer a few general SoloQ tips though:
+Have a decent build and know its strengths and weaknesses.
+Know the maps. (Objectives and terrain advantages)
+Learn to watch your minimap during the match and make informed decisions based on that information (also pay attention to your allies healthbars).
+Know how to play a couple different professions so that you can swap characters accordingly (I hardly ever do this, but it is helpful for those who do).
+Do not give up. Even though the match may seem unwinnable—remember: the opposing team is just as disorganized as yours! Impossible plays in SoloQ happen all the time.
+Do not rage at your fellow SoloQ players. You will probably be playing with/against them again. And raging at your group during the match tends not to motivate them to play better. (I am guilty of plenty of ragefits, I apologize for and regret all of them).
Sorry for typing so much, I hope this information may help someone!
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
+Do not rage at your fellow SoloQ players. You will probably be playing with/against them again. And raging at your group during the match tends not to motivate them to play better. (I am guilty of plenty of ragefits, I apologize for and regret all of them).
+1 if only I could take them back.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
Thx Finite and Celtus.8456 for tips! I will always notice your words ^^
Thank you all for the comments.
@ConRae: Thank you, but there is no need to defend me. I think I know who daltondeguzman.9182 is, and if so, he has certainly earned the right to talk here. Regardless, people are entitled to their opinions, and there is certainly some truth to what he says.
On topic: I tend to play staff elementalist, usually with hybrid/support builds in a 0/0/2/6/6 trait setup (pre-April 15th patch, I mostly used 0/0/4/4/6 with rock solid for stability support, but now the cleansing of 6 water is quite useful). I often change my gear/amulet/utilities and traits (mostly within 00266) to mix it up.
I have been fortunate to have a good amount of success in SoloQ (having been top25 for the better part of 2+ months now and played some 200-300 matches within that time). But I am certainly not one of the best pvpers in the tournament scene (especially while I almost exclusively play staff ele!). Furthermore, to the OP, I think any profession has at least a couple builds each that are capable of reaching the highest ‘levels’ of SoloQ success.
I would like to offer a few general SoloQ tips though:
+Have a decent build and know its strengths and weaknesses.
+Know the maps. (Objectives and terrain advantages)
+Learn to watch your minimap during the match and make informed decisions based on that information (also pay attention to your allies healthbars).
+Know how to play a couple different professions so that you can swap characters accordingly (I hardly ever do this, but it is helpful for those who do).
+Do not give up. Even though the match may seem unwinnable—remember: the opposing team is just as disorganized as yours! Impossible plays in SoloQ happen all the time.
+Do not rage at your fellow SoloQ players. You will probably be playing with/against them again. And raging at your group during the match tends not to motivate them to play better. (I am guilty of plenty of ragefits, I apologize for and regret all of them).Sorry for typing so much, I hope this information may help someone!
Excellent advice. I think the key point here is looking at your mini-map and teammaters health bars. It ensures proper rotations and support. Rarely is it done.
I think it’s pretty ludicrous to say someone with a 65% to 70% win ratio in solo queue that is not a good indication of skill as long as they have a significant amount of games played. Even with all the problematic matchmaking and 4v5 if you play enough games it does in fact mostly even out and to win at a high percentage is in fact a show of some kind of skill. Don’t be hatin.’
I think it’s pretty ludicrous to say someone with a 65% to 70% win ratio in solo queue that is not a good indication of skill as long as they have a significant amount of games played. Even with all the problematic matchmaking and 4v5 if you play enough games it does in fact mostly even out and to win at a high percentage is in fact a show of some kind of skill. Don’t be hatin.’
Would be awesome if this was even remotely true. Some kind of skill…sure. when you queue and continuing to queue through losses have bigger effects.
(edited by jefferson.8317)
I think it’s pretty ludicrous to say someone with a 65% to 70% win ratio in solo queue that is not a good indication of skill as long as they have a significant amount of games played. Even with all the problematic matchmaking and 4v5 if you play enough games it does in fact mostly even out and to win at a high percentage is in fact a show of some kind of skill. Don’t be hatin.’
Would be awesome if this was even remotely true. Some kind of skill…sure. when you queue and continuing to queue through losses have bigger effects.
Probability will determine that over a large sample of games, you will benefit from as many good teams and 5v4s as you will be harmed by them. If someone has a very high win percentage they clearly are a benefit to have on their team.
There is no way the guys at the very topand remaining there with tons of games played are there due to luck.
I think it’s pretty ludicrous to say someone with a 65% to 70% win ratio in solo queue that is not a good indication of skill as long as they have a significant amount of games played. Even with all the problematic matchmaking and 4v5 if you play enough games it does in fact mostly even out and to win at a high percentage is in fact a show of some kind of skill. Don’t be hatin.’
Would be awesome if this was even remotely true. Some kind of skill…sure. when you queue and continuing to queue through losses have bigger effects.
Probability will determine that over a large sample of games, you will benefit from as many good teams and 5v4s as you will be harmed by them. If someone has a very high win percentage they clearly are a benefit to have on their team.
There is no way the guys at the very topand remaining there with tons of games played are there due to luck.
I’m just speaking from experience. I’ve rode a rank of 16 or so all the way to 97% in a string of games. Didn’t play any differently. For me, personally, the wins and losses tend to come and go.
Usually team comp + builds come first then skill. Most people get high in LB due to lucky RNG teams and just have an upper hand with a good team comp or by random chance — good team synergy (always in the right places at the right time).
Also the higher you are on LB, from my experience, the more likely the people on your team will know what to do. The bottom LB and people still in % ranks usually experience very imbalanced teams and often causes this ongoing back and forth of losing due to 4v5s (b/c casuals join but then leave or ppl who hate skyhammer leave) and/or because there’s this one guy carrying his legendary thinking this is pve.
Being in top soloq doesn’t mean much except you soloq and you know how to play.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
(edited by ArcTheFallen.7682)
Usually builds come first then skill. Most people get high in LB due to lucky RNG teams and just have an upper hand with a good team comp or by random chance — good team synergy (always in the right places at the right time).
Also the higher you are on LB, from my experience, the more likely the people on your team will know what to do. The bottom LB and people still in % ranks usually experience very imbalanced teams and often causes this ongoing back and forth of losing due to 4v5s (b/c casuals join but then leave or ppl who hate skyhammer leave) and/or because there’s this one guy carrying his legendary thinking this is pve.
Being in top soloq doesn’t mean much except you soloq and you know how to play.
You act like anyone could just roll into solo q and over hundreds or thousands of games achieve a 65%-70% win percentage. If its so easy I invite you to try. I know I couldn’t do it and I’m fine with it. It has already been explained about things evening out over a a lot of games. You can choose to totally disregard Math though if you like. I am not saying there are not a lot of things wrong with solo queue but to me if you can win at a 65%+ rate over a lot of games that is a sign of skill and there is no need to add a lot of bs caveats or rationalizations to it. To be honest it does not reflect well on the people that say it isn’t. It’s either ignorance (i.e. like refusing to believe that things don’t even out over a long period of time) or hatin’.
(edited by brannigan.9831)
I think it’s pretty ludicrous to say someone with a 65% to 70% win ratio in solo queue that is not a good indication of skill as long as they have a significant amount of games played. Even with all the problematic matchmaking and 4v5 if you play enough games it does in fact mostly even out and to win at a high percentage is in fact a show of some kind of skill. Don’t be hatin.’
Would be awesome if this was even remotely true. Some kind of skill…sure. when you queue and continuing to queue through losses have bigger effects.
Probability will determine that over a large sample of games, you will benefit from as many good teams and 5v4s as you will be harmed by them. If someone has a very high win percentage they clearly are a benefit to have on their team.
There is no way the guys at the very topand remaining there with tons of games played are there due to luck.
I’m just speaking from experience. I’ve rode a rank of 16 or so all the way to 97% in a string of games. Didn’t play any differently. For me, personally, the wins and losses tend to come and go.
Which can definitely be a result of luck, or that those are the extremes of the range where you really belong. But speaking specifically of the players who don’t experience that type of change, they really are that good.
Maybe they also are great at calling incs and targets and getting people on the same page, who knows. But clearly having one of those types of players on your team is a big advantage.
I think it’s pretty ludicrous to say someone with a 65% to 70% win ratio in solo queue that is not a good indication of skill as long as they have a significant amount of games played. Even with all the problematic matchmaking and 4v5 if you play enough games it does in fact mostly even out and to win at a high percentage is in fact a show of some kind of skill. Don’t be hatin.’
Would be awesome if this was even remotely true. Some kind of skill…sure. when you queue and continuing to queue through losses have bigger effects.
Probability will determine that over a large sample of games, you will benefit from as many good teams and 5v4s as you will be harmed by them. If someone has a very high win percentage they clearly are a benefit to have on their team.
There is no way the guys at the very topand remaining there with tons of games played are there due to luck.
I’m just speaking from experience. I’ve rode a rank of 16 or so all the way to 97% in a string of games. Didn’t play any differently. For me, personally, the wins and losses tend to come and go.
Nobody is talking about a string of games here. I am talking about playing hundreds, if not thousands, of solo queue games and winning at a very high percentage. You can’t luck your way to a 65% win percentage in 1000+ games.
Usually builds come first then skill. Most people get high in LB due to lucky RNG teams and just have an upper hand with a good team comp or by random chance — good team synergy (always in the right places at the right time).
Also the higher you are on LB, from my experience, the more likely the people on your team will know what to do. The bottom LB and people still in % ranks usually experience very imbalanced teams and often causes this ongoing back and forth of losing due to 4v5s (b/c casuals join but then leave or ppl who hate skyhammer leave) and/or because there’s this one guy carrying his legendary thinking this is pve.
Being in top soloq doesn’t mean much except you soloq and you know how to play.
You act like anyone could just roll into solo q and over hundreds of games achieve a 65%-70% percentage. If its so easy I invite you to try. I know I couldn’t do it and I’m fine with it. It has already been explained about things evening out over a a lot of games. You choose to totally disregard Math though. I am not saying there are not a lot of things wrong with solo queue but to me if you can win at a 65%+ rate over a lot of games that is a sign of skill. To be honest it does not reflect well on the people that say it isn’t. It’s either ignorance or hatin’.
It’s much more than build but it’s also much more than skill. Math doesn’t work in this situation because it’s not as black and white. We aren’t flipping a coin..much more is involved.
However, to say that it has nothing to do with skill is ignorant.
Usually builds come first then skill. Most people get high in LB due to lucky RNG teams and just have an upper hand with a good team comp or by random chance — good team synergy (always in the right places at the right time).
Also the higher you are on LB, from my experience, the more likely the people on your team will know what to do. The bottom LB and people still in % ranks usually experience very imbalanced teams and often causes this ongoing back and forth of losing due to 4v5s (b/c casuals join but then leave or ppl who hate skyhammer leave) and/or because there’s this one guy carrying his legendary thinking this is pve.
Being in top soloq doesn’t mean much except you soloq and you know how to play.
You act like anyone could just roll into solo q and over hundreds or thousands of games achieve a 65%-70% win percentage. If its so easy I invite you to try. I know I couldn’t do it and I’m fine with it. It has already been explained about things evening out over a a lot of games. You can choose to totally disregard Math though if you like. I am not saying there are not a lot of things wrong with solo queue but to me if you can win at a 65%+ rate over a lot of games that is a sign of skill and there is no need to add a lot of bs caveats or rationalizations to it. To be honest it does not reflect well on the people that say it isn’t. It’s either ignorance (i.e. like refusing to believe that things don’t even out over a long period of time) or hatin’.
I don’t disagree with you. I just don’t like making generalizations when the system is not that good (LB <> % win rate), especially when the game type encompasses 4 random variables outside of yourself to determine your victory.
I haven’t said anything about the current top 4. I watch people play, and if they are good to me, I’ll say that they are good. LB system sucks right now so I won’t make a generalization and say top 4 will always have the best builds and/or playstyle.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
LOL 1200+ games with a 60+% win percentage is luck. Are you out of your mind!? The guy who is 10-3 most definitely is lucky.
After 13 games NO ONE should be first in the leaderboards. Makes no sense.
People are so quick to hate. The fact you didn’t have an aneurysm after that many solo q games and 4v5’s and skyhammer and PvE scrubs is a miracle in itself. Mad skillz mad propz no hatin’
1 1 PastorTroy.1635 Wraith Al Ghoul 10 3 76.92% Jade Quarry
2 1 Avitori.6093 Avitori 326 170 65.73% Sea of Sorrows
3 3 Celtus.8456 Josre 780 498 61.03% Crystal Desert
4 1 boak.6258 Boaky Biguns 115 67 63.19% Jade Quarry
Any1 knows which class they are, or if you know, what builds they run?
Lol are you prepping for a bout against them in queue?
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
Not arguing with anybody, but I do want to point out that win percentages are still completely worthless, as it includes wins/losses from a previous time, when matchmaking would put the 5 best players against the 5 worst in a string of 10 players. Thus, teams were always stacked, and being higher on the leaderboard gave you better teams and worse opponents.
Most of the win percentages that differ significantly from 50% are still a vestige of this, as they reset MMR but not win totals.
They should have a separate stat that say “win:lose percentage for the last 100 matches”
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
They should have a separate stat that say “win:lose percentage for the last 100 matches”
As someone who spent most of his time trolling or testing builds in soloq when ele wasn’t even viable I find my win/lose ratio quite embarrassing now I play soloq a lot more seriously.
This needs to happen.
Not arguing with anybody, but I do want to point out that win percentages are still completely worthless, as it includes wins/losses from a previous time, when matchmaking would put the 5 best players against the 5 worst in a string of 10 players. Thus, teams were always stacked, and being higher on the leaderboard gave you better teams and worse opponents.
Most of the win percentages that differ significantly from 50% are still a vestige of this, as they reset MMR but not win totals.
This is actually very true, I played quite a few games under the old matchmaking system. My w/l became extremely inflated, I had a +70% w/l just because the teams where always so imbalanced. Since the new system my w/l has dropped to 64-65% and remained steady there even after +1200 games. This is still fairly high, but I do contribute a lot of it to the old system.
Heavens Rage