are the wings really worth the effort?

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: timmy.8732


this is the question i ask myself every time i go into ranked matches. the game has become so passive with all the condi spamming going around that it has become tiresome. where is the skill in the game anymore? has anyone else realized that the condi traits and skills have lower CD’s than dmg traits and skills? its just unreal to think that this game will ever have balance. also solo q, why is it that you are put against guild and pre-made teams. i mean you q up solo and put against a group rather than a random 5 ppl? how does that work for anyone? sure in some cases that the group is bad and can easily be defeated, but how often does that really happen? also the same maps for almost four years now, why? these are just some of the reason why i ask if the wings are worth the effort. if anet could provide so was to have group diversity in solo q i think that would help a lot. being placed on a team where 1 class makes up more than 50% of your team is a bit stupid. i know a dev wont respond at all to this.

Master Apex

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Well coming from perspective of player that got wings in s2: frankly i didn’t care much about them. I just generally like to pvp, regardless what game i play.

Yes, i do hate HoT and everything that was brought to pvp with HoT (as far as class balance goes, failed MM/leagues etc.) Certainly some will say, oh you have pink glasses about old metas. But here is the thing: nobody can deny that combat became extremely passive and smart decision making that was part of old metas (and i mean pre celestial) is gone due to powercreep.

Problem is, there is not really many mmorpgs out there with decent pvp. BnS was great actually, but it has only 1v1.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


If youre just after the wings you should reconsider your effort.
It is possible to have fun playing the current PvP, despite all the issues it has.
But if you cant find it enjoyable, some cheap reward is most certainly not worth playing.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: timmy.8732


i will agree that the celestial ammy was a bit OP on certain classes, so removing it is fine with me. that to me goes towards being more balanced. however, making the game more passive is not a smart decision. the reason why its a bad choice, to put it shortly, is bc it lacks skill. it gives a completely unbalanced handicap to players who are not as skilled at the game with timing attacks. Pvp is about skill and timing. it just pains me to see a game descend in such a way that they cater to the less skilled players. played since beta and i feel like the only change to this is going to be made by me. deciding what game to go to next. BnS is fun and sure the pvp is 1v1. that doesnt make it bad, also Black Desert is fun as well. but none of them grab me like GW2 once did.

Master Apex

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I personally don’t like huge and “in your face” backpieces, and I’d usually hide the skin anyway – so the skin doesn’t appeal to me.

As stat swap is the only other benefit it depends what stat(s) you might want in your wvw or pve build(s) as to the convenience of swapping. I think a few ascended backpieces covering the more common stats are all you really need so this feature of the legendary backpiece is also not a big deal for me either.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I personally don’t like huge and “in your face” backpieces, and I’d usually hide the skin anyway – so the skin doesn’t appeal to me.

As stat swap is the only other benefit it depends what stat(s) you might want in your wvw or pve build(s) as to the convenience of swapping. I think a few ascended backpieces covering the more common stats are all you really need so this feature of the legendary backpiece is also not a big deal for me either.


you can use mystic forge recipes to reset or change the backpiece statspreads and you can get cheapo infusion extractors to protect your upgrades so there’s really little need for an ascended backpiece mechanically

if you want it, you should be going for it for the looks, and there’s not much need to grind through it if you don’t like pvp

Nalhadia – Kaineng

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Drussthelegend.2630


You arent really supposed to be doing it mainly for the wings. Its supposed to be a test of skill to see where you are on the skill spectrum. Mainly you should be doing it because you like spvp. Thats the main problem with this game like 2/3 of the people that pvp all the time really dont like pvp all that much nor are they very good at it.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Just grind through the pain. Once this year is over and we all have our wings we’ll never have to step into the godforsaken hell hole that is PvP in this game again and then we can all rejoice.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Crowley.8761


The point about the same map, I recently came back to GW2 after a break since 2013 basically and I seem to remember some beach kind of map with cannons and stuff. What happened to that?

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


The point about the same map, I recently came back to GW2 after a break since 2013 basically and I seem to remember some beach kind of map with cannons and stuff. What happened to that? ?

This map was retired from the sPvP map list with the April 15, 2014 game update.
The reason for retirement of the map was that underwater combat was being removed from PvP.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Just grind through the pain. Once this year is over and we all have our wings we’ll never have to step into the godforsaken hell hole that is PvP in this game again and then we can all rejoice.

And then they’ll add another set of wings and the lootkitten shall return as foretold in the ancient prophecy

Nalhadia – Kaineng

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I enjoy pvp and I want the wings. What I do not enjoy is being matched against significantly stronger players.

The other thing is: I wish ANET would kittening stop trying to control the meta by overpowering various classes. ANET, you will never control the game to that degree and it would be a much better game if you’d stop trying.

Mesmerising Girl

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Julius Seizure.4985

Julius Seizure.4985

I will admit that the wings are a lofty goal for some. If you are only PvPing to grind the wings, then I don’t think they are with it. However, if you are enjoying PvP and at least increasing your skill level over the course of the tournament, then they are totally worth it.

The wings are a nice perk, but really can’t be your only goal to PvP.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


I pvp everyday, and i have no interest in the wings. But, to answer your question, yes!!

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: timmy.8732


i love to pvp and its were i spend most of my time. i want the wings for the stat swap on demand. i dont want to constantly craft asended &*%$ just to swap the stats. but you are right 2 or 3 ppl in a group in spvp are not that great nor do they know how to listen. these hotjoin heroes have a zerging mentality given to them by Pve and WvW play styles. between the passive playstyle of condi bomb and zerg mentality makes the game just annoying to play. a game is meant to be enjoyed but anets attempts to control the meta by making condi OP so that below average players feel good about themselves. tons of ppl have already quit and moved on to other games. all bc of the passive play style. lets also bring up the amount of maps in spvp. you have temple, forest, foefire, and kylo ( if i am missing one its bc i cant remember the last time i played it). out of those few maps the only ones ever played are foefire and forest. thats bc both maps have a PvE aspect to them. sPvP should have no pve function added to it to gain a boost in points. you are eliminating what sPvP is. Player versus player not player versus player with pve bonus. for those of you that will defend these maps how about i go ahead and compromise something. lets keep both maps but make the lord legendary and legendary stats with vet guards and chieftain and svanir champion stats. that way the bonus in points could have some equality to them. i would be willing to accept that change for both maps. it would prevent 1 guy being able to solo them in a matter of seconds.

Master Apex

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Galandil.9641


The wings are just the carrot used by Anet to bring a lot of pve players to pvp in order to boost population. I expect the numbers to drop significantly after S3 and another “prestige” item to be introduced at the end of S4 to restart the cycle.

Got them in S2 just to get a swappable-stat backpack which can be useful in pve/wvw, never cared about the “prestige” of the item, since there’s no such thing as prestige in these league seasons.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


If you’re only after the wings, then sit back and let your PvE instincts prevail. No matter how boring, unbalanced, or repetitive a task may seem, you will grind through and claim your prize. I believe in you.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I wanted the wings at first, but its not worth it right now as unbalanced and un-fun as pvp has become. Its all passive crap and no skill condi spam. And Anet thinks this is esport worthy…HA. As much as i’d like the wings, I just cant tolerate the cancer that pvp has become and force myself to do it. If you can still stomach it and want the wings that badly though, go for it.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: timmy.8732


thanks for believing, haha

Master Apex

(edited by timmy.8732)

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Asherah.7651


I thought getting the wings was pretty easy for the most part….mine are almost done, the hardest part is getting all the t6 mats :X so expensive!!

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: timmy.8732


t6 is easy, its getting past all this passive condi %^#* thats the trouble. game caters to passive play styles

Master Apex

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Buran.3796


I do like the PvP, is the part that I enjoy the most from the game. As with the rank dragon finisher, The Ascension isn’t the objective per se: is only a remembrance of the long path it takes to get it and the amount of effort and time spent in.

I’m currently 15 pips away from filling the last achievement; I do expect to finish the backpack the next week

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Caosaur.3871


I enjoy spvp most days so the wings are a nice bonus.
I haven’t gotten them yet (Still need a bunch of wins), but I’m setting a goal of x amount of wins per day so I don’t hate myself too much from grinding.
But sometimes the cancer can be really strong…

Being a cancerous roamer on TC.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i enjoy the free ascended back piece.

and achievement points.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: timmy.8732


same but i also enjoy the game play that once was pvp.

Master Apex

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


If you’re finding yourself not enjoying PvP, then I’d say no, the wings aren’t worth the effort. IMO, if you’re not having fun playing a game/game mode, then there’s no point in playing it. I wouldn’t force yourself to play it if you’re not having fun.

Really, the backpiece is just a shiny graphic to slap on your character’s back. It’s not going to make you play better if you get it or anything. Granted it’s a legendary, but I don’t think it’s stats are going to help that much.

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: trunks.5249


You arent really supposed to be doing it mainly for the wings. Its supposed to be a test of skill to see where you are on the skill spectrum. Mainly you should be doing it because you like spvp. Thats the main problem with this game like 2/3 of the people that pvp all the time really dont like pvp all that much nor are they very good at it.

test of skill? more like dumb luck for the people in soloq .from everything i have seen i think the only true skill in pvp will ever be shown is if they make a 1vs1 ranked turnement

master jedi david

are the wings really worth the effort?

in PvP

Posted by: Ghede.9145


this is the question i ask myself every time i go into ranked matches. the game has become so passive with all the condi spamming going around that it has become tiresome. where is the skill in the game anymore? has anyone else realized that the condi traits and skills have lower CD’s than dmg traits and skills? its just unreal to think that this game will ever have balance. also solo q, why is it that you are put against guild and pre-made teams. i mean you q up solo and put against a group rather than a random 5 ppl? how does that work for anyone? sure in some cases that the group is bad and can easily be defeated, but how often does that really happen? also the same maps for almost four years now, why? these are just some of the reason why i ask if the wings are worth the effort. if anet could provide so was to have group diversity in solo q i think that would help a lot. being placed on a team where 1 class makes up more than 50% of your team is a bit stupid. i know a dev wont respond at all to this.

No they are not worth the effort in case of getting them is an effort
and not a “side-effect” of playing the game (pvp) and having fun with it.