are they still balancing?

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: savage.3469


I was curious if they have slowed down on tweaking skills. There are so many skills on thief that i would like to see reworked or changed.

I might not have been following the posts close enough, I just had the expectations that there would be a lot of ongoing improvement to the mechanics of skills

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Changed how? Buffed? Nerfed?

I am afraid if you want a thief buff you might be laughed out of the pvp forums

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Naw, they’ve thrown a few subtle balancing decisions out but no major changes. Which is good really, you want to see that kind of approach to game balancing decisions most of the time.

I’m a little dissapointed because I find PvP fundamentally unfun, which requires sweeping changes… but it doesn’t look like we’ll get those.

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: savage.3469


for thief, a few things are
-flanking strike, make it more reliable

-shadow shot, dont root yourself after shadowsteping

-shadow strike, make it shadowstep away even if blocked, or something similar

-bodyshot, make it shoot as fast as vital shot, since they both have 1/2 second cooldown, yet body shot shoots about 30% less shots in the same time.

-cloak and dagger, sometimes stealth animation doesn’t happen upon getting the invisible debuff, very confusing.

-steal/mug, bugged, i can use this from range if im on a higher level platform or buggy terrain. it wont teleport me to them, it will just add to my nuke combo damage. This goes hand in hand with poor teleport pathing which i listed aswel.

teleport/shadowstep skills, if i use infiltrators strike, then shadow return on buggy terrain, sometimes it will just keep me in place. inconsistent when teleporting to different platforms, like from the ground level to top of clock tower in kyhlo.

blind fields not applying blind as soon as someone steps foot in it, i attempted a blind build to counter melee,but they have to stand in it for a second or two before it gives then the blind debuff. They walk through uneffected.

withdraw/roll for initiating when chilled/immobilized, it sometimes or most times, rolls backwards but half the distance, as if you still had chilled applied on you. Could be a lag issue.

dagger storm would be nice if it could reflect mesmer great sword ranged laser auto-attack, or similar abilitys. This is probably a mechanic that they intended though… but i can dream…

for the game, a few things;
rendering bug with stealth probably hard to fix

server performing 2 actions at once i could teleport away just as i get downed, on my screen i will be where i teleported to. On their screen i will be where i was before i teleported.

teleporting pathing cannot teleport from a higher platform onto a lower platform, i understand the balancing issue from going from lower to higher though.

many bugs with sigils/runes inconsistent, missing important cd tooltip, or just not working.

these are just everyday things i notice

+ many more, but im going to bed

(edited by savage.3469)

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Thief shadowsteps atm can fail quite often, but once you are quite experianced you will know when it will work. The only problem for me is Flanking strike which i find rerely using only since it does less damage in whole animation then autoattack plus sometimes makes me to go in wrong direction, creating gaps though im melee class ><.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: savage.3469


yeh thats true, I am quite used to it now. But i actively have to think about what not to do, because of buggy/bad pathing

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: tagnut.8621


Only thing likely for thieves in the near future are nerfs.

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


Only thing likely for thieves in the near future are nerfs.

Thieves are fine. My Warrior can DPS as hard as my Thief and can knock you down 3 times, knock you back 1 time, stun you one time, has 5 seconds of retaliation every 15, 2 cripples which also apply 1 second of immobilize which also gives me fury, and can go immune to damage for 5 seconds. He is also fairly tanky, has stability, beats the kitten out of Thieves, and his heal does a ridiculous amount once every 30 seconds if he has 3 bars of adrenaline. If I find myself fighting condition builds it is easy enough to switch around a couple skills for condition removal, though it is usually not needed.

(edited by Ashanor.5319)

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: savage.3469


i wouldnt mind a nerf, aslong as they rework the other weapon sets/traits. backstab is the most efficient way of playing thief at the moment, and it gets kittening boring, oh and i hate condition builds

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: Colton.9460


Considering that Jon Sharp commented that he is taking feedback to heart and was going to mention things he saw in the forums at a balancing meeting earlier today I would say yes.

“I’m watching you violate my game mode”

are they still balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


They will never stop balancing and observing the meta, judging from how gw1 received a major ele skill update not a month or two ago.