"balance" patch more like imbalance

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: Bianca.8943


Clearly this patch was targeted to kill the Mesmer chrono bunkers but overall Anet nuked the class to the ground while the other classes seemed remotely untouched. How is that a “balance” among all the classes? Really Anet? Not that I played the meta bunker build but still there could have been better changes done, rather than just focusing on attacking one class completely.

Edit: I’m not saying chrono bunker wasn’t OP! As a person who’s played Mesmer as my main the past 2 years I’m just irritated that they basically nuked the entire class. I played a sustain/power shatter hybrid build.

(edited by Bianca.8943)

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: kuritsutian.2987


What you mention sounds a lot like real balance, …. if a class/build (this case Chrono bunker) was causing imbalance (OP) and they nerf only the specific build causing this problem, leaving other classes untouched (not this case) would be good balance… too many changes tho, so is kinda chaotic, nobody knows what will happen in the future until it settles.

Suddenly in the Forums Everyone is now a Game designer!

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: Bianca.8943


There were plenty of counters to the chrono bunker – I as a mesmer and other classes that ive played have found no issue going against one, you just adjust or learn how to play. A lot of the other bunker builds were considered OP as well which initiated the removal of some of the runes and amulets. I just think they nerfed the mesmer class a little too hard considering a few of the other classes like druid and scrapper for example were just as OP. Better adjustments could have been made.

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: Gambino.2109


Mesmer didn’t deserved to be nerfed to the ground like that.. and I don’t even play a mesmers.. in fact I hate them with a passion.. but still

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


There were plenty of counters to the chrono bunker – I as a mesmer and other classes that ive played have found no issue going against one, you just adjust or learn how to play. A lot of the other bunker builds were considered OP as well which initiated the removal of some of the runes and amulets. I just think they nerfed the mesmer class a little too hard considering a few of the other classes like druid and scrapper for example were just as OP. Better adjustments could have been made.

Chrono bunkers were OP, it was no denying it. Now this comes as a subjective opinion, but figthing a good chronobunker was a living nightmare with evade/immunity frames, either portal or well elite, with quickness res. I get it that it sucks losing out on the class being nerfed, but at least that playstyle and dominion was just not healthy for the game.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


Yeah the problem is Anet didn’t nerf Chrono bunker. The nerfed the entire class. Which is well… Stupid. Simply removing quickness Rez, durability runes, and nerfing alacrity to an outgoing 33% on allies would have been enough to make the class “noob killable” even though it already had counters. Especially since necro and thief both received massive buffs.

@nacario. You said it yourself. Fighting a -good- Mesmer can be annoying. Fighting a good d/d ele can result in a infinite 1v3. A good thief can down you in seconds.
A good warrior is still viable in the meta.
Chrono bunker was strong, it needed to be brought down but not broken. You need bunkers just like you have zerkers and condi spam to all balance each other out. Right now we are unable to find any kind of happy medium because A) the devs can’t balance for crap and no matter what happens there’s something that happens someone doesn’t like because it beats them or its cheese. You beat a necro using condi? They get mad. The one class right now that should have no reason to die to condi gets mad because they died to condi. Stuff like that happens all the time.

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: Bianca.8943


There were plenty of counters to the chrono bunker – I as a mesmer and other classes that ive played have found no issue going against one, you just adjust or learn how to play. A lot of the other bunker builds were considered OP as well which initiated the removal of some of the runes and amulets. I just think they nerfed the mesmer class a little too hard considering a few of the other classes like druid and scrapper for example were just as OP. Better adjustments could have been made.

Chrono bunkers were OP, it was no denying it. Now this comes as a subjective opinion, but figthing a good chronobunker was a living nightmare with evade/immunity frames, either portal or well elite, with quickness res. I get it that it sucks losing out on the class being nerfed, but at least that playstyle and dominion was just not healthy for the game.

Im not saying that chrono bunkers weren’t OP. They were just as much as the other bunker meta classes. I played a hybrid sustain power build different from the meta but obviously the new elites were a plus especially because of the added viability. If anything the main OP part was the outgoing alacrity. Mesmers have never had the best DPS either even after the HoT release. Nevertheless, if they’re going to hit a class that hard affecting not only those who played chrono bunker they might as well nerf the other “OP” classes just as much.

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Chrono bunker deserved it.

Still hope mesmer will return as chrono zerk…

… asthief antagonist

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


More then just Chronos took fairly significant nerfs (Herald and Elementalist) and they were deserved nerfs. Where they went wrong was buffing Necros and giving Thieves the wrong kind of buffs. Its still better then before though.

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: kuritsutian.2987


More then just Chronos took fairly significant nerfs (Herald and Elementalist) and they were deserved nerfs. Where they went wrong was buffing Necros and giving Thieves the wrong kind of buffs. Its still better then before though.

Agree with this! 100%

as ele I could complain about the buffs because I get killed by certain classes… that is because in the past didn’t had such a problem, … even tho ele was not OP, had little counters and it’s not too balanced, one could say it’s the same case of chrono bunker.

Suddenly in the Forums Everyone is now a Game designer!

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


while the other classes seemed remotely untouched.

I think many eles would like to say hi. I’m not complaining though, i’m having more fun.

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: Bianca.8943


while the other classes seemed remotely untouched.

I think many eles would like to say hi. I’m not complaining though, i’m having more fun.

I play ele too! not my main but my second most played after mesmer. So I am aware of the nerfs to the class as well, my main point though is that Mesmers got hit the hardest as a class overall with this patch.

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


I witnessed very good mesmers out there; i won’t deny mesmers got hit hard with the patch, but i’m confident there’s still a path for both eles and mesmers to get a spot in the next meta.

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock

"balance" patch more like imbalance

in PvP

Posted by: Bianca.8943


I witnessed very good mesmers out there; i won’t deny mesmers got hit hard with the patch, but i’m confident there’s still a path for both eles and mesmers to get a spot in the next meta.

I’m sure there is as well, I just think Anet really needs to get there ideas of “balance” together. You can’t destroy a class then give another one a ridiculous amount of buffs as mentioned in an earlier comment.

However I will say that even though I don’t play a warrior or thief, i think they were well in need of buffs the most out of any class.

(edited by Bianca.8943)