balanced professions in pvp. fun?
This only holds true if you balance for 1v1. Balancing for team play still allows for diversity and specialized roles.
People are not saying all classes must be the same, but that some classes have a much better chance against all other classes than others.
Thieves are OP, thats a simple fact at this moment. Now is it because the class itself is OP, or a few to many other classes are bugged and unable to compete is the question.
Being dunked over and over again by someone hitting a backstab into an endless stream of heart seekers isnt fun when your on the receiving end and there is little you can do to counter such an easy tactic.
Then you have Mesmers, who as well as having a rather powerful tool that is clones, also have stealth which is yet another very powerful tool. Compare that to an Engie who has a broken flame thrower, cannot push out as much damage, cannot evade as well, cannot support as well, cannot bunker as well, cannot burst as well, you end up with some classes just not being played. Those that continue to play end up picking a more useful class.
Go to any hotjoin and see a good 80% of players are either thief or mesmer, and the problem just compounds over and over again.
GW2 touted itself as a big pvp player, going so far as to claim some sort of e-sport title. Yet it has died on its kitten in this regard, and little appears to be done about it.
Take the recent patch changes, thieves already had a really strong set of builds, and yes some of the weapon sets were lacking. Yet rather than address a class that has pretty much no chance, they choose to buff thiefs, and then nerf engies nades! Thus making an already very strong thief stronger, and the already weak engie even weaker.
perfect balance is impossible, balance where with the proper spec, is close enough that player skill can be a bigger factor then the unbalance…is possible (tho difficult)
i hate bad thiefs that put all there eggs in a basket and spamm one ability, i play dagger/pistol and focus more on team support even tho im capable of great uptime and damage. i utilize my entire skill bar in a fight. because its a team game, not a freaking duel.
I don’t think a truly balanced playing field allows for a fun pvp experience. If all the professions were created equal, players would essentially be left with one class. Where is the fun in that? It would be a miserable game to play. Every fight, every encounter, every game would be identical….
I welcome the uneven playing field. I think their is nothing wrong with the current state of bunkers and thieves; this is what makes pvp interesting in Gw2. I like how my play style and strategy must change depending on which profession and build my opponent is.
I feel there is too much negativity towards the game in the structured pvp forums. I felt compelled to express my opinion, and let Anet know that Gw2 has exceeded my expectations, and have created a pretty kittening awesome game.
I agree there is nothing wrong with bunkers and burst builds, but overpowered bunkers that never die and burst that can 1shot are insane, But to be honest I am not complaining. I rolled a thief a guardian a mesmer a warrior and an ele, If I start getting killed with 1 class in pvp I switch to another and have fun with the new play style I have to adjust to. All my classes are balanced with stun breaks, toughness, and a little burst, the only time I lose in 1v1 is if I fight a bunker and his friends come to gang me or if a burst build catches me slippin and 1 shots me. Overall I agree and disagree with you, people who QQ need to l2p but Anet needs to continue in trying to balance the games pvp.