best class to carry a team in soloq?

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097



I play both soloQ and teamQ.

We all know that in soloQ you often will get less-than-good allies. I’m wanting to discuss what’s the best class/build/strategy for those situations, being able to carry your team when you need to.

Right now I am playing a support guardian and it seems to be doing pretty well, got me on the leaderboard at least, but it’s often very difficult to play support build in soloQ because your allies don’t fight with you. I try to go where the fight is and I am definitely helping my allies a lot when we fight together, but the other 1/2 the time I feel like I’m not accomplishing as much as I could be. Partly because support guardian is slow.

Maybe it would have more of a soloQ impact to play a high-mobility support warrior just so I can get to all the fights quicker?

Or maybe a condi warrior far point assaulter or decap bunker engi just keeping them busy at far all game so my team can hopefully win by outnumbering them on the other 2 points??

In short, what build/class/strategy do you feel has the most control over the battle as a whole specifically in soloQ??

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


There are too many variables to give any definitive answer. In reality it comes down to things such as map choice, enemy comp, enemy players, team comp/players, map match-ups etc etc. I differentiate comp and players because you could be the best decap engi in the world, but if you vs someone like Ken you will NEVER decap him 1v1, whereas if you played some random guardian running his same build you’ll probably walk all over him. So that will either be game-breaking or useless.

I think to have the most success you would need to have a variety of classes and specs available and be ready to class swap before the match starts to what you think will have the most impact based on all of those variables and more.

For me that’s too much micro-managing effort. Personally I’ve decided to be more laid back and focus on just one class/spec because I am more focused on enjoying my time playing instead of obsessing over LB or changing specs. Maybe if I started taking it more seriously I’d counter spec but atm there’s no incentive.


best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Spooko.5436


Lux laid it out nicely. The only thing I can add, is that if u want to attempt to carry, the best thing you can do is, play a bunker and rotate between nodes and try to hold them for as long as you possibly can. As most people are used to hotjoin tactics, where u grab a node and then run after other players.

The trouble for bunking though, is u are completely team reliant. Here is the example, you are holding your homepoint, you are under attack by 2 people, does your team come to your help? Or does your team do something stupid like fight off point, try to take far, stall in some other fight they can’t win? etc..etc..etc..

1 person cannot carry, in this game. U can try and work the conquest system, but if your team fails u and does not support u, u will just be outnumbered fighting 2v1’s or more all match as your team mistakenly abandons u.

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


I understand your point and could have expected the logical answer. So maybe I should ask differently….

Let’s say I’m going into a match expecting to have to hard-carry my team. Which of the 3 strategies do you think would be more successful?

1. playing with my team, try to communicate with them and fight together, run a support build to keep them alive and buffed, etc
2. forget my team, push the enemy and try to distract 2-3 them for long periods of time so my team can win outnumbered
3. build specifically to play the map mechanics and enemy class builds, run orbs, troll skyhammer, steal bosses, etc.

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Spooko.5436


On that note, options 2&3 will lead you to more success. Especially, if u can pull off #2 well.

option #3works, but you will feel your soul slipping away at times. I have a warrior build for runnin orbs, and it is unstoppable at runnin orbs, but it crushes me soul to just run back and forth all match

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


Want to carry a team? Bring a MM necro.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Myst.5783


I understand your point and could have expected the logical answer. So maybe I should ask differently….

Let’s say I’m going into a match expecting to have to hard-carry my team. Which of the 3 strategies do you think would be more successful?

1. playing with my team, try to communicate with them and fight together, run a support build to keep them alive and buffed, etc
2. forget my team, push the enemy and try to distract 2-3 them for long periods of time so my team can win outnumbered
3. build specifically to play the map mechanics and enemy class builds, run orbs, troll skyhammer, steal bosses, etc.

I do 2 and 3 yet I can’t seem to get ranked in soloQ. >_<

I’ve managed to run orbs all game on spiritwatch but my team wasn’t able to hold ANY points(seriously, I dunno what on earth was going on). I stopped running orbs take points then my team let the enemy start running orbs. Anyways that was an extreme example and some teams are just uncarryable.

Want to carry a team? Bring a MM necro.

I’ve seen evidence to support this.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Chicago Jack.5647

Chicago Jack.5647

Play a warrior.


best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Warrior obviously lol

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


I want to say guardian, but that only works if you have atleast one person that understands that you should be in the teamfights and rotates appropriately.

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: DanyK.3842


I could only do it well on thief and warrior. If there’s already a thief then warrior. Problem with guardian is when I play it my team suddenly does 0 dmg and even if people survive longer they get bored of fighting and leave me 3v1 or 4v1 on uncapped points. Also people NEVER let me rotate with a faster class to get in team fights.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’d say MM, as MM you can quite easily drop bunkers, you also get plenty of CC to fear and knockback for decapping, you’re also pretty darn tanky (both from traits and your wall of meatshields).
if you don’t mind playing a “scum of the earth” cheese build then try MM,
this is my usual goto MM build;0_;3sHkD0z3VI-K0;9;4J-TJ-48;246916;27;5X7X7X7X73Nt
you dont’ really need to weapon swap, just spam staff skills,
sigils runes and amulets are all your choice, i usually go with settlers or clerics amulet, and lich for runes (for an extra minion), and life sigil for extra survival

though one downside is you lose out on movement speed as necro, so you can’t rush between points, but when you get there you will cap it XD

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: josh.7390


Decap Engi. Uncoordinated teams wont kill you unless 1v3, probably 1v2 but it still takes ages… And normally you can even cap trough as long as it’s 1v1…

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: adam.8692


Decap engi by far. If the person knows what he is doing he can’t die 1v1 and he is trolling 1v2 allowing the team to play 4v3. And it’s solo build, no communication needed.

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


engi, best carry class, warrior doesnt have mobility or team support

thief can be good carry class, if your team is generally tanky and cant do damage.

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

any class who can bunk a point till help arrives.
the point of carrying a team is neutarlizing the other player who kills your team. also dont assume that your teamates will do the right thing. if you want something done right do it yourself. seem number of players who will call tranquility for example and not go there himself, then QQ about it if the opponent gets the buff. or yell defend home while he runs toward far point.

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

(edited by Lord Hammer Hand.4815)

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Cosmos The Cat.2954

Cosmos The Cat.2954

any class who can bunk a point till help arrives.
the point of carrying a team is neutarlizing the other player who kills your team. also dont assume that your teamates will do the right thing. if you want something done right do it yourself. seem number of players who will call tranquility for example and not go there himself, then QQ about it if the opponent gets the buff. or yell defend home while he runs toward far point.

This in a nutshell.
Bunk Engi.

TC Thief

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: lvis.3824


Warrior for sure.

I normally play Ele ( and get my flames every 2nd match )…
Yesterday i switched to Warrior ( i had 12 Games on warrior until then ).
Now i have 24, and i went 11:1 .

I mean come on, that cannot be luck .

I went back to ele after that, and the next 6 games were like 2:4 … definitly warrior !

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Chilli.2976


Warrior for the AoE stun, and Necromancer for the AoE condition pressure.

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


What’s the cheesiest of the cheezy decap engi build?