best class to carry bad teams
thief, mesmer, ranger imo
warrior is never good carry in soloq
Agree with lighter ( tempest should also be ok, but i will chose druid tbh ).
Also get ready to switch class before game starts if needed.
I’ve played thief, druid, and engi this season. So far, I’d say engi if you run the elixir C variant. It’s a very tanky build that hard counters condition classes easily that is hybrid enough to adapt to what different teams need.
It’s great both in team fights as well as with defending side nodes, particularly since condi warriors are so often rushing far.
I would agree engi over Tempest. It makes me want to rock in a small corner the amount of people who don’t understand how to utilize me properly when playing in solo queue as an ele. I main auramancer in PvP with renewal sigil and the number of people who run off points ignoring my heals, run out of my water bubble, completely miss the point that I can keep them alive in any way. The list, does, go on. It’s a nightmare.
But this post says it all. NONE of us should feel the need to play certain builds to carry a team. You may as well be 1v5 LOL … I nodded to all your points as to what (shockingly) people do and don’t do in matches.
Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
I would agree engi over Tempest. It makes me want to rock in a small corner the amount of people who don’t understand how to utilize me properly when playing in solo queue as an ele. I main auramancer in PvP with renewal sigil and the number of people who run off points ignoring my heals, run out of my water bubble, completely miss the point that I can keep them alive in any way. The list, does, go on. It’s a nightmare.
But this post says it all. NONE of us should feel the need to play certain builds to carry a team. You may as well be 1v5 LOL … I nodded to all your points as to what (shockingly) people do and don’t do in matches.
I felt that way the other day… Was 1v3 at home while my team was 4 capping far. That was two day ago I think. Still trying to figure out how they thought it was s good idea for all of them to stand on far while I’m trying to defend the only point we had.
But in reference to the OP’s post… Druid or engi would be a good choice. If you had a friend you could queue with the ele all the way and the two of you could effectively hold the point by communicating prior to the match( speaking of which does no one read chat? If I say I’ll go home why does everyone rush home forcing me to take mid by myself?)
I play tempest. Hybrid that is suited to win 1:1 (condi mesmer is hard but you can´t have all).
I change build after looking at the oposing team. This can be just one utility or i might change amu, sigils and a traitline ….
I can win 1:1, support in a teamfight (not as good as bunker but fine enough for solo Q) ankitten ot instant squished. My build has stone heart not diamond skin and can survive a thief. For movement i have swiftness on demand which usualy is enough.
The rune is usually soldier it´s stabilizing the build so much …. I like other runes but did´t finde one that can realy compete unless the whole enemy team is power …
But don´t expect to carry to much. If the team can´t rotate and runs around like headless chickens you will loose…
I had such a match. Used viper amu in this one…. Won all fights, killed the creatures to keep us close on nifel and did go kamikaze onto their close to rescue the match which got seriously close but they were ahead to win by keeping it. I was the only in reach after killing their creature. They defended with 4. I concentrated an think pulled of one of my best gameplays … three down + decap … well their necro stood and hit me with a coupt bomb when all condi removers were on CD after the havoc … So i god finshed and we lost by a few points …. No one showed up for backup … At least it got me a mesage from one oponent that this was impressive :-). Such moments compensate the next loosing streak … So never give up.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
Yea, Tempest and Ranger are classes that can carry very well for certain teams that are glassy. However, it’s also easy to end up on a team with another tempest/ranger and in those situations, your team just lacks enough damage to counter pressure the other team.
This is why I think engi pulls ahead. It can flex easily to both a more damage and a more bunk style role. If there’s a good hybrid ele build that can do this, I haven’t seen it in action.
Thief is another decent option if you can play it well. The high mobility and +1 burst allows you to often make lemonade out of a teammate’s bad rotation lemons.
Thanks guys, appreciate your answers. I will give a try to engi, let’s see what I can do. Once I was really good with him, and that was with 3 kit now that we have gyros it will be much easier.
Yeah we should not use builds to carry, but that is a PvP rank system/match making issue. Me loosing every second match because bad teams are another.
To be honest I don’t have any idea how could this be fixed. Everybody want to play as they like, maybe they like to watch youtube while capping a point (lol) or just play for trolling me. The best thing I can come up with is Ranked being forbidden until you won like 50-100 unranked match. That will be enought to know what you should do in ranked. The other soulution is you being kicked from ranked after like 5-6 loose streak, and you have to win 10-20 unranked match just to be able to compete again. This will be very bad for soloquers at the beginning but later on, we would have more skilled players in the league.
In my opinion it is condi mesmer. It is a class with great mobility , not like thief but that can play smarty like thief and meanwhile it is more tank than thief. You can cap alone a point and wait for 2 to come to you and hope that your team will win other fights outnumbering the others
Yeah we should not use builds to carry, but that is a PvP rank system/match making issue. Me loosing every second match because bad teams are another.
Just be aware that no class will carry you very much in this season since they’re all balanced relatively well for once. Engi is a bit better suited to the randomness of solo Q, but playing the class you’re most experienced/skilled with will make more of a difference than any of that. Fortunately, it sounds like you’re comfortable with engi.
The issue I have with the Engi answers here, it’s very hard to push kills as engi. It has amazing rezzing potential but without slisck shoes, creating kills situation is often out of your control.
I think Rev is still the best soloqueue carry out there really.
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.
Get 5 people together and play that way. If you do, anet will ALWAYS queue you against 4-5 solo players so you’ll always have a kittening MASSIVE advantage.
The issue I have with the Engi answers here, it’s very hard to push kills as engi. It has amazing rezzing potential but without slisck shoes, creating kills situation is often out of your control.
I think Rev is still the best soloqueue carry out there really.
The standard Rev burst was nerfed significantly with the 75% increase in energy cost for Phase Traversal. The removal of the stealth tracking also means what used to finish off Engies and Thieves will not do so anymore.
Phase Traversal nerf means Rev mobility is significantly reduced , which impacts its Plus 1 ability quite a bit.
The arrival of the Condi bomb Warriors is also very hard for Revs to handle.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Get 5 people together and play that way. If you do, anet will ALWAYS queue you against 4-5 solo players so you’ll always have a kittening MASSIVE advantage.
They changed matchmaking quite a while back to make it impossible for a solo Qer to ever face a full premade of 5.
Get 5 people together and play that way. If you do, anet will ALWAYS queue you against 4-5 solo players so you’ll always have a kittening MASSIVE advantage.
They changed matchmaking quite a while back to make it impossible for a solo Qer to ever face a full premade of 5.
4 person pre made was the optimal setup. You could face full soloq players with that.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "