bring back solo arena

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer

Grow up, you read one line and immediately came to a conclusion. I have two accounts, I didn’t know that was important from which one I post my opinion

Actually he reached to conclusion : you have another acount OR you’re a liar. You linked it.

Can we calm this down. I was not trying to call out rainbow.4695.

We’re actually doing a decent job matching by party size, so Iwas curious if their experience could be explained by a known issue, or if it was something new.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: rainbow.4695


Grow up, you read one line and immediately came to a conclusion. I have two accounts, I didn’t know that was important from which one I post my opinion

Actually he reached to conclusion : you have another acount OR you’re a liar. You linked it.

Can we calm this down. I was not trying to call out rainbow.4695.

We’re actually doing a decent job matching by party size, so Iwas curious if their experience could be explained by a known issue, or if it was something new.

Thank you Justin . I have been playing gw1 for 6 years and gw2 for almost 2. I am not a pro or anything like it, I just enjoy playing. I thought of posting my opinion in the forums, because I thought that it was we supposed to do. The guy who says I am a liar, I don’t get it , why would I lie? Anyway, enjoy your forums, i just remembered why i usually don’t get involved with them


(edited by rainbow.4695)

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324


Can we calm this down. I was not trying to call out rainbow.4695.

We’re actually doing a decent job matching by party size, so Iwas curious if their experience could be explained by a known issue, or if it was something new.

Thank you Justin . I have been playing gw1 for 6 years and gw2 for almost 2. I am not a pro or anything like it, I just enjoy playing. I thought of posting my opinion in the forums, because I thought that it was we supposed to do. The guy who says I am a liar, I don’t get it , why would I lie? Anyway, enjoy your forums, i just remembered why i usually don’t get involved with them

This screenshot won’t provide Justin with the information he needs to investigate your problem. You should either post the account name that you played the matches on here or message it to Justin so he can help you.

There’s nothing wrong with having a second account, but if he’s going to look up your matchmaking history, he needs the account name.

Light of Honor [Lite] – Founder / Warmaster
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: someone.7485


@rainbow: I have read a bunch of these posts complaining about match making and it seems they have had a few issues. This is why Justin wanted to know the account you were on, he was going to check if match making has been a problem for you. You could have been grouped with a party of four against a party of five a bunch of times and just had bad luck with the party of four.

From what I can tell the devs do seem to care about our opinions. They listen to the player base and solicit people to give their suggestions sometimes. I have seen them claim on the forums that they lurk heavily on the forums and do not post cause they do not have the time.

It would be nice if people had an option in the menus or something to choose to only play matches with no groups. Remind them when selecting the option it will result in longer queue times.

(edited by someone.7485)

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


I didn’t know that this poor joke post will light up the fire

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Cheri Wolf.3056

Cheri Wolf.3056

I’ve come back to the game after a bit, and play pretty casually with my brother, Lux. we mostly will duo queue unranked, but even then there are premades there. Sometimes we play them back to back to back, and lose and lose and lose, but sometimes we do well.

But doing decent against a full team of 5 good players even though you lost means you are still doing good.

I’ve kind of gotten to the point where I don’t care if I win or lose, just part of the game.

Too bad they don’t make 3v3 death matches :’( or 2v2

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Is as simple as that….for solo players like myself is very frustrating to go against premade teams , why you ever though that this would be fun or fair…..

Yeah, removing solo q was a HUGE mistake. I don’t care who says otherwise.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: triggerhappy.3871


PUG vs premade happens.
It cannot be an excuse that it happens rarely, even if it happens rarely.
It is not important that players don’t have accurate statistic data.
PUG and premade should never meet each other.
Sometimes, PUGs have disadvantages.
In no time, PUGs have advantages.
We know this is unfair enough without any serious calculation of expected value.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


Grow up, you read one line and immediately came to a conclusion. I have two accounts, I didn’t know that was important from which one I post my opinion

Actually he reached to conclusion : you have another acount OR you’re a liar. You linked it.

Can we calm this down. I was not trying to call out rainbow.4695.

We’re actually doing a decent job matching by party size, so Iwas curious if their experience could be explained by a known issue, or if it was something new.

Thank you Justin . I have been playing gw1 for 6 years and gw2 for almost 2. I am not a pro or anything like it, I just enjoy playing. I thought of posting my opinion in the forums, because I thought that it was we supposed to do. The guy who says I am a liar, I don’t get it , why would I lie? Anyway, enjoy your forums, i just remembered why i usually don’t get involved with them

Congratulations rainbow.4695 for that screenshot. Now that is an original pure bred mesmer.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


new matchmaker is awful no idea why you removed solo queue it’s literally just half premades vs full pugs or full premades vs full pugs.


I do couple of matches every night in Ranked and I can tell you that teams are quite balanced.
And there is barely any communication with teammates.
It’s far better than it was before with SoloQ.


Your thoughts about making 1v1 arena?
DM in Courtyard for example.
Or scraps of some places from World Map/WvW?

I somehow feel that it could be a food for those SoloQ people.

Tho, I can imagine that they’ll start whining about class balances, such as:
- omg, condi engi
- I can’t beat necro
- Mesmer 2Op
- Thief NERF nao!
- cele Ele immortality Enabled
- …or I’ll quit!

but it’s going to be rather their problem :x
and rating will work in this place quite flawlessly.

I must have awful luck. I’m constantly getting pitted against friends with full pugs.
I right click them and try to join to see if it’s a pug or premade. This is my average match fun fun….


bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


Still trying to figure out why he hasn’t posted his other account name. We would all like to see the data………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Elia.7193


I play solo, and I would like to be against other solo teams every time. I don’t want to make organized teams because I can not be bound to other peoples schedule or make them be bound to mine. I don’t know how it works but sometimes can be strange matches between solo teams like this one. My team was solo and the others too ( I right clicked and none was in party) but we won with a huge difference.


(edited by Elia.7193)

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


I play solo, and I would like to be against other solo teams every time. I don’t want to make organized teams because I can not be bound to other peoples schedule or make them be bound to mine.

That doesn’t stop you from working as a team with random people each game. After all, it’s a team format.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


I play solo, and I would like to be against other solo teams every time. I don’t want to make organized teams because I can not be bound to other peoples schedule or make them be bound to mine.

That doesn’t stop you from working as a team with random people each game. After all, it’s a team format.

You’re comparing premades that have played with each other many times and have strong communication to a random pug…? I’m not saying that it’s impossible for a PUG to beat a premades but it’s not in their favor

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: glock.6590


Ive been farmed by premades all day today

6’4’’ Master Race. I am Above You.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Wow, those screenshots. Fully prove to the community that they are premades, theres no need to show the premades team names, its way too obvious and name showing is not required.

I mean, when one team completely gives you a beatdown, they gotta be a premade, no questions asked.

See my screenshot, my team was totally premade, we gave those other guys a serious beatdown.

Stop the premade vs solo que madness!!!


(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Elia.7193


Wow, those screenshots. Fully prove to the community that they are premades, theres no need to show the premades team names, its way too obvious and name showing is not required.

I mean, when one team completely gives you a beatdown, they gotta be a premade, no questions asked.

See my screenshot, my team was totally premade, we gave those other guys a serious beatdown.

Stop the premade vs solo que madness!!!

I fully support the return of solo arena. However a bad match don’t always mean that you are vs premade, I posted a screen before, that shows that we won 501-12 and both teams we were solo. I don’t know how that happened , people who know how matchmaking works will probably be able to answer that

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Macmoarning.3208


The guy who says I am a liar, I don’t get it , why would I lie? Anyway, enjoy your forums, i just remembered why i usually don’t get involved with them

Actually i do not, the way justin said it made me think that he could possibly think that

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Macmoarning.3208


That doesn’t stop you from working as a team with random people each game. After all, it’s a team format.

No teamspeak, you also dont know your mates, maybe you’ll have 3 thieves, or 3 guard, maybe you’ll have inexperienced mate ; i think those thing can make a difference.

Also, the fact that anet could do a merged Q means that they believed that it wont affect solo player, but we also know for fact that they are penalized ( by those kind of matchmaking ) : even if its “just a bit”, they cant grind the ladder like a team.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Bartek.3568


@Justin ODell If you want you can check my today’s Games, i mean, what classes was on enemy team and my team, how many times i face a premades. I think i will get a rest of Ranked games for now + ppl who stay at spawn when match is 250:100, i think is a time to find some tpvp team

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Elia.7193


The guy who says I am a liar, I don’t get it , why would I lie? Anyway, enjoy your forums, i just remembered why i usually don’t get involved with them

Actually i do not, the way justin said it made me think that he could possibly think that

he posted a screen to show that he has an account and play pvp. I am not sure if the best way to answer to a post is imply that someone is lying

(edited by Elia.7193)

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Peutrifectus.4830


I always play solo and yes, it can be frustrating against a great premade, carrying your team to a defeat… But you can’t beat the satisfaction of handing it to a premade with a PUG team of good players… I think my last two ranked games in forest were against premades. In one, we schooled them with little other comms than map markers and marking targets.

Very satisfying. But I too, fully agree that a soloq should be reimplemented to prevent losing the casual solo Pvp player base… They’ll just go play other games.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


haha they will never bring back soloQ

situation now is exact same situation as when game was released

1) at release solo players got farmed by teamplayers (not even blizzard would be so stupid to do something like this and call it “competive”)

2) this killed the very big PVP playerbase short time after release very fast and forum was full with asking for soloQ

3) after some months arenanet bring finally soloQ and everyone was happy …. BUT the team players did now QQ cause noone to farm anymore. TeamQ was than 20+ minutes and met only same 5 teams all day

4) after this they had famous idea to give double rewards in teamQ

5) now – they go back to step 1 and wonder why still noone wanna play this game


after all this time they still dont see teamQ in this game is bullkitten (with this gamemode + this combatsystem) and just unfun and it will not be better when force the playerz to play it^^


(edited by Romek.4201)

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


@Justin ODell If you want you can check my today’s Games, i mean, what classes was on enemy team and my team, how many times i face a premades. I think i will get a rest of Ranked games for now + ppl who stay at spawn when match is 250:100, i think is a time to find some tpvp team

These guys are the worst, especially in the case you could get 400 points and not lose points on the LB. But some players are sore losers, I guess.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Kicast.1459


Solo will not come back because anet never come back on a bad decision. This makes things change … for bad reasons indeed but change nevertheless.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


All they had to do was add the veto and ready system and soloq would have been fine. By my reasoning, they didn’t want to split the already small pvp community, so they just threw us all into one playlist. In theory this would work, however it didn’t.

Very rarely will Anet revert a decision, even if it wasn’t the best idea. They are too prideful.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(edited by Harbinger.8637)

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I don’t know about you guys but when I solo in unranked arenas I always get a good balanced game win or lose. It is never a blowout 400-0 unless it is that crap deathmatch map called courtyard.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Grow up, you read one line and immediately came to a conclusion. I have two accounts, I didn’t know that was important from which one I post my opinion

Actually he reached to conclusion : you have another acount OR you’re a liar. You linked it.

Can we calm this down. I was not trying to call out rainbow.4695.

We’re actually doing a decent job matching by party size, so Iwas curious if their experience could be explained by a known issue, or if it was something new.

oh thats the reason when i had a full premade team last night we only faced full premades guild like 5-10 matches in a row, thx for the info!

just my ytb channel


bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Grow up, you read one line and immediately came to a conclusion. I have two accounts, I didn’t know that was important from which one I post my opinion

Actually he reached to conclusion : you have another acount OR you’re a liar. You linked it.

Can we calm this down. I was not trying to call out rainbow.4695.

We’re actually doing a decent job matching by party size, so Iwas curious if their experience could be explained by a known issue, or if it was something new.

No, you might be matching well on party size but it doesn’t matter. There is no solo queue leaderboards/win rates for those of us who want some competition as solo players. The times you queue solo you used to get in a game with 9 other good people. Now you get games with 0 other good people.

My favourite ever games of gw2 were when solo queue was just released and I recognised every player in my games and everybody was good and a challenge and making plays. Granted most of these people quit (me included for much of the intervening period), but there should still be the ability to give a good solo game.

Also in solo queue you used to wait 5-7 minutes for a good match and you could go the duelling server or go wvw or pve whilst you waited. You could also leave your pc and just check every few minutes for a pop.

Now you can’t do any of this at all. And the queue times are so short that it just bungs you in games with total randoms.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


All they had to do was add the veto and ready system and soloq would have been fine. By my reasoning, they didn’t want to split the already small pvp community, so they just threw us all into one playlist. In theory this would work, however it didn’t.

Very rarely will Anet revert a decision, even if it wasn’t the best idea. They are too prideful.

No that wasn’t the theory. Because there is still ranked and unranked. So in fact solo players are split (some do ranked and some do unranked), and teams are split (some do ranked and some do unranked).

So it is way more split than before.

Basically anet did the famous thing of not listening to people. NOBODY EVER asked for solo queue to be removed. Or not seriously. So what they did was listen to a bunch of randoms dudes who play in their no-life “teams” with their schedules who needed people to farm in team queue and so they removed solo queue for those of us who enjoy the flexibility.

There was no reason AT ALL to remove solo queue. It was the most stupid decision ever. I think the devs/people the devs listen to got nerd rage at solo queue and got it removed.

Devs listen to a bunch of top NA players who probably couldn’t hack not winning 90% of their matches (you cant in solo queue) and got it removed.

Very lame, very sad for the community. gg gw2, you killed your own game in about 50 ways with the last patch.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


Ok Evan, this post isn’t on a level with toggling head/shoulder slots, but worth a read!

The thing is, introducing Guild Teams could provide the solution to this issue.

I’ve played more solo q than most people (also across several accounts and before you say anything Evan was skiing last week!), and have also noticed a decline in match quality. The ability to swap classes now at least allows for some way to deal with poor matchups, but Henry is right in that this splitting has affected solo q the hardest.

I can see what was trying to be achieved; duo and trio queue simply didn’t happen under the old system, and it’s good something was being done to address this. I hope that the new guild team system will allow for premades to be matched effectively without the splitting that’s occurring right now.

What I would propose would be this:

- A (competitively) ranked, leagued system for ‘Guild Teams’

- An unranked system for teams of sizes 1-3, with logged stats and the statistics that you alluded to. I think winning activity for participating in this during a season should be rewarded too, although this is more PvL than PvP (Player versus Life). This activity would be a summation of the Guild Team games too.

The only thing this would not cater for is 4 man parties. Frankly for the stress it puts on matchmaking people can just suck it up and find a 5th. A four man team is essentially a premade, and nobody wants to solo q in that environment.

This is also a good solution because, as I think everyone will agree, nobody plays in anything but 5 man teams for a respectable leaderboard rating. Nobody wants to parade around their ability to beat the odds by 5 or 10% in solo q, or their rise to the top due in part to no job or sexual contact for 2 months straight.

Humor aside Evan, I really want this game to work. I hope you can find a solution to this issue by taking feedback from me and others into consideration.

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

bring back solo arena

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


NOBODY EVER asked for solo queue to be removed.

Thing is, that statement is factually correct, but also completely wrong: no, none of the roughly 200 people that were left still playing solo queue ever asked for it to be removed! :p However, the fact that it was a. toxic b. extremely unwelcoming to newcomers and c. a deserted, barren wasteland, led them to the conclusion that it needed to either be fixed or scrapped. They chose scrapped, and I think that, while things are admittedly choppy right now, it will prove to be the right choice in the months to come, PROVIDED that the pvp population grows.

If we have enough people playing for matchmaking to be reasonably stable, then a reasonably-skilled solo player will get matched with and against other reasonably skilled solo players, with or against slightly less-skilled partial teams, and against somewhat-more-than-slightly less-skilled full teams (whose lower individual skill is made up for by the fact that they’re a full coordinated team, so they should still give a full team of higher-skilled soloers a good fight), so that you’ll be able to get good, close fights most of the time.

There aren’t enough people playing right now for that to happen. Last night, you and your team beat my pug (me and another guy were duo-ing, the other 3 were on their own, it must’ve been a big outlier that we were matched against your lot). But you can see that, once we’ve hit a certain population, things are gonna be a lot smoother than artificially segregating solo players into their own playground. Conquest is by definition a team game, you need to co-ordinate across several points on the map. Having a separate ladder that forces people to queue solo will only attract people who care solely about their own personal ranking, and therefore will create a (pointlessly) competitive, toxic environment.

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.