bring back the Holiday reward tracks
The wintersday one would have been neat since Guild Wars 1 Had Wintersday In July… but it’s no longer July!
Fort Aspenwood
I believe they are convinced the best time to implement ‘Holliday PvP Reward Tracks’ are during their respective holiday events. I know it seems kinda counter-intuitive, but they’re convinced that it makes sense with a bit of thought/logic.
I believe they are convinced the best time to implement ‘Holliday PvP Reward Tracks’ are during their respective holiday events. I know it seems kinda counter-intuitive, but they’re convinced that it makes sense with a bit of thought/logic.
hue hue hue… ok then, is their logic to bore players into leaving? How many times am I expected to do the same reward track over and over and feel REWARDED????
I personally get my reward from stomping other players lol, but I just play pvp for the fun. Besides of they just randomly added the holiday tracks outside of their own zone it wouldn’t really make sense. Not to mention people would probably complain about being blindsided or not knowing it was going on and missing out on it.
If you play PvP purely for the reward tracks, you’re doing it wrong.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
In comparison to Guild Wars (Prophecies – Beyond), We (GW2) are missing a lot of holidays and festivities. Some of them, make sense due to lore issues and the loss of knowledge of those civilizations. However, it would be nice to re-introduce some of the older festivities and implement reward tracks for them.
This would give players something to do, introduce new rewards, and be a slight nod back to Guild Wars 1.
Here is a list I came up of festivities that can easily be ported to GW2:
Lucky Treats Weekend (March 14th, St. Patrick’s day)
Sweet Treats Week (April 10th, Easter)
Chocolate Eggs and Bunnies with jelly beans. Maybe at the end of the reward track a special bunny back piece or hat or something.
Dragon Festival (June 27th) We had Dragon Bash but that vanished…
Based on the Elder Dragons, some dragon themed shoulders or w.e.
Wintersday in July (July 24th) Rehash of previous years wintersday without any snow or dungeons. GW2 wise, this would be without Tix or Tox.
Already exists, just re-implement reward track from Wintersday.
Pirate Week (September 13th, international talk like a pirate day)
Pirate themed reward track with Alcohol being rewarded every tier and a special pirate item at the end.
Special Treats Week (November 21, US thanks giving)
Lot of Autumn based food being rewarded. Pumpkins, Turkey, ambrosia etc. The end reward could be something like a Buckled Hat or funny looking Turkey Weapon.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Wolfey.3407)
I believe they are convinced the best time to implement ‘Holliday PvP Reward Tracks’ are during their respective holiday events. I know it seems kinda counter-intuitive, but they’re convinced that it makes sense with a bit of thought/logic.
hue hue hue… ok then, is their logic to bore players into leaving? How many times am I expected to do the same reward track over and over and feel REWARDED????
Uhm…I repeated the Glorious track to unlock all three full sets of Glorious armor (18 tracks). I’m also working on completing the full Ambrite Weapon skin set (17 I’m pretty sure) b/c I find Dry Top grinding VERY boring. As someone in a Dungeon Speedclear guild, since shortly after launch, the Dungeoneer collection was simple for me, but is, still, a clear PvP option/goal (lot’s of nice skins, a shiny new title, and even quite a few free and otherwise unobtainable, Asc. accessories. PvP loot boxes also have the highest Ascended Weapon/Armor Box droprate outside of Fractals of the Mists!) Once you have all of those goals knocked out, you can repeat Dungeon Tracks for easy exotic weapons (3 weapons of your choice+240 Dungeon tokens) for ‘free’ Mystic Forge rolls for a Precursor, to salvage for ectos to sell/craft, or even other ‘super secret’ ways to make good amount of gold from doing nothing but PvP. AND, if you’re already aware of all this and have achieved it all or don’t care for any of it, AND STILL don’t think PvP is worth playing just because it’s a lot of fun, then take up a hobby or try going outside or doing something else productive/satisfying with life instead of rhetorically complaining on the forums.
OK time to get back to my friends and some matches! Hope my advice/suggestions helped b/c that’s the best I can offer and the most you’ll get. (Most real PvPers generally don’t care to waste their time on this type of silliness.) Good luck!