classic burst warr is still supreme
I’m assuming you’re in the process of uploading your vids of this next-level, overwhelmingly-dominant tpvp warrior play?
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
I’m assuming you’re in the process of uploading your vids of this next-level, overwhelmingly-dominant tpvp warrior play?
Hmm..have never done that and not particularly interested in divulging details. I’d find it hard to believe you haven’t run across some really good burst warriors.
What shocks me more is that people around here find this surprising. The burst war takes some practice, I was terrible early on, but is extremely effective and that’s the reason the devs aren’t rushing to “buff” it.
I’m assuming you’re in the process of uploading your vids of this next-level, overwhelmingly-dominant tpvp warrior play?
Hmm..have never done that and not particularly interested in divulging details.
Seems legit.
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
The burst warrior is effective on anyone afk or asleep. That’s about it.
Can’t find you on the leaderboards. Gwshack is down but mistleague boards are up and don’t have you on them. What is your main account?
As a previous GS user myself (“Previous”, because I am decided to change things to something else I might like), I can say that the greatsword’s burst is still quite well, it is fun to see people underestimate my simple chain skill sometimes.
However, the problem with greatsword, is that it only got mobility and burst – mobility might be good but won’t help you take down the oppenent’s HP on his own, so only burst is left… unfortunately, the burst itself sometimes isn’t enough to finish the opponent before you go down – GS warriors tend to have no survivability after all in order to keep that burst damage, so we tend to get stuck with only two dodges with our stamina, without even vigor or protection to help us out… I had my share of battles with that build, and it seems to feel like rock-paper-scissors sometimes:
There are people that I fight I could defeat thanks to them not having that much survivability themselves, but there are those with builds that can help them survive the burst attacks, and not just things like protection, but things that can interrupt and disable the greatsword warrior, mesmers using stealth and clones, making it harder to target the source, even if you can tell who is clone and is not (I think most people use tab instead the mouse to target, because they also use the mouse to help them move).
Moreover, you can get screwed over in 1vx situations, and while you can evade those… minion necromancers can still beat you thanks to that advantage – if you focus to beat one person down, his minions will finish you off, while also helping the necromancer survive thanks to the minion-based traits.
In short, the GS build are more like “win quickly or lose quickly”, as you don’t have enough survivability for longer fights… and sometimes even the good greatsword’s burst damage isn’t enough (Protection is still a 33% damage reduction, and eventually I noticed why the warrior complain on blinds), which is why most warriors feel they are sometimes overwhelmed.
^most classes are reduced to about 30-40% hp from initial burst, then alt wpn bursts can either finish or nearly finish. As far as I’m concerned endure pain and dogged march plus mobility give plenty survivability.
^most classes are reduced to about 30-40% hp from initial burst, then alt wpn bursts can either finish or nearly finish. As far as I’m concerned endure pain and dogged march plus mobility give plenty survivability.
That’s great.
What’s your name?
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
I agree that sometimes burst Warriors can really catch you off guard. The problem I find is that if you cannot finish your opponent quickly, you are screwed. There is no resetting fights or buying time in the way that Mesmer and Thieves can. Usually when burst Warriors get the drop on me, I’ll drop below 50% very fast, but I still manage to come out on top. They’re still very easily kited. If Cleansing Ire cleared condis without requiring your burst to land, and when Berserker Stance and Warrior healing gets a buff, things might be different. I personally run a sustain build. I can win most 1 v 1s, but there are still very good players with certain classes that I can’t beat.
^most classes are reduced to about 30-40% hp from initial burst, then alt wpn bursts can either finish or nearly finish. As far as I’m concerned endure pain and dogged march plus mobility give plenty survivability.
That’s great.
What’s your name?
This is acc name, warr is mykasa ackrman. I mostly do hotjoins atm, rank is only 40.
I mostly do hotjoins atm
This skew’s your view.
^most classes are reduced to about 30-40% hp from initial burst, then alt wpn bursts can either finish or nearly finish. As far as I’m concerned endure pain and dogged march plus mobility give plenty survivability.
Yeah… dogged march isn’t really that great as you might think in PvP: the regenartion bonus is:
(130+0.125*healing power)3 (the "3" are the three seconds)
Let’s assume we have 1000 healing power, that would be only 765 health points back XD
“But we don’t use it for regeneration anyway”, yeah, but here’s the thing: you are still affected by those things, so the enemy can still use those as an opening, even if they are shorter… sometimes enough to give other cripples, chills, and immobilize.
(which is why I took the trait that makes movement skill break immobilize, with chills and cripples I can actually deal with without dogged march thanks to my build.)
About endure pain… I admit, this one can give good survivability to survive other glass cannons, but… it still won’t help that well against people that mainly use CC in their fight, unless you know them and how to avoid them, which is sometimes hard with the ranged CC skills that aren’t telegraphed that well to notice it quickly enough and evade.
Moreover, even if you are fast enough to react to them, there’s still the problem of only two dodges, and as what I previously stated – people that excel at survivability (and not just “tanking” again, CC and things that help get away from damage such as stealth and teleport counts).
Also… I have to ask, do you just use “hundred blades” for the initial burst (How you land it is less of a problem for me, each one and his own way on that one), or do you also use other things for the initial burst damage as well? and by the way, let’s be clear here – even if the initial burst damage is good, doesn’t mean they can’t turn the tables, as some people (mostly the skilled ones, usually ) can figure out a way to keep fighting after that initial burst damage while also evading, blocking, or countering the alt weapon burst skill, or… just manage to save themselves from the initial burst damage
Now… about your build, would you mind saying what traits you use, crit-chance if it is valuable to the build, <strong>and mainly</strong> – how do you get enough high mobility to stay in close range to the enemies?
The last one is important in my eyes, as after all – not being able to get close enough for closer combat → no damage given → higher chances of losing.
I honestly don’t think warrior is as bad as people make it seem to be anymore.
I don’t feel like a real liability or free kill anymore vs most classes besides necro(unless they screw up/bad) and certain engi specs and mesmer/teef at certain areas where they can abuse teleporting to high ground/LoS.
And since the “Leaderbord card” is thrown
RANK: 510
WINS: 470
Not the best rankings and it’s mostly engi/ele play with warrior since the cleansing ire patch(played warrior abit before frenzy nerf but no one wanted to play with me ;D).
Have only solo, duo, trip(with a guy who have <100 tourny games since launch) queued the last 4 weeks. Actully with the current state of my warrior i think i would have been more useful as warrior than engi(beside elixir R..) in my previous team…
I agree that sometimes burst Warriors can really catch you off guard. The problem I find is that if you cannot finish your opponent quickly, you are screwed. There is no resetting fights or buying time in the way that Mesmer and Thieves can. Usually when burst Warriors get the drop on me, I’ll drop below 50% very fast, but I still manage to come out on top. They’re still very easily kited. If Cleansing Ire cleared condis without requiring your burst to land, and when Berserker Stance and Warrior healing gets a buff, things might be different. I personally run a sustain build. I can win most 1 v 1s, but there are still very good players with certain classes that I can’t beat.
Block, evade, dodge, stealth, blind, teleport. In order for a burst warrior to do damage, none of those conditions can be applied during the period of time the warrior attacks.
That’s not even taking into consideration the effects of cripple, immob or chilled.
Telegraphic moves of almost every major ability of every weapon set compounds the issue by allowing the enemy a period of time where they can react to apply one of these conditions if they don’t already have one applied.
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
I honestly don’t think warrior is as bad as people make it seem to be anymore.
I don’t feel like a real liability or free kill anymore vs most classes besides necro(unless they screw up/bad) and certain engi specs and mesmer/teef at certain areas where they can abuse teleporting to high ground/LoS.And since the “Leaderbord card” is thrown
RANK: 510
WINS: 470
PERCENTAGE: 53.53%Not the best rankings and it’s mostly engi/ele play with warrior since the cleansing ire patch(played warrior abit before frenzy nerf but no one wanted to play with me ;D).
Have only solo, duo, trip(with a guy who have <100 tourny games since launch) queued the last 4 weeks. Actully with the current state of my warrior i think i would have been more useful as warrior than engi(beside elixir R..) in my previous team…
This isnt about warriors not being viable in tpvp. Its about the op’s idea that the “classic burst” warrior is “overwhelmingly dominant” when played correctly. It’s another hotjoin hero who goes “Im soo good i one shot people all day you guys should just l2p”.
I honestly don’t think warrior is as bad as people make it seem to be anymore.
I don’t feel like a real liability or free kill anymore vs most classes besides necro(unless they screw up/bad) and certain engi specs and mesmer/teef at certain areas where they can abuse teleporting to high ground/LoS.And since the “Leaderbord card” is thrown
RANK: 510
WINS: 470
PERCENTAGE: 53.53%Not the best rankings and it’s mostly engi/ele play with warrior since the cleansing ire patch(played warrior abit before frenzy nerf but no one wanted to play with me ;D).
Have only solo, duo, trip(with a guy who have <100 tourny games since launch) queued the last 4 weeks. Actully with the current state of my warrior i think i would have been more useful as warrior than engi(beside elixir R..) in my previous team…This isnt about warriors not being viable in tpvp. Its about the op’s idea that the “classic burst” warrior is “overwhelmingly dominant” when played correctly. It’s another hotjoin hero who goes “Im soo good i one shot people all day you guys should just l2p”.
Yes but people in general seem to think that warriors are complete pushovers and utterly useless..
Yes but people in general seem to think that warriors are complete pushovers and utterly useless..
Probably won’t change until a team wins a major tournament with those new bruiser warrior builds that warriors seem to be running now.
I mostly do hotjoins atm
This skew’s your view.
ya I hear people whine about hotjoin every game. Those are the ones who can’t hack it
I mostly do hotjoins atm
This skew’s your view.
ya I hear people whine about hotjoin every game. Those are the ones who can’t hack it
kitten you’re a good troll. 9/10
Yes but people in general seem to think that warriors are complete pushovers and utterly useless..
Probably won’t change until a team wins a major tournament with those new bruiser warrior builds that warriors seem to be running now.
Bruiser warrior builds? you made curious, what are those bruiser builds?
Bruiser warrior builds? you made curious, what are those bruiser builds?
I’ve seen quite a few. Some spec offensive traits, some defensive.
Rippii has an interesting one on his stream,run into him a lot in solo que. :
There are many other builds but I don’t know them off by heart and I havn’t played any myself so I can’t really give guidelines either. Seen hammer/gs, hammer/mace/shield, hammer/axe/mace, gs/axe/mace.
(edited by Nikkle.4013)
There’s only 1 warrior build that gave me some amount of trouble in the last time and that was a particular longbow/sword/sword condition spamming warrior.
There’s only 1 warrior build that gave me some amount of trouble in the last time and that was a particular longbow/sword/sword condition spamming warrior.
Tried one, didn’t work for me, or probably because that 1) I had no sustain at all in that build I created XD, and 2) I’m a guy that tries to fight 1v1, I don’t know yet if such builds are good in 1v1 or not.
sorry but less damage, less cc, less able to land hits since last patch
was a gs/lb 20 25 0 10 15 zerk/valk war. definitely was the best build with the most excisting gameplay and playstyle. now, im back to pve.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
I mostly do hotjoins atm, rank is only 40.
/thread. Warrior is still not viable in competitive play.