

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I keep mentioning alt accounts but everyone is like ohhh thats different.

Im like we all know certain players on both sides. For instance X person was ranked number 1 in S5 and if im not mistaken he had 2 other alts in the top 50.

Why is this acceptable but for the Abjured to play on other peoples accounts?

Like there must be some be unwritten rules in the community i dont know about.


in PvP

Posted by: Lilyanna.9361


Honestly, I believe that needs to be /no/ alts period, for any reason.
Anet needs to have a rule, that if you are going to take their game competitively, they need to have one account they are climbing.
If they find out there’s an alt that’s in the top 25 or whatever, they immediately get wiped out and someone else takes their place.
This is ridiculous people needs /this/ many alts just to get gold, prizes, or whatever for themselves.
Honestly, what is this even.


in PvP

Posted by: Eragon.8537


If somebody is skilled enough and has time enough to keep multiple accounts at the top of the leaderboard, they deserve those positions same as anybody. They very clearly aren’t exploiting or doing anything wrong if those accounts are all kept at a legend level.


in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


If somebody is skilled enough and has time enough to keep multiple accounts at the top of the leaderboard, they deserve those positions same as anybody. They very clearly aren’t exploiting or doing anything wrong if those accounts are all kept at a legend level.

Why is what the Abjured did is EXPLOITING but if i pay someone to carry me threw a raid, or threw a fractal or in previous seasons people paying players to carry them to Legendary?

That person who is at that level is taking away from other players in the game. Like if the 10 best players in the game decided to buy 10 accounts, then the top 250 players in the game are literally 5 players.

When people cheat at other aspects of the game, they are hurting no one. Literally effecting nobody, yet when the Abjured play on alt accounts they get perma banned.

Im just trying to understand what makes these things so different being they are so similar.

Someone used a great example in the new legendary thread.

If i make a sword or buy what makes it ok? If i dont have the ability to make a sword in game, i can buy off the TP or buy it from someone who can make me a sword.

All that is happening now is the control over how the sword is made.

This person with 5 accounts in the top 250 is stealing the potential chances of other players to get swords. Thats my view on it.


in PvP

Posted by: Eragon.8537


If somebody is skilled enough and has time enough to keep multiple accounts at the top of the leaderboard, they deserve those positions same as anybody. They very clearly aren’t exploiting or doing anything wrong if those accounts are all kept at a legend level.

Why is what the Abjured did is EXPLOITING but if i pay someone to carry me threw a raid, or threw a fractal or in previous seasons people paying players to carry them to Legendary?

That person who is at that level is taking away from other players in the game. Like if the 10 best players in the game decided to buy 10 accounts, then the top 250 players in the game are literally 5 players.

When people cheat at other aspects of the game, they are hurting no one. Literally effecting nobody, yet when the Abjured play on alt accounts they get perma banned.

Im just trying to understand what makes these things so different being they are so similar.

Someone used a great example in the new legendary thread.

If i make a sword or buy what makes it ok? If i dont have the ability to make a sword in game, i can buy off the TP or buy it from someone who can make me a sword.

All that is happening now is the control over how the sword is made.

This person with 5 accounts in the top 250 is stealing the potential chances of other players to get swords. Thats my view on it.

This is not referencing the Abjured at all lol. Carrying accounts for money mixed with match manipulation to guarantee wins on said accounts is a problem and I am not arguing that is right at all.

This is a very separate discussion with regards to a normal player having an alt or two to play on without the same stress ranked can bring playing on a main. Having multiple accounts and playing legitimately on them is not taking anything from anybody nor exploiting in any way, shape, or form. There are many people that play fair and square and have multiple accounts in the top 250. If they take spots with alts over what you can get with your main, then that’s simply your fault for not being up to that level.

Also, if 10 players buy 10 accounts a piece, that’s 100 people total, not 250. Top 250 being 5 players would be 50 accounts a piece. Your math is a bit odd here. If somebody can keep that many accounts that high over what you can do with a single main, then you’ve got problems.


in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


And now we see how Anets knee jerk reaction has just opened Pandora box.

For the record what the injured did was not cheating. It was wrong but they won fair and square.


in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


If somebody is skilled enough and has time enough to keep multiple accounts at the top of the leaderboard, they deserve those positions same as anybody. They very clearly aren’t exploiting or doing anything wrong if those accounts are all kept at a legend level.

Why is what the Abjured did is EXPLOITING but if i pay someone to carry me threw a raid, or threw a fractal or in previous seasons people paying players to carry them to Legendary?

That person who is at that level is taking away from other players in the game. Like if the 10 best players in the game decided to buy 10 accounts, then the top 250 players in the game are literally 5 players.

When people cheat at other aspects of the game, they are hurting no one. Literally effecting nobody, yet when the Abjured play on alt accounts they get perma banned.

Im just trying to understand what makes these things so different being they are so similar.

Someone used a great example in the new legendary thread.

If i make a sword or buy what makes it ok? If i dont have the ability to make a sword in game, i can buy off the TP or buy it from someone who can make me a sword.

All that is happening now is the control over how the sword is made.

This person with 5 accounts in the top 250 is stealing the potential chances of other players to get swords. Thats my view on it.

This is not referencing the Abjured at all lol. Carrying accounts for money mixed with match manipulation to guarantee wins on said accounts is a problem and I am not arguing that is right at all.

This is a very separate discussion with regards to a normal player having an alt or two to play on without the same stress ranked can bring playing on a main. Having multiple accounts and playing legitimately on them is not taking anything from anybody nor exploiting in any way, shape, or form. There are many people that play fair and square and have multiple accounts in the top 250. If they take spots with alts over what you can get with your main, then that’s simply your fault for not being up to that level.

Also, if 10 players buy 10 accounts a piece, that’s 100 people total, not 250. Top 250 being 5 players would be 50 accounts a piece. Your math is a bit odd here. If somebody can keep that many accounts that high over what you can do with a single main, then you’ve got problems.

There was no match manipulation. It was a tournament and they simply won. Didnt cheat in any way.

Also people can pay real money to get gems to get legendarys, other items and even titles such as the " im so rich title".

Raids also take in game gold but they also take “gifts” that take real money to buy.

Lastly yes my math was wrong but i was just using a example. I dont understand how that is fair in your view and what they did was wrong.

The Abjured played a tournament on alt accounts and won. Thats it, the rest of the stuff is just fluff to change the narrative of the story. Yet if a player has 7 accounts and takes 7 spots on the top 250 board where exclusive prizes and titles are awarded. There is nothing wrong with that.

The only difference is Anet got paid on 1 end and the Abjured players got paid on there end and Anet couldnt have that.


in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


And now we see how Anets knee jerk reaction has just opened Pandora box.

For the record what the injured did was not cheating. It was wrong but they won fair and square.


Its only wrong if you look at it a certain way. I look at people having multiple alts taking up spots on the leader board worse then what the Abjured did. They played on alt accounts and won a tournament.

Alot of upper PvP players are just salty because they lost and now some PvE players will have unique titles that they dont want them having.

And lower end players are trying to apply there ideology on what is the “right” thing to do and im not seeing it.