didnt fix a thing

didnt fix a thing

in PvP

Posted by: deda.8302


Im really dissapointed,and after so many previous dissapointments only solution is to change game.
Still 4 rangers against 4 guards set up,still ranks 0-30 which have no slue what 2 do,still no punishment for players farming glory and yes unbelivable daily achievemnts:(

Yesterday i had apleasuer to meat player rank 30 who comes 2 spvp to farm daily !!!!
I asked why not hot join he sadi im kitten ed,so obviously punishment for farming is not enough.
Yet after just few games i met other guy rank 4 this time who made few mistakes which we pointed out to him ,we won the match, and after i told him to take a look at some videos from sensotix and other forum guides and learn wht he should do.

Answer is, well “why bother when i can learn first hand form competitive players.”
he doesn’t care about team or wining he will get his reward if cried by team if he loses ,well he learned somthing:(
Why then do we have hot join?

U failed to deliver wht u promised for this patch,or is it just a Christmas time and so many kids got new game and started messing things?

didnt fix a thing

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


So what if new players are in your team, you started as well as a beginner one day. There’s no better way to learn the game then play it a lot. People need to stop complaining about dumb kitten like this. Sometimes you’re with a good team, sometimes with a bad one, deal with it.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

didnt fix a thing

in PvP

Posted by: Ruru.1302


So what if new players are in your team, you started as well as a beginner one day. There’s no better way to learn the game then play it a lot. People need to stop complaining about dumb kitten like this. Sometimes you’re with a good team, sometimes with a bad one, deal with it.

I think he’s saying that new sPvP players should not be playing tPvP, which I frankly agree with. There are hotjoins. Maybe you can make a level restriction on tPvP, like rank 20 to start

[Mada] Apocryfia

didnt fix a thing

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


There are players that play bad at rank 50, locking it out to rank 20 would make no difference considering the entire match system is based off a hidden rating.

In other words, if you are playing bad and performing the same as those rank 20’s, being rank 60 or rank 0 wouldn’t make any difference.

I was playing in gold tier tournaments at rank 4 when this game first launched, I was killing people beyond rank 10. It did not make a difference in skill level