do u all want more PvE players in sPvP?
What is “rewarding” really?
I would like to be rewarded with a nice name on a working LB which seems to be happening…
I made a thread a while back About rewards and incentives
To me, as a PvP-er, I like PvP-ish rewards to sattisfy my PvP heart, though I can see others wanting trivial things like Gold, which to me is almost a non-issue…
So be more specific, what is your aim? Skins? Backpacks? Titles? Gold? Weapons?
All of these can be considered a nice carrot to chase really…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
well, i suppose i am talking about gold, the most basic currency in guild wars 2.
because, with gold, one can buy gems, and then purchase lots of shinies off the gem store. also helping with the gem price inflation, helping anet profit in the process.
To be fair, with Rated Arenas, a nice Gem reward could also solve some things and incentify people to que up for it :P
You know, like the old Arenas…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
well, i suppose i am talking about gold, the most basic currency in guild wars 2.
because, with gold, one can buy gems, and then purchase lots of shinies off the gem store. also helping with the gem price inflation, helping anet profit in the process.
first, rewards do not make for a good pvp experience. they can throw all the rewards they want, but it will not fix the roots of the problems.
second, converting gold to gems does not help anet in any way.
you want pvers coming to pvp? you need to improve professions. add new game modes. work on stuff like conditions, stealth and over the top burst abilities. raise the ttk so players are not getting decimated in seconds. all professions need to have a similar feel and controls without the gimmicky and awkward mechanics. bunch of other stuff…
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
(edited by Swagger.1459)
more fresh meat in sPvP is always a good thing eh?
Yes! With the new Practice/Play/Compete-System in place even more so.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
the first couple of days after reward track release even teamq was close to unplayable at low ranks (around 95%-900; felt a lot like hotjoin: people capping points together, general cluelessness about secondary mechanics, rotations, effectiveness of builds and so on) so i have to go for no. it was fun for a few matches since even semi-noobs like me were able to carry quite a lot but frustration took over quickly.
i don’t care for any kind of reward in pvp at all. if higher rewards bring in a wave of people that i am uncomfortably playing with because they are even (a lot) worse than me, then no thx.
that said i have nothing about people wanting to learn pvp, i even encourage everyone that does but figuring out the absolute basics of pvp doesn’t belong into teamq.
however, the new ranked/unranked system might very well make my whole post obsolete.
(edited by zaced.7948)
Define PvE players. Ones who’d only come here for the rewards and destroy the matches with afking / zerging / griefing with no intention to learn anything about PvP then no, they are the last thing we need. On the other hand, new players are always welcomed.
If something isnt fun to play there isnt reward good enough
Tekkit’s Workshop
Well, of course a sudden influx of PvE player in sPvP would decrease the quality of game for a short period of time. People are curious to know what’s new.
But in the end, ppl that don’t really like pvp will quit and other will start to like it, getting better, knowing more and more about the game and will become a sPvP player.
I always loved sPvP, but I also wanted to craft a lengendary and I could do that if I didn’t played PvE mostly when the game started. Most of friend didn’t want to do sPvP because it didn’t give them much reward. Now, the third of my guild play sPvP on a daily basis.
Personally, I’m fine with the amount of reward right now. But I won’t be mad if they increase it and suddently a bunch of PvE player join on the fun. Anyway, with the new way it will work after december 2, I really don’t think that there will be much noobs PvE player joining in Team Arena.
New blood in any game mode is always vital for a game’s long-term survival. All games will eventually suffer from player attrition as old players get bored, move on to different games, or get called away by real life. When that happens, it’s crucial that there are newer players who can step up to fill the ranks.
As such, I agree that it’s very important not to turn away PvE players who are thinking about stepping into PvP. The vast majority of them (like me) will never be good enough to compete professionally or at the elite level, but we create activity that will keep the game mode going, and some people will eventually want to improve themselves or step up to the next level.
I absolutely want as many people in PvP as possible. With the matchmaking, the new people will play each other. Some of them will get better and move up the ladder. That will increase the competition every step up.
No, in general, I don’t want more PvE players in PvP. Only if they enjoy the competeitive aspects of PvP and are willing to learn and become dediacted PvP players in the long run.
That’s what Hotjoin/Practice will be for. For the PvE players who are just there to dabble/muck around with friends/do dailies and reward tracks. They can stay there and not bother the “real PvP’ers”.
Some of these PvE players might then decide that, “Hey, I actually LIKE PvP”, and think about stepping up. That’s where the “Play” mode comes in. But we need Hotjoin/Practice to be the kiddy pool/recruiting ground first, just like how the big sports leagues will recruit from promising candidates in high schools and colleges.
Do not even think about gem reward, it go against the business model anet has.
Gold is not the best choice, it causes inflation, and in the end everybody is worse off.
so , how about milestone reward like achievement. at different stage of your ladder career offer something like precursor , at end of the season offer a reward based on ranking.
When the new matchmaking system goes live there won’t be a problem where newer players get matched with seasoned players – so yes, they are very welcome!
I was once one of these PvE players that didn’t know my way around PvP. I went to the mists just to try it out. Got trash talked so bad by some elitist brat that I left PvP for over a year. I later returned and boy I loved it! From that day on I rarely touch PvE. PvP is my new home, and I would love to see it grow – and the only way to do that is to bring more PvE players to the mists!
As for rewards: I think they’re fine as is. We could see more titles rewarded to season champions (when leagues arrive) and more PvP specific skins.
Yes, the more players in sPvP the better. Period.
As for rewards…I think sPvP should reward more gold and have a reward track that leads to ingredients that can be used to craft a random precursor, or maybe ingredients used to craft and item needed to start a LONG quest chain for a precursor. It would be nice if WvW would pulled into this as well somehow.
“sPvP should be more rewarding than PvE”
why dont you have this as your title
I don’t think it should be ‘more’ rewarding. I think however, it should be more rewarding than it is currently. I’m not saying throw some gold in there, or gems. But, adding a few more champ boxes, dungeon tokens, and crafting materials ( with the exception of Dust, Ore, and Frags lol ) would be more than welcomed.
More rewards for winning, yes. That might actually encourage pve’ers to try, and get better at, PvP.
There probably isn’t many ppl like that tho.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Of course, granted the matchmaking works.
Pretty sure they stealth nerfed pvp rewards, I am not sure why. In the first two weeks of the rewards change I got 2 ascended boxes from very heavy play but only two since, tiny sample size but I also heard of many more friends getting boxes back then.