exploit match making system

exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: TROLL.5076


This match making system is such a joke. Lengendary division is something that you can kitteng farm.(Just group up with low division friends. Also low division does not mean they are bad, they probably 1) just started league 2) play meta build which requires 0 kitteng skill) Take a look at this. 40% of the time I’m up against legendary/diamond mmr exploiters.

Don’t tell me that 5 man premade is nothing. They have better team composition, better communication. Also note in the current meta, team composition is everything, no Chronomancer/Tempest almost means that you are gonna lose. Premade should be matched to premade always. It’s just unfair for solo queue players.

This match making system is a insult to all the skilled players since you can just reach legendary by exploit mmr. What a joke.

Also I sometimes lose 2 pips for a 4v5 game. This game is kitteng unplayable.

*I reached ruby by solo queue and non-meta builds. However diamond is impossible if I don’t play meta cancer.


exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


…but FRANDS!


exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I guess the stronghold farm finally trickled into forums, when people “legitimately” farmed diamond→legendary in 1 day. These guys are late to it? Honestly at this point, who cares.. ANet doesn’t apparently.

exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: Jacob.4280


@Morwath y u make a point with friends. Play with friends Im ok with that, but premade should always be matched with another premade and not another 5 random ppl, like on the screenshots.

exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: Silverthorn.8576


1) just started league

What happens when your position in league is not in correlation with your MMR. Arenanet just brings something more to farm in PvP nothing else, in a game they said there will be no farming…

In a normal PvP game you are supposed to play qualifying games that will help calculating your position in league with your MMR and soloQ and teamQ are not match together…

exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Your position in league ALWAYS correlates with your mmr.
Thats the problem.

exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: Silverthorn.8576


Your position in league ALWAYS correlates with your mmr.
Thats the problem.

nope because everyone start in amber league

exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Your position in league ALWAYS correlates with your mmr.
Thats the problem.

nope because everyone start in amber league

Even if people would start in divisions matching their MMR, it would be pointless with easy exploiting via grupping to fool matchmaking…

exploit match making system

in PvP

Posted by: Silverthorn.8576


yep that’s why we need separate queue for team and solo queue!