guardians that are good

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


so we have won most our paid tournaments. the awesome thing is our guardian is not allowed to use a mace in paid tournaments.

reason 1. i believe our team is to good to need to exploit bugs
reason 2. we have not came across a team that doesn’t block bug (they say it happens sometimes, guess those sometimes are only when they and there team is about to get destroyed)
reason 3. if we beat a team 500-0 and i even thought we block bugged even 1 battle then its a loss in my mind.

now i understand everyone isnt as good. but it all comes down to your own self-worth.

last thing i will say is we all know there is a block bug and the devs cant find the reason, that is ok but for now if u come into paid and u are a guardian use something other then a mace. otherwise you are not good.

or u can have 2 guardians rotating it “accidently” and pretend u are good



guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Im Too Godlike.5629

Im Too Godlike.5629

Well its anets fault so the only thing i’m going to do is curse at anet…

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


Well first of all, I would like to say I find it very honorable that your team does not use the block bug. I agree that way too many teams (especially those that are near the top with their skills anyway) are making use of the bug. However, not every team uses it, my team has played your team and we do not let our guardian use a mace either.

Also, like you, I think its a joke that teams say they aren’t using it “on purpose” when it happens non-stop during the match. For some winning must be done at any cost, but I think that a win based on a bug is not a win at all.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Siric.3589


They removed the easy and reliable to bug it over the last few patches. It can still happen, but I would venture to say most of the time it happens now it is not intentional.

I understand the frustration though, some teams got quite good at exploiting it every chance they got. Hopeful anet cleans up the rest of the bugs with the skill soon.

[LR] Siric

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Pray.9751


US sure must be easy

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


its not frustration by any means. we laugh at unskilled players. and after we beat them we only get joy.

i just wonder what happens when they cheat and lose.

1. hey we cheat and we lose we must really suck we should quit this game what happens when they fix it?

2. dang we suck we cheat and still cant win …. uninstall.

3. /cut self



guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Herak.8351


@Siric, dont mean to troll or anything, but I can effectively reproduce the bug 99% of the times… I’m the only guardian out there that doesn’t take mace [AIM]

I will only take it to paid tourneys vs moist and his glitching team tbh, just to show them how frustrating it is. Since 1 glitching guardian is not enough on their team, they take 2 and pull it out blatantly, rotation after rotation. YOU CAN USE THE MACE but dont come with that crap of “I DONT KNOW HOW TO PULL IT OUT”. Take the mace if you want, use the 3rd skill BUT let it proc before switching weapons or interrupting the skill.

Its just heartbreaking to see such a high level of competition in paid tournaments and top teams abusing it like nothing.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


They removed the easy and reliable to bug it over the last few patches. It can still happen, but I would venture to say most of the time it happens now it is not intentional.

I understand the frustration though, some teams got quite good at exploiting it every chance they got. Hopeful anet cleans up the rest of the bugs with the skill soon.

Siric, I respect you and your team, so please don’t say stuff like this when it is absolute BS. The bug has gotten easier to reproduce if anything, and due to its widespread attention at this point, more guardians are aware of it and taking advantage of it.

Even 1 block bug going off at the right time can completely change the outcome of an entire match let alone a player doing it intentionally and frequently throughout a match.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Siric.3589


You can’t weapon swap bug it and you can’t easily cancel cast it now, as of last night at least. That or I just messed it up like 10 times in a row against svanir NPC. I hate the bug so every update regardless of notes I go and test it lol.

Agreed, its bad and ruins games, it’s getting better though.

@Herak, I see no reason to not take mace because of the bug as long as you dont actively try to exploit the bug. The weapon is essential to many builds, Saika runs it on FF and Forest but he never forces the exploit, I’m sure it might happen from time to time unfortunately but that can be said about many bugs in the game atm.

[LR] Siric

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: HatoraDe.9582


I recently(this week) picked up a Guardian to try to get a better understanding of how to kill them, and while I’m inexperienced I’ve found that if you use a mace you’ll accidentally do it pretty often. It’s unfortunate because the mace is a pretty ideal weapon for a lot of defensive/symbol based builds due to the protection/regen/healing, but you cant use it without occasionally block bugging which is frustrating/broken to play against.

I don’t really think you can expect all Guardians to drop the mace if they’re playing to win, but rather you should expect ArenaNet to understand how big of an impact this has on the game and to issue a hotfix ASAP since its being used (Intentional or not). Id even say change the mace 3 to something else if the issue cant be resolved.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


i dont expect all the guardians to drop the mace, only the good ones.

the ones that play with a broken easily abused weapon know that it will glitch out and the “it was an accident” excuse doesnt work anymore.

ANET is working on it so we need to be patient. but for now drop the mace.



guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Arken.3725


I tend to use hammer and sword/shield for my bunker spec. If i’m in a more offensive role, i’ll utilize Hammer with GS. It’s all situational. I just started a stream so if you want to see how I utilize this, please take a look.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


I tend to use hammer and sword/shield for my bunker spec. If i’m in a more offensive role, i’ll utilize Hammer with GS. It’s all situational. I just started a stream so if you want to see how I utilize this, please take a look.

Cool, really relevant to the thread….

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


This thread is both pretentious and full of itself. There’s no need to stroke your own ego whilst debating a game bug.

That would be like someone saying “man I own thieves but I feel sorry for the rest of you when they backstab insta-gib you, doesn’t ever happen to me, though, I’m just saying”.

Save it. We have enough posts around here offering up little to zero positive contribution without adding tongue-in-cheek brag posts.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Haku.5068


I get about 550 hp a sec sitting on the mace 2 skill with half uptime. That trumps every other single weapon in heals per second.

Block bug is a nice bonus. Surprised they’re taking so long to fix it. Meanwhile enjoying immortality.

(edited by Haku.5068)

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: besbin.6302


SAtaarcoeny you are making yourself sound like an elitist no life. Get some perspective. This is a game. I am glad that beating those without your unearthly skills bring you ‘joy’, however I very much doubt the non gifted will be slashing their wrists after being exposed to your awesomeness.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: ZenoSpyridon.1396


I have to say, it’s pretty lame that you try to convince others that they are not good players unless they give up a weapon type that has a glitch involved.

I have no idea how to do the glitch, who do you think you are telling me “the it was an accident excuse doesnt work anymore”? Who are you to tell me I’m not good when you know absolutely nothing about me but what weapon fits one of my builds best?

As if any of this is another players fault anyway, its the development teams responsibility to do something about the problem. If the people abusing the glitch are cheating that’s for them to decide and do something about. Not you, and it doesn’t make any player less skilled just because they use a mace.

You talk about others self worth like you are the one to judge and you are better than them…. In response to your implied accusations I say if you were half as good as you think you are you wouldn’t need to come to the forums with a ridiculous superiority complex.

I don’t expect all players to refrain from making posts where they think they are superior. Only the good ones.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


so we have won most our paid tournaments. the awesome thing is our guardian is not allowed to use a mace in paid tournaments.

if u come into paid and u are a guardian use something other then a mace. otherwise you are not good.

The pretentious is strong in this one.

I mean the bug does have a chance to decide matches if a node neut is delayed just long enough for reinforcements to arrive or whatever, but the way this thread was presented is just laughable.

(edited by Noctred.6732)

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Danto.6748


1. I think you might mistake the block bug with Shelter heal.
2. The block bug is random and can happen once (at best – if not intentional) per game.
3. Why focus guardian?
4. Mace is the best main hand weapon if you want to be a support Guardian.
5. The block bug is only 4 seconds, after which the Guardian will be dead if you know what you’re doing.
6. What team are you representing ?
7. GL HF

[TCG] Danto – Gaurdian

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


@Danto no it is not a case of mistaken identity. The block bug is not merely random as I have seen guardians who manage to do it several times throughout the course of a match.

I don’t even get why you thought the rest of your post helps your case. Why focus a guardian? Sometimes a guardian is the only person on the point you want to attack. The block bug gives time for backup to arrive and for other abilities to come off cool down. Unlike every other block ability in the game (not counting aegis boon) you are able to use other abilities to do damage while blocking via the bug.

I think that any guardian who cares about having clean competition should not use a mace, there are several viable guardian builds that do not use one and the bug is so extreme that even if it happens onces inadvertently during a match that can tarnish the outcome. I know the idea of honor in a video game is largely laughable but I think it would be good for the competitive community if the “top” teams were to not use the mace until the bug is patched.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Daays.4317


Think the better question is if ANet cannot figure out how to fix the block bug, why not ban mace from paid tournies.

Not like there’s any reason to use it outside of block bugging. Everyone uses scepter instead.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I find it a bit odd that everybody here is trying to find workarounds for the only real solution to the problem:

they should fix the block bug.

This sounds stupid, I know, as I realise they are working on it.

But no one can actually believe that any of the suggested alternatives will ever be used by everyone:

- not using maces at all? Some will, always. It’s their choice and build, a bug shouldn’t limit that.
- using the maces but promising not to abuse the bug? Seriously? No control whatsoever to see if it was on purpose or not.
- appealing to the fair play of gamers in pvp? Not sure what to add here…
- ban the maces? As if Arena net would take such a strong measure for a mere bug they’re working on.

I have a solution too, and it’s just as unlikely:

- this game should have stayed in beta a bit longer.

Don’t think i’m trying to put all of you down here, or that i’m just trying to be cross here.
I really think that no solution can be found that would be followed by all.
Nothing posted here is really realistic.

Everybody is saying they don’t abuse the bug, yet everybody sees it being abused by others… that alone shows the unrealistic nature.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: JonPeters.5630


Game Design Lead

We know this bug exists. The problem is our most recent change should have fixed it. We will work hard to make sure this bug is gone by the next patch. Sorry it hasn’t been easier to get rid of.


guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


We know this bug exists. The problem is our most recent change should have fixed it. We will work hard to make sure this bug is gone by the next patch. Sorry it hasn’t been easier to get rid of.


Jon i hope you guys take a look at our elites… they are pretty boring in PvP

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


We know this bug exists. The problem is our most recent change should have fixed it. We will work hard to make sure this bug is gone by the next patch. Sorry it hasn’t been easier to get rid of.


Maybe you should have fixed it before rolling out paid tournaments?

Let’s go a little further and say that maybe you should have fixed all the bugs especially on Anet’s most hated profession – a necromancer – before rolling out pvp – i.e. before the release?

I’m not attacking, just sending out some rhetorical questions.



guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


tbh i don’t even see that many guardians going with maces…

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


tbh i don’t even see that many guardians going with maces…

Also, mate, I don’t want to be rude, but a guardian complaining about his profession and elites is a bit funny.

Have you ever played a ranger or necro or even a warrior? They have some serious problems, not the guardian.


guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: Sondergaard.8469


Sure is a lot of trolling in this thread… :\

To add some weight to the statement that not a lot of guards use maces, I run Hammer/GS.

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: PopaLewza.7824


pretty sure they fixed the block bug like…. a few days ago…..

I use a rifle on my guardian so you know I am legit

Also, silar is noooob

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: leashmaygoss.2140


Apparently Shelter = block bug according to this guy.

Booty Bakery [yumy]

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: demonstrative.9176


Why do you always make a point to say that you win most of your tournies? No one really cares.

Hot Boyz
Anvil Rock

guardians that are good

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Lol renewed focus and shelter is used by some guardians and tends to get confused with the bug. Just funny when people ingame try to call you out using it when the guardian isn’t even using a a mace.

On another note I agree with the OP, and I try to stay away from the mace because of this. I for one hand never knew o the bug but never knew how to even apply it. I’ve been using a mace as a bunker guard ever since I started. And since I make my builds around it sometimes, to just stop using it doesn’t make sense but does at the same time. It’s not my fault there’s is a bug.

To put it in a different perspective,
If there is somehow a bug that if you dodge twice in a row now, you block the next 4 attacks. Now all of a sudden you should stop dodging because of the bug. Makes no sense lol. You’ve been doing it or using it all this time and use use runes and traits around it. So stop because Anet messed up? Naaaa. Im sorry. At least with the mace you make sure it doesn’t proc. I personally try to make sure it procs even if I stand there like an idiot and no one attacking me.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”