hallo balance patch ... Where are you?
Dragon Hunters bow deals a little to much dmg
Revenant heals a little too much while doing damage
Reaper have a little too much life
tempest is a little too slow and too much tanky
daredevil is a little like a teleporting minion
berzerker .. dont know.. never saw a warrior in the game
Scrapper has a little too much might or too much sustain
druid dont know.. :/
While I could not agree with few things above…
no reason to play the core class … a little buff to core when playing without elite spec?
TY ANET for the balance patch in the next days . . . ( i hope )
…I completly agree with this.
Since the HoT release I no longer believe making Life Blast the same as Plague Blast would be OP. I think all 5 skills on base Death Shroud need to be looked over and have some appropriate minor increases in power and/or beneficial changes to make it comparable to Reaper Shroud. It just doesn’t hold up anymore.
RIP warriors July 2013 – October 2015
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE
Considering all the new things add from elites to unintended broken combos, there really should be more frequent balance patches. But it seems their attention is elsewhere concentrating on minority niche gameplay like esports and raids. I think they have it backwards. They should be spending more time on elements that affect everyone, one of those being class balance.
Yep, core classes are in a very bad place now. There should be a patch for balance.