how do I become a better player?
QQMORE helped me a lot.
But I think its basically practise, practise, practise after all.
(edited by Jacob.4280)
I think it’s mostly awareness, which comes from playing the game a lot. Part of the reason why I’m a pretty good PvPer is b/c I have really proficient map awareness and a lot of people I team with will tell u that. Its basically knowing the situation, knowing where to rotate, how the enemy will rotate, knowing which points need help/don’t need help and what not.
And also don’t be so sure ur gonna get to diamond. A string of bad games is all it takes to ruin your progress.
Find a friend to duel. 1v1 him until you get used to what his class does. Repeat with every other class.
play bunker mesmer or cele tempest ele
Make sure u check the box for standard enemy models so u can actually see their animations. If u know key skills that class x has worth dodging, make a human one and try it in the mists. Once u r familiar with the animation u can easier notice it, while it also helps knowing when that skill may be used next if there is a rotation/obvious situation/count the cd after first use.
Know ur role with the build u have, potentially swap before game start to adjust to ur team comp, know ur teamclasses/enemies to be better prep of whats to come (u wont fully know till as the game evolves)
Other than that as others said just play, and know what could have been done differently if something goes wrong. Make the right calls during the match based on past exp during said match. For instance i was in a foefire match, our team was ahead 250 to 150, but it was a wierd score as our team kept losing onpts and stayed ahead by rotating. One enemy rev killed our lord and they were ahead by like 60 pts. We managed to hold 2 pts consistently but I saw that we needed to kill their lord as well to make it, it was even dodgy cuz based on our team n exp i had a feeling wed lost a pt+ppl dying. I wanted to go lord but they insisted in holding and we lost cuz we eventually lost a pt. This was in mid ruby.
There r many more factors to consider as a soloq, so id say in many cases it isnt solely ur fault cuz ur all pugs n not rly working fully together as an organized premade can.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
thank you all for your kind advices. I appreciate it much, really.. I did not mention that I switch to class which I think suits to the team best (after loading to the map)
What Shovel Face said is very important to me, thank you for that. Also I wish I get to diamond, my statement was purely based on my curernt progress so it can happen I wont make it there:) I will try though:)
People give best tips you can get.
“I expect the real PvP begins in Diamond+”
Im in Diamond playing only necromancer solo q. Diamond is same like Ruby. Diamond have a lot of low skilled players that still don’t know what is teamplay, dont know how to dps and focus the same target and cc or they die in 2sec. It also have med-high and high skilled players but rare. I think something is wrong with pvp system as Diamond players should know already what to do and how to assist their teammates. Most of my games atm enemy team hard focus me. i try survive 1v2 or 1v3 enemy follow me till i die none cares about it. Teammates can’t get a point or kill anyone while i kite away 2-3 enemies and also very rare when i get matched with peoples trying to help me. I had 100% win streak when the system matched me with players that play it as a team game. That happend at 12/28/2015 only. I’ve won like 13-15 games in a row if i remember correct. They just dont care about i have to fight with 2-3 peoples zerging on me everytime. I die and then the whole our team die.
Well thats about the life of solo Necromancer in Diamond)
play bunker mesmer or cele tempest ele
I lieeeed.
But in all seriousness, I learned a lot from duel servers. Just jump in and find whoever to fight. If you win, cool. If you lost, quickly run into spectate and scope out their build. Understand what gave them edge. Rinse and repeat until you’ve faced every build under the sun. Unfortunately, not many meta builds run around in duel servers, so your progress might be a tad bit hampered if you’re looking to learn just the meta.
Also, lots of practice.
People give best tips you can get.
“I expect the real PvP begins in Diamond+”
Im in Diamond playing only necromancer solo q. Diamond is same like Ruby. Diamond have a lot of low skilled players that still don’t know what is teamplay, dont know how to dps and focus the same target and cc or they die in 2sec. It also have med-high and high skilled players but rare. I think something is wrong with pvp system as Diamond players should know already what to do and how to assist their teammates. Most of my games atm enemy team hard focus me. i try survive 1v2 or 1v3 enemy follow me till i die none cares about it. Teammates can’t get a point or kill anyone while i kite away 2-3 enemies and also very rare when i get matched with peoples trying to help me. I had 100% win streak when the system matched me with players that play it as a team game. That happend at 12/28/2015 only. I’ve won like 13-15 games in a row if i remember correct. They just dont care about i have to fight with 2-3 peoples zerging on me everytime. I die and then the whole our team die.
Well thats about the life of solo Necromancer in Diamond
Thats cuz average joe will make it to diamond/legendary since u just need a winrate above 50%. Such a player can nolife their way to the top, all u need is time. Time does not equal skill, hence why yoloq will always be random regardless of tier as long as we have this system.
Thankfully due to this, average joe will not be unhappy as he can have a sense of progression in this system and be eventually rewarded with leg bkitem, which is beneficial to anet as average joe is the massplayerbase.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
(edited by nacario.9417)
play bunker mes, druid, scrapper or reaper – don’t need to be good to play that
[Teef] guild :>
don’t need to be good to play them. but need to be good to be sucessful. especially reaper. i don’t think necros have easy time in this meta i think we have to show some skills vs good meta players.
play bunker mes, druid, scrapper or reaper – don’t need to be good to play that
dont get me wrong, I dont want to get to diamond or legendary bc of build. My main goal is to improve my overall skill (regardless of the build Im on-therefore I mentioned I switch among several classes).
My problem is time as I only have time for like 3matches in the evenings and sometimes during weekend (job, family, real life) but this wont keep me away from improving:) thank you for advices guys, glad to see there are some guys who care to help.
if you really want to improve 3 matches is not enough. you will improve to some point but thats about it
The best way to learn how to dodge animations is to play the classes and builds yourself. When you’ve played a class enough, you’ll instinctively fight better against it.
For example, Mesmer is my main and I have over 3,000 games played on it. Because of this, I’ve learned important animations like mirror blade and summoning phantasmal berserker. This made it much easier for me to dodge shatters (back when shatter mesmers were still around).
Play lots of matches. During the match be aware of each fight you’re in, how it starts and how it ends. Look at what decisions you made that caused you to lose when you do. Even if its just “there were more of them than me”, remember that you could have been with teammates, or maybe saved an ability that would have let you escape.
If you have enough slots, I find it also helps to have one of each class to play around with. If you actually play a class, you’ll understand its weaknesses much better. play common meta builds in unranked just to see how they work.
Simply play the classes you have trouble countering/predicting most important skills and weaknesses. No need to be an expert at it, but you should have played at least the most common 1-2 builds on every class once (Hotjoin or Unranked is enough) to understand the mechanics and learn how they are countered.
I haven’t done it myself on all classes, but that’s mostly due to laziness and lack of charslots.
Map awareness and watching the map while fighting is a matter of experience and probably what took me longest too (and I’m still far from perfect at it), it just takes a lot of games on a relatively high level to learn it.
(edited by Falan.1839)
play bunker mes, druid, scrapper or reaper – don’t need to be good to play that
Actually you do. It takes more that playing a meta class to win a match.
Learning when and when not to stomp
When and when not to rotate
When and when not duck dip and dodge
Look at what decisions you made that caused you to lose when you do.
And when you win, think also about how have you outplayed the enemy or his mistakes. Why something that in a past 1v1 didnt worked, now yes, etc. Analizing the enemy also increases your understanding about their professions and how to beat’em. Also, it makes you udenrstand what you have to do to win that fights and improve that even more.
play bunker mes, druid, scrapper or reaper – don’t need to be good to play that
What a scrub. You forgot Rev!
I didn’t read everything, so it may be redundant, but here’s my tips:
- Learn other classes, their strength and their weaknesses as well as how to recognize people’s build by the way they rotate, it will grant you the ability of avoiding fights you know you are at a disadvantage from the get-go
- Develop your map awareness, who is where? When? Where will the enemy go next?
- Develop your rotations : where can you be the most useful at any given time (goes hand in hand with map awareness)
- Know when to stomp and when to cleave, or when to rez your ally
- Communicate with allies: ask questions, let them know where you go and why you go there
- Record your games and view them later, it will make you capable of spotting mistakes and bad decision you may not have realized once you’re out of the action…
duel as many good players as you can and ask them for tips….
Txs guys for tips, in Diamond now (actually took me 4evenings only. Ive got feeling like Ruby is full of ppl who dont know what they do….. And still Ive got a lot of to learn… GL all