how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: merry.3247


how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Hastur.6231


Yes, because elementalists are clearly the weakest class in game.

ANet should start banning troll posts, I don’t even play a thief and feel offended.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


You got a point but still i think Rangers are in the worst place right now.Tournaments teams are like Thief Mesmer Warrior and their friends(any other random class that happens to be friends with the other 3 guys)

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Nyarlathotep.9702


Yes because elementalists that can continuously heal and buff themselves to be nearly unkillable are clearly weak. ESPECIALLY in a point control game. Yep, so sucky.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


I dont think the OP was so much saying eles are crap, just that thiefs are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY op and have zero learning curve. I huge damage attack, that can be spammed, that closes distance, seems fair enough. You can think of the heat seeker missile nuke as the thiefs auto attack.

I love my engie, its amazing having some of my most powerful attacks, which are still weaker than anything a thief can do, on long cooldowns whilst the thief can spam away to a win.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Merry. This video is old. This is from before Eles discovered bunkering.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


This video has been around for awhile, and although it’s hilarious, it’s not particularly true (it’s edited, the thief footage DOES have assigned traits, not random ones, and as Dual said, it’s from before the bunker specced was discovered and mass disseminated).

The elementalist class is perfectly viable in tPvP, but for the most part, only as a bunker build for point control and AOE for treb in Khylo. This frustrates many Ele players because they rolled the class wanting to play a “mage” and nuke stuff from afar, and that’s really just not easily achieved with the class. It doesn’t bother me however, cause I rolled the class for support/healing, I love playing healing classes, but I can see what it angers people.

Yes because elementalists that can continuously heal and buff themselves to be nearly unkillable are clearly weak. ESPECIALLY in a point control game. Yep, so sucky.

In point control, if you know how an Ele plays they can be killed somewhat efficiently with timed burst and proper/smart timed use of conditions. Much of the healing power for Ele’s comes in the form of regeneration, which doesn’t stack in duration so they’re susceptible to burst, and condition clearing. Their biggest direct heals (aside from their healing skill, which every class has), come from evasive arcana dodge rolling into the two water fields from staff, and just dodge rolling for the cleansing wave effect (only once every 10 seconds).
If you can get them to blow their condition clears on bleeds, chills, burns, etc., poison and particularly WEAKNESS will wreck them (poison is self explanatory, but weakness slows their endurace regen and effectively cuts our healing potential in half. If we can’t dodge roll, we can’t heal effectively). Again, these might get cleared fairly quickly but it’s still worth putting them up.

Also, healing rain has a long cooldown (45 seconds), so geyser is used most often for the dodge rolling combo. This skill lasts only for a short while however, 2 seconds on a 20 second cooldown, so if you can catch the casting animation and CC/knockdown/snare us immediately after we cast it, we’ll miss our dodge roll chance and be screwed out of water-field combo’ing, which is a big heal missed.

Not sure why i’m telling you guys this, forget I said anything. Please don’t kill me

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

(edited by Bsquared.3421)

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Oh wow, this video hasn’t been linked 10,000 times already…..

We don’t care…

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: vuletic.7406


I play ele,thief/guardian regullary,yeah its easy for thief to kill you if you are specced in pure dps
(as they should imo, they are assassins after all?they are meant to kill squishy classes quickly),

but I specced my ele to be all around, and it can do wonders, not to mention pawn thiefs, its all about right spec/skill .

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Doom.7053


LOL. Pretty funny

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Skadi.6351


You are either the worst Pvp’er in gw2 or just plain stupid =) Sorry but it’s true.. Elementalists are very good in Pvp. Behind the right hands.. clearly not yours. And to claim that thiefs are OP? Not at all. I constantly own thiefs with my mesmer. Yes i am a light armored character like your elementalist but i know how to play my character.

Learn the game , Learn Pvp, Learn builds , Learn Sigils , LEARN!! Before posting ¤"#% like this…

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: cannons.8109


You are either the worst Pvp’er in gw2 or just plain stupid =) Sorry but it’s true.. Elementalists are very good in Pvp. Behind the right hands.. clearly not yours. And to claim that thiefs are OP? Not at all. I constantly own thiefs with my mesmer. Yes i am a light armored character like your elementalist but i know how to play my character.

Learn the game , Learn Pvp, Learn builds , Learn Sigils , LEARN!! Before posting ¤"#% like this…

You are an angry little man.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


You are either the worst Pvp’er in gw2 or just plain stupid =) Sorry but it’s true.. Elementalists are very good in Pvp. Behind the right hands.. clearly not yours. And to claim that thiefs are OP? Not at all. I constantly own thiefs with my mesmer. Yes i am a light armored character like your elementalist but i know how to play my character.

Learn the game , Learn Pvp, Learn builds , Learn Sigils , LEARN!! Before posting ¤"#% like this…

A Mesmer saying Ele is is fine because they share the same armor class….whoa man, I haven’t laughed like this in years.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


You are either the worst Pvp’er in gw2 or just plain stupid =) Sorry but it’s true..

The OP is NOT the author of this video, and it’s a joke video from way back at launch.

And yeah, claiming you own thieves on your mesmer and likening it to owning them on an Ele (just because they both wear light armor) is laughable.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


I constantly own thiefs with my mesmer.

Oh? What was that?

with my mesmer.

Hmm, there seems to be a very important message here…


Oh, right.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


This video is actually hilarious and depressing at at the same time…

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Fellknight.4820



Gotta love the players defending Elementalist and saying the class is great because they have a bunker spec.

Mage-Tanks? HAHAHAHA
The very concept is moronic, how the hell did a game in 3 months sell you on a idea that idiotic when no MMO in history would have been so stupid to even suggest…


Say it again and hear how stupid the two words sound together, if you don’t get it after repeating these two words 3 times, then there’s a crafting station on a pve server that desperately misses you.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: vuletic.7406



Mage-Tanks? HAHAHAHA
The very concept is moronic, how the hell did a game in 3 months sell you on a idea that idiotic when no MMO in history would have been so stupid to even suggest…

Well I don’t see why not, they planned to get all classes to be able to tank/dps/support so why not mage as well? why should they follow everyone else?, I agree its not working as planned for all classes/specs tho but it can be fixed.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: xiert.8107


5 tournaments in a row I saw minimum 2 thief in each team
uncounterable invisible for heal, for easy run, for back stab, jumping around like sick. Jumping up and down on structures try to catch this bull****
It’s kinda pathetic, I would love to see as much neft as for ranger on pvp

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: labotimy.2439


“#2, #2, #2, #2” omfg classic, i never laughed so hard. i hope you thief players are watching because this guy is slamming yall.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


It’s a funny video. I enjoyed it when I first saw it two months ago. It’s not even relevant anymore. This video was made when Heartseeker spam was the go to method for Thieves in sPvP.

Also, Elementalists are much better than a lot of people seem to think. Even non-bunker builds. Aura sharing D/D Eles are quite viable in tPvP.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: merry.3247


can’t stop laughing when I see this vid, it’s reflecting the best pvp game ever made.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458



Mage-Tanks? HAHAHAHA
The very concept is moronic, how the hell did a game in 3 months sell you on a idea that idiotic when no MMO in history would have been so stupid to even suggest…


Indeed, and its not really tanking, its healing. So midas well call you priest in wow a priest tank.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Anatax.3905


Such a funny video

Guild member of Rethisis, proud server soldier of Darkhaven.

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


hihi this is brilliant

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Haha, i bind my #1 and #2 spell to things easily reachable.
So i bound 1 to my toaster and 2 to my cat, since they are far better reachable in the heat of battle then my keyboard


also everyone taking this serious. come on, its yust a video made for fun


NO, elementalist bunkers do NOT rely on defensive stuff or armor, therefor they are no tanks. What they do is abuse an evasive arcana bug and stacking alot of healing power together with that to freaking overheal everyone

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

how much longer thieves gonna be so oped ? vid

in PvP

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Thanks for your contributions and your feedback. Bearing in mind that there are already some threads in the PvP subforum that are discussing the state of Thieves and that this particular thread has derailed into a great deal of off-topic comments, we will proceed to close it.

Thank you very much for your understanding.