so ppl start to QQ about the kb and most videos i see (even mine) shown bad 1v1 rotation versus ventari rev
so how to handle it and even kill it
ventari strengths:
blind aoe around him
protection aoe around him
ventari weaknesses:
no dmg
weak at condi cleanse
hate poison
weak to cc
so how no to handle him:
dont send sustain class to 1v1 ie engi, ranger, ele.
try not to send some melee class like warriors and some guards build
he can blind the melee and out heal the dmg from sustain builds.
you want to send condi class like necro. dont send condi rev as he got no condition pressure. condi mesmer might work sometimes. but necro just spam his marks from range and scepter it to death even if the rev got the cap. if the rev use kb necro should follow by RS pressure as rev has no nrg to cleanse or use block so combo FEAR it do death.
you can also send a thief. s/d is better than d/p due to its evade but also d/p can work sometimes. but careful from blind spam. even if blind the thief AA is the fastest combine it with poison rev can die.
the best way is to send range class and melee class like necro and a thief. dont send again two melee or sustain class.
how to handle KB:
use stability like ranger, warrior
after the kb the thief can stealth to interrupt the heal skill uses.
try to block, evade or dodge as you have 1 sec which in 1v1 you can see the roots.
guard can handle in 1v1 but wont kill it. so if you want to defend the point send guard to hold it and +1 with a thief.
also another best way to handle him, is let him be and do 5v4 elsewhere. thief can out rotate him to push him to guard the point.