how will classes counter this now?

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097



This build was always possible, but it was either glassy or fairly low damage. Now with 2 sigils on hammer, re-worked sigil of intelligence, the new burst precision trait, and the new cavalier’s amulet, this has mutated into a super-survivable high-DPS maximum control beast.

My question is: How are other classes going to counter this?

This warrior has:

3.6k armor
2,275 power (without might)
203% crit damage
Every burst is a crit
Every time swapping hammer crits 3x in a row
5 second weapon swaps
Nearly perma-swiftness
6 interrupts
12.8 continuous seconds of stuns, dazes, and knockbacks
2 sec AoE chill every 10 seconds
unblockable attacks
4.5 seconds of blocking

Earthshaker and Skull Crack both on 8.75s CD auto-crit 203% dmg and unblockable half the time

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


the devs SPECIFICALY said they wrote “incresed crit chance” in the description, so that if 100% proves too much, theyll just change the number.

P.S. it may be by 8% though

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Skrill.6170


Well it gets even worse… Take an axe instead of the mace…
100% crit on eviscerate.. And u get: a tank that deals thief like burst damage…

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: vincecontix.1264



This build was always possible, but it was either glassy or fairly low damage. Now with 2 sigils on hammer, re-worked sigil of intelligence, the new burst precision trait, and the new cavalier’s amulet, this has mutated into a super-survivable high-DPS maximum control beast.

My question is: *How are other classes going to counter this?*

This warrior has:

3.6k armor
2,275 power (without might)
203% crit damage
Every burst is a crit
Every time swapping hammer crits 3x in a row
5 second weapon swaps
Nearly perma-swiftness
*6 interrupts*
*12.8 continuous seconds of stuns, dazes, and knockbacks*
*2 sec AoE chill every 10 seconds*
*unblockable attacks*
4.5 seconds of blocking

Earthshaker and Skull Crack both on 8.75s CD auto-crit 203% dmg and unblockable half the time

Yes on paper that all seems very strong but all profession have received the benefits of the rune and sigil changes. I would say Warrior is not quite as dominate as it was pre patch.iWars are still really strong but I think there are other classes and specs that are currently just as viable.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Brando.1374


blind spam?

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Crovax.7854


Almost no defense against condis and after zerk stance runs out, you’ll be eaten alive.
No burst mastery or cleansing ire.
Strentgh IV is every time you are blocked, not every time you block so utterly useless.
(Unsure about this but:) Switch sigils share an icd of 9 secs so only every 2nd swap triggers sigils.
Highly vulnerably to blinds (trust me on this one, i tried a h/sh-m for a while and got completely negated by engi and thief blind spam as well as necro wells).
Damage might look decent on paper but due to slow attack speed and highly telegraphed skills this build may be tanky to some degree against direct damage
but that’s all.


blind spam?

dindingding! That person gets it, thanks.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


I hear what you are saying against condis and blinds but 8 seconds of berserker stance is enough to stunlock and pretty much melt a condi class. If they get a chance to get up they’ll already be severely wounded and will have to eat away over 20k health with CC duration -60% and 500 HP/sec healing. If the warrior is smart he won’t pop zerker stance until he has a few condis on him, so that his regen during zerker stance can heal him back to full.

The sigils will activate every time. There are 2 with CDs but they are different sigils. Paralyzation has no ICD. Thief blind spam will be one of the ways to counter this. Not sure how an engi will deal with signet of might making attacks unblockable…. surely there is a way

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Erwin.5603


never saw anyone playing this


how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Crovax.7854


An engi will simply kite a warrior who has literally zero mobility and proceed to spam condis as usual after zerk stance runs out. Damage on mace is abysmal and only used for interrupt utility. Hammer damage was also nerfed and will be almost null in cavaliers gear aside from crits. You won’t kill a player with half a brain through only critting earthshakers (huge animation says hello)

plus: to use earthshaker you have to charge adrenaline first.
How fast do you think that’ll be without cleansing ire, burst mastery to preserve adrenaline and in combination with the two slowest (oh god, i remember hating how slow those were!) weapons?

edit 2: the fact aside that the whole build can be completely negated through blinds or stab, damage is laughable. I’d consider fighting this build amusing at best and annoying at worst.
Also i don’t have number to back me up here so maybe other warrirs can help me out, but from what i remember the main damage factor in hambow was LB burn and arcing arrow with the occasional earthshaker (which got nerfed).

(edited by Crovax.7854)

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


a kiting engi and a blinding thief seem effective but either tactic would lose the point the warrior could sacrifice fast hands for cleansing ire easily enough as well with different runes.

not saying this is exactly the specific build but any variation of cavalier’s + burst precision + stun locking.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You guys didn’t really think the warrior was getting nerfed, did you?

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Valentin.2073


4% crit chance is close to nothing. lol. a zerker ranger with 22 seconds of stability from RaO and 6 seconds of immunity to raw dps from signet of stone will eat you alive if you use this build. you’d be swinging that hammer to no avail.

PVP Ranger: Prince Valentine, PVP Warrior: Prince of Hearts I, and PVP Mesmer: Prince Valentine I

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


4% crit chance is close to nothing. lol. a zerker ranger with 22 seconds of stability from RaO and 6 seconds of immunity to raw dps from signet of stone will eat you alive if you use this build. you’d be swinging that hammer to no avail.

RaO can be used like… 3-4 times in the average match, and when it’s not up you’re dead. During the 6 seconds of immunity the warrior will use shield and mace blocks which the same build will often have those also reflecting projectiles. You get stunned once with RaO on cooldown and then what? The issue with this build is anyone without stunbreaks gets caught with ONE interrupt and they’re dead because the interrupts continue to chain forever.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


4% crit chance is close to nothing. lol. a zerker ranger with 22 seconds of stability from RaO and 6 seconds of immunity to raw dps from signet of stone will eat you alive if you use this build. you’d be swinging that hammer to no avail.

oh and every burst will always crit and so will every hammer chain. F1, 4, 5, will always crit doing total like 8-9k damage because 4 and 5 also get +20% damage from traits on top of the guaranteed crit.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Crovax.7854


4% crit chance is close to nothing. lol. a zerker ranger with 22 seconds of stability from RaO and 6 seconds of immunity to raw dps from signet of stone will eat you alive if you use this build. you’d be swinging that hammer to no avail.

RaO can be used like… 3-4 times in the average match, and when it’s not up you’re dead. During the 6 seconds of immunity the warrior will use shield and mace blocks which the same build will often have those also reflecting projectiles. You get stunned once with RaO on cooldown and then what? The issue with this build is anyone without stunbreaks gets caught with ONE interrupt and they’re dead because the interrupts continue to chain forever.

Last time I actuall saw Missile deflection was a few weeks ago. The trait directly conflicts with dogged march and therefore is almost never used. Also mace #2 only blocks one attack; i think you are talking about sword #5 which block multiple projectiles.

If this build is so op for such a long time, why did we never see it used in tournaments?
Even if you get hit by one disable, mace damage is laughable, probably worse than guardian staff, and hammer is so slow, you’ll only be able to get the abilities themselves in plus maybe 3 or 4 autoattacks. The damage is laughable.

Go ahead solstice, I know you play warrior. Try it out. I know I have and
the limited use combined with zero mobility, easily being shut down,
highly telegraphed skills and low overall damage make this build look good on paper but nothing else.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


We used to see stun-lock builds like this and they were OP but got nerfed. But we’ve never seen anyone combine cavalier amulet with burst precision because they didn’t exist. Now these same stun-lock builds can re-emerge from the abyss. Imagine tPvP in a team fight where team says “target so-and-so” and the warrior stun-locks them while a mesmer or necro or thief strips their stability. What then? There is just so much hard CC in this game that counter-play doesn’t exist in every situation and this is just an example.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Valentin.2073


you think a zerker ranger will not use quickening zephyr to burst you down before you can even react? a zerker ranger can deplete that 20k hp in a matter of what? maybe 5 seconds or less. qz is a quickness buff. that 6 second immunity is enough to burst down that build before you can even damage the ranger.

PVP Ranger: Prince Valentine, PVP Warrior: Prince of Hearts I, and PVP Mesmer: Prince Valentine I

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


you think a zerker ranger will not use quickening zephyr to burst you down before you can even react? a zerker ranger can deplete that 20k hp in a matter of what? maybe 5 seconds or less. qz is a quickness buff. that 6 second immunity is enough to burst down that build before you can even damage the ranger.

half of that time he will be in shield stance, 2 more seconds of dodging, and you now have 1 second to burst him down???

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Valentin.2073


you think a zerker ranger will not use quickening zephyr to burst you down before you can even react? a zerker ranger can deplete that 20k hp in a matter of what? maybe 5 seconds or less. qz is a quickness buff. that 6 second immunity is enough to burst down that build before you can even damage the ranger.

half of that time he will be in shield stance, 2 more seconds of dodging, and you now have 1 second to burst him down???

dude, a good ranger will make you use all your skills to cooldown before he bursts you down. 1st he’s gonna make you swing that hammer, i’m sure you will do that. make you try to use your block after he knocked you back and rapid fire and then qz you to death. 22 seconds of stability is enough to make you get all your knockbacks and stuns on cooldown.

tbh, a thief is far more challenging to fight than an ez cheese mode hambow.

PVP Ranger: Prince Valentine, PVP Warrior: Prince of Hearts I, and PVP Mesmer: Prince Valentine I

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: gesho.9468


playing x2 axe + GS war.
i am new to war, but feel very powerful, just run in and chop away.

with gs#5, #3 and eviscerate don’t feel like need ranged weapon.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


you think a zerker ranger will not use quickening zephyr to burst you down before you can even react? a zerker ranger can deplete that 20k hp in a matter of what? maybe 5 seconds or less. qz is a quickness buff. that 6 second immunity is enough to burst down that build before you can even damage the ranger.

half of that time he will be in shield stance, 2 more seconds of dodging, and you now have 1 second to burst him down???

dude, a good ranger will make you use all your skills to cooldown before he bursts you down. 1st he’s gonna make you swing that hammer, i’m sure you will do that. make you try to use your block after he knocked you back and rapid fire and then qz you to death. 22 seconds of stability is enough to make you get all your knockbacks and stuns on cooldown.

tbh, a thief is far more challenging to fight than an ez cheese mode hambow.

in your example the ranger is a better player than the warrior. how is that a comparison?

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391


This build was always possible, but it was either glassy or fairly low damage. Now with 2 sigils on hammer, re-worked sigil of intelligence, the new burst precision trait, and the new cavalier’s amulet, this has mutated into a super-survivable high-DPS maximum control beast.

My question is: How are other classes going to counter this?

This warrior has:

3.6k armor
2,275 power (without might)
203% crit damage
Every burst is a crit
Every time swapping hammer crits 3x in a row
5 second weapon swaps
Nearly perma-swiftness
6 interrupts
12.8 continuous seconds of stuns, dazes, and knockbacks
2 sec AoE chill every 10 seconds
unblockable attacks
4.5 seconds of blocking

Earthshaker and Skull Crack both on 8.75s CD auto-crit 203% dmg and unblockable half the time

how about, you get a team of 5 warriors, running this same build, play a few games on team arena, record them all, then come back to us with your results?

because this is all on paper.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


This build is so bad and so easy to counter O_o
It has next to 0 damage since no crit chance, except on burst abilities but Hammer and Mace aren’t known for their DPS …
Then, when zerk stance is off, condi spam and he dies.
Or just range the warrior to death and make fun of him.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Renny.6571



elite specs ruined pvp.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Blinds, Chill-o-mancer, Deeps Guard…

As much as I love to see new and effective Warrior builds that aren’t Hambow, this build seems to be severely lacking. You take Burst Precision – to what end? Earthshaker hasn’t hit that hard ever since its damage was nerfed ages ago, and Skull Crack does similar damage but with the most obvious player animation to exist bar Churning Earth.

There’s also a severe lack of condition cleanse that isn’t even tried to be compensated for, as much as Berserker’s Stance is derided as OP, it isn’t going to save you from a player that knows how to play defensive while it’s up.

Without the Embrace the Pain effect from Cleansing Ire as well, it’ll be very hard to obtain enough adrenaline to effectively make use of Skullcrack and Earthshaker. Maybe drop Healing Signet for Healing Surge to make up for this lack.

If you’re running Mace/Shield I would also strongly suggest dropping Dogged March for Missile Deflection – as it is you’re a sitting duck for being kited with a serious lack of mobility.

It might be a strong build for dueling against similarly dual-melee builds that provide you the opportunity to be constantly in range to execute your combo, but it certainly doesn’t match up with what you claim it to be.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Kiriakulos.1690


I don’t play a warrior, I play a Necro and this build scares the kitten out of me.
One of the Necros main weaknesses is a lack of stability and very weak sustain, this build excels in burst damage and control.
Sigil of int combined with burst precision and fast hands supplants the precision investment you’d usually need to enjoy high crit damage amulets, so anyone deriding the high crit low precision really needs to understand how things work now.
Dogged march with Earthshaker makes any kiting arguments seriously questionable as well.

Attrition – A pretty name for taking longer than anyone else to kill something.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Crovax.7854


this build excels in burst damage


I don’t play a warrior

That’s pretty apparent.

Dogged march with Earthshaker makes any kiting arguments seriously questionable as well.

I don’t play a warrior

so anyone deriding the high crit low precision really needs to understand how things work now.

I don’t play a warrior

(edited by Crovax.7854)

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


Hambows are still the strongest. Now they can constantly keep 25 stacks of might.

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


a kiting engi and a blinding thief seem effective but either tactic would lose the point the warrior could sacrifice fast hands for cleansing ire easily enough as well with different runes.

not saying this is exactly the specific build but any variation of cavalier’s + burst precision + stun locking.

Take into account an engi might have protection injection, and thus have 33% damage reduction each time a warr like this will touch him. And that is pretty huge.

I mean, I LOVE that traits, it makes you much harder to be bursted down, fur bursts usually have an incapacitating setup.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)