i spend most of hotjoin balancing teams
hotjoin means nothing so it doesn?t matter.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
hotjoin means nothing so it doesn?t matter.
what does soloQ or tQueue “mean”? all of this is a game.
and hotjoin does matter, among others that is supposed to be the place to test and practice builds.
People tell “the stacking” to do tPvp in HotJoins when they want to play on the same team as their friends. The problem is when you jump into tPvp, all you see is gimmicky/meta builds that aren’t fun to play against.
I, personally, fought countless stacking teams because I feel it will make me a better player in time. Adjusting traits vs situations, etc… Knowing what you can and cannot handle. If you approach a point and see what’s on it. Can you hold the point long enough to stall them? Can you burst one down? What else do they have on their team that could potentially jump into the fight and make it too much for you to handle?
This is what I did with my Ele and now my build is pretty rock solid (d/d) which I never thought could be viable even against burst warriors and burst guards (even take down most necros).
Remember, you can also switch servers if you are not having fun.
People tell “the stacking” to do tPvp in HotJoins when they want to play on the same team as their friends. The problem is when you jump into tPvp, all you see is gimmicky/meta builds that aren’t fun to play against.
I, personally, fought countless stacking teams because I feel it will make me a better player in time. Adjusting traits vs situations, etc… Knowing what you can and cannot handle. If you approach a point and see what’s on it. Can you hold the point long enough to stall them? Can you burst one down? What else do they have on their team that could potentially jump into the fight and make it too much for you to handle?
This is what I did with my Ele and now my build is pretty rock solid (d/d) which I never thought could be viable even against burst warriors and burst guards (even take down most necros).
Remember, you can also switch servers if you are not having fun.
frankly, i have no idea what you are talking about.
only thing i can imagine to have to say about this situation is that it is terrible.
hotjoin means nothing so it doesn?t matter.
what does soloQ or tQueue “mean”? all of this is a game.
and hotjoin does matter, among others that is supposed to be the place to test and practice builds.
I have to agree its becoming a huge problem in hot join. I am starting to have way less fun because its always unbalanced (4v5 90% of the time). People trying to even it out is even worse. This issue stated when more servers where added. Now there are to many servers and many with people playing 1v1. Hotjoin should be 5v5 with some people watching and waiting to get in the action. Adding more servers was a huge error and one made for those who want to pick a server no one plays in so they can 1v1 or something else. If you want to play something else you should create your own server for that instead of adding more servers. Anet needs to remove some servers. I would rather sit a match out then have all the imbalance created when more servers where added.
I have to agree its becoming a huge problem in hot join. I am starting to have way less fun because its always unbalanced (4v5 90% of the time). People trying to even it out is even worse. This issue stated when more servers where added. Now there are to many servers and many with people playing 1v1. Hotjoin should be 5v5 with some people watching and waiting to get in the action. Adding more servers was a huge error and one made for those who want to pick a server no one plays in so they can 1v1 or something else. If you want to play something else you should create your own server for that instead of adding more servers. Anet needs to remove some servers. I would rather sit a match out then have all the imbalance created when more servers where added.
may be the reason.
i don’t know if it’s me noticing now, or it actually got worse, but it’s relatively recent thing.
i knew ppl would track high performers (ranks) on previous fight to queue with them for next. but this autobalance abuse is a recent thing.
They need to revert the change where you get to pick your own teams in hot joins. People should be given an option to play with their friends via other game modes (like 2v2s – please do this ANeT).
While it’s true that hotjoin shouldn’t be taken too seriously, it’s a lot more fun when both sides have the same number of players. However, I don’t agree with people joining with their friends just to roll over other players. Go to tPvP for that.
hotjoin means nothing so it doesn?t matter.
hotjoin is all there is for those of us who prefer playing fun builds and not meta clones.
Tpvp is a cess pool of meta clones,
in hotjoin you get a chance to fight against less cheap builds and elitism
also OP i do the same, constantly team swapping! XD
and we need our 8v8 back!
I seriously miss 8v8.. At least there were hotjoin servers that gave you the option of 5v5 if you were into it (or spvp and tpvp). I love 5v5 on spvp and tpvp, but 8v8 was also fun. Games were hardly as unbalanced as they are now. I seriously lost count of how many times I joined a server to find one team whooping the other by at least 350 points