is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: reikken.4961


perma immobilize (with no conditions) after a taunt, until getting hit by a knockback/fear or using a dash

pretty sure it’s taunt, but not 100%

is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: xx swagmaster cyprus xx.7028

xx swagmaster cyprus xx.7028

yeah it happened to me as well but so far i haven’t been able to replicate the issue at will.
i believe it might have something to do with experiencing a desync mid taunt, not sure though.

is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Shirk.6421


had thise sometimes when fighting a buddy, he had it after being taunted by my smokescale only, not sure if it’s really the pet or just the taunt.

is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


perma immobilize (with no conditions) after a taunt

Happened to me multiple times after the taunt trait from the rev procc’d. Haven’t tried to replicate it nor have I tried it with other taunts.

, until getting hit by a knockback/fear or using a dash

Using the emote /dance helps too.

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is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: briggah.7910


Oh something like this? In video as soon as I use my 4 skill I get stuck in place, I tele to a new spot to try and fix it and that didn’t work either..

I haven’t noticed it with taunt but I have ran into it after using a movement skill and sometimes even after a dodge I’m stuck in place..

like the above post, they only thing I found that fixes it is to do an emote. Its is really annoying though..

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is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


It’s not just related to taunt. It’s the same immobilize bug that has been plaguing this game since inception.

is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Hansen.3264


Fire staff skill 4 retreat would have gotten you unstuck. but since you just used it you die.

is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Arkantos.7460


i dont think its taunt, but I get stuck unto position several times in tpvp as well, only dash, sprint or cc from enemies kicked me right on the way

Good Thiefs are average,
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous

is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: ricabril.7841


Same here, but mostly in pve. I use 2 reapercopter to get rid of it, but it’s annoying, specially when it’s on cooldown…

is no one else experiencing the taunt bug?

in PvP

Posted by: azyume.6321


Oh something like this? In video as soon as I use my 4 skill I get stuck in place, I tele to a new spot to try and fix it and that didn’t work either..

I haven’t noticed it with taunt but I have ran into it after using a movement skill and sometimes even after a dodge I’m stuck in place..

like the above post, they only thing I found that fixes it is to do an emote. Its is really annoying though..

An emote usually breaks that stuck effect. Problem is to do it mid of fight while under heavy pressure.

Any movement skill can trigger that bug like burning retreat, rocket charge, mighty blow, flashing blade, savage leap, unrelenting assault and etc.

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