leaderboard working?
Cause leaderboards are based on a point system. You can be top 100 with 96 losses and 30 wins if you want, you just have to play a lot
Far too biased towards quantity of matches played though. Look at the top of the leaderboard now; hardly a person with better than 60% win rate; right now no. 24 is at 73%, rest are somewhere 48-61%, imo just ~50% the lot of them. They’re bubbling to the top simply because of quantity of matches played it seems.
In the ideal leaderboard I’d see win rate weighted higher than quantity. Imo it’s far more impressive by Kees Flodder.XXXX with 386 wins and 139 losses at 24th compared to the current no. 1 who’s at 744 wins and 771 losses.
Quantity impresses nothing, quality does.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
sweet god why complain they already said they would remove/lessen the emphasis on games played which means the current lb will be fixed. the problem is no difference from team queue and solo . Example i went from 76% win rate to 68% over 200 games when i was #1 with 600 games and ending @ 800. Off season with no team queues im at 58% which is fine since soloqueu win rate should be .500. its also off season who cares they aren’t getting rewards. MMR and MM system are fine there should be no complaints Anet has really stepped up for the pvp community. the old team lb was perfect this lb with a heavier emphasis on MMR will be fine, but if they give it to us now we wont have anything to complain about until HoT is released so they tease us #logic.
Yes, the leaderboard is working that is why there are multiple post praising how great it is on the front page.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
It is working as intended….They are making adjustments though. This LB has been out for a few months now and you are just noticing it? Have been many complaints that the grinders are the ones at the top. Who cares, it’s just a list of names that means nothing.
#1 Player Comoros