lose pips and tiers in all divisions
i swear, the level of intelligence in ruby is lower than that of amber. plz make it so ppl can lose pips/tiers in all divisions, including amber, emerald and sapphire so their idiocy doesnt pollute higher divisions.
Hate to brake it to you, but this is in every division. They way my games have been going I’d probably end up back in amber. Remember you’d not be safe. If your having bad team mates, they’d be pulling you down with them.
I’m finding it hard to string together 3-4wins in a row to get out of sapphire, dew to bad teams mates, or poor team composition. I don’t see how being able to drop divisions would fix this.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
+1 to op
Id support a system involving Amber you cant lose anything
Emrald you cant lose tiers or divisions but you can lose pips
Saphire you cant lose divisions but you can lose pips and tiers
Ruby you can lose divisions pips and tiers (everything)
Diamond same as ruby
Legendary same as ruby
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.
it does not really matter – all u will do is reduce the player base even more so that there wont be any point – queue times will be through the roof and this will discourage even more people to quit as if there isn’t already happening
it does not really matter – all u will do is reduce the player base even more so that there wont be any point – queue times will be through the roof and this will discourage even more people to quit as if there isn’t already happening
Yep. The current system is a mess, not played in 2 days. No point. Can’t progress out of sapphire. I’m going to give it one last shot tomorrow, if i don’t get anywhere, I’m going to playing login wars till LW starts up. I’ll probably not play another league.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
(edited by BrotherBelial.3094)
This is a good idea if the pip losses/gains would be tied to MMR, just like we had in Season 1. In other words: if you lose only little vs much higher MMR opposing team, you might still gain a pip, while the high MMR team lost a point. Or if you beat a higher MMR opponent, you can gain 2 pips.
The final point score should always matter. The current system is really bad because both 1-500 to 499-500 count as 1 pip loss. Too many players stop playing when the point gap gets large, thus we have a lot more blow out matches and most competitive players hate them.