Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
To increase the pool of players and reduce wait times.
Yet high MMR players still seem to have high wait times.
ITT: People who have never played a MOBA long enough to realize that MMR systems are inherently “streaky”.
The matchmaker tries to force your overall win/loss to 50% over time. So in some games, yes, you have less than a 50% chance to win on purpose. HOWEVER, if you do win them then your MMR increases at a greater rate than it would for a 50+% chance to win match. This is how your MMR will increase over time until you hit a wall of skill and stay at 50%.
The real problem is that people blame “premades” and “unfair matches” rather than their own failures or misplays.
Just take a look at the person posting their stats on this thread, they have an 80% winrate in custom arenas, i.e. not matchmaking games that they clearly stack with friends against hotjoiners. This same person has less than 50% win in unranked/ranked, meaning that they think their losses are to “premades” but more likely the losses result from bad habits picked up playing EZ custom games.
This game’s skill level is not that of a moba, first person shooter or any other game where 1 person can literally carry the whole team to victory. It’s far from it.
A very skilled player might get his team to 250 points at best… Winning is so dependent on every single player that a Veteran can’t possibly carry the team. The best he can do is carry some weight from a single player who is lagging behind.
The only way 1 person can actually carry a team to 500 points is if he’s the only veteran player there, playing against 9 newbie players who just reached rank 10. I got this match up the other day… downing an entire team on burn guardian because they had 0 experience in that area.
This is why the MMR scoring is the way it is. A person who constantly loses with an end score of 300 points will have a lower MMR than a person who constantly loses at 400 points. Win % doesn’t matter as much as people think it does.
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
Didn’t the original comments from Evan have all these stats about PvP population being better than ever/growing/etc?
If so, I can see why it was edited out because you can’t justify matchmaking issues and various decisions made for PvP by looking strictly at population statistics in PvP.
Right now…PvP is flooded with a bunch of new players trying the game which indicates ZERO justification for anything other than marketing/free-to-play/hype.
Right after every major patch you see tons of people log on and try it out….Does this “population increase” prove anything? Of course not. Who would use such a statistic to justify mathmaking and other decisions made in PvP over the last few years?
The stats they should look at is…how many long time players are playing more now than a year ago…two years ago…etc. How many of these “new players” are sticking around more than a month/2 months/etc.?
More sophisticated statistics are required to justify the matchmaking and other decisions made in PvP over the last few years…so I’m glad this primitive and anecdotal response was edited.
All I can say from my perspective is that the game is missing a ton of long-time and high level players. You can see this in tournaments where the same few players win all the time because so many other good players left.
In my case, I tried Ranked que a couple weeks ago and saw the exact same thing as the OP…but even worse.
I was matched up in a RANKED que against a premade that included 2 Abjured and NONE of my team was even in a group. Think about that for a second…The ONLY way that total mismatch is possible is if there are literally no players playing the game (or none with high enough MMR to match with a premade AND Abured).
That kind of matchup should NEVER happen during primetime if the game ACTUALLY had a healthy PvP population as alluded to by Anet.
BTW, I would post screenshots, but too lazy…Anet is welcome to prove me wrong though by looking at my recent ranked activity and specifically that matchup on 9-12.
I’d like to echo what the poster above me wrote. A few weeks ago I was having a very bad run of luck (lost 5 in a row solo queueing in ranked arena). The sixth match was a doozie… my team consisted of 5 random ungrouped people, and the other team was a premade consisting of Noscoc and at least one other of his normal team mates plus 3 other good players. The match was so lopsided that we didn’t score a single point, the final score was 500 to 0. I was struggling just to earn a point on the score board to get credit for completing a match (thankfully at the very end I managed to decap mid to get my points). Now… I can see this type of bad match-up happening every once in a blue moon, but after having lost 5 straight immediately before it…. was like rubbing salt on an open wound.
If you haven’t already, please read Evan’s most recent post about important updates to matchmaking.
It’s wasn’t news about solo queue but definitely two steps forward.
The intent of your comment is quite sinister.
Sinister? There is nothing sinister about probability. A player make up 20% of the team, which can matter in individual matchups, but again over time the other 80% that you have no control over will dominate the deciding factor. Which is win or loose. Two states, no more no less. 50/50. You are not in control of your win ratio… Unless you start controlling the other players or play in custom arenas. But I assume we are talking random matchups.
This is neither a bad or sinister thing, its perfectly normal.
Now, now… I control the rest of my team all the time . Even in pugs… By being polite, encouraging, and letting them know if I have any foibles they should be aware of like a weird build or plans to camp the trebuchet or similar. Even little stuff like “I’m on a bunker and will be squatting on their home most of the time, ’cause they hate that…” rapidly tunes the behavior of the rest of my team even if they don’t always put a response in chat.
Just saying ‘hi’ at match start gives most people a stronger commitment to win.
Courtesy and communication are OP .
Found it, I took the screenie around the time F2P became available and lost 12-14 games in a row.
Haha, I remember that thread well – my below post
(….) I haven’t received an answer.
It’s as simple as why the pseudo code takes score points of 100 increments instead of 5 increments, considering almost every factor in the game is in “5” and not “100”.
105, 110, 115 all the way to 495
instead of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500If you have 1000 players each with an end team score between 400 and 450 points… they all shouldn’t get the same +3 rank point score. Should it not be in increments of 5 so they each have a more defining rank point score?
I truly hope that the Pseudo code algorithm has changed instead of placing a beautiful GUI over an engine that never improved.
Lol that thread is the best. I like how it gets a bit more technical which is refreshing and not the usual “pls nerf too op” this forum is teeming with. Gotta appreciate your analytical comments/posts.
I agree. If you plan to bunker far the whole time or other unorthodox, I do appreciate knowing it in advance. I might groan to myself a bit, but at least I can plan how I play around it. Sometimes I might even convince myself that you know what you are doing.
The intent of your comment is quite sinister.
Sinister? There is nothing sinister about probability. A player make up 20% of the team, which can matter in individual matchups, but again over time the other 80% that you have no control over will dominate the deciding factor. Which is win or loose. Two states, no more no less. 50/50. You are not in control of your win ratio… Unless you start controlling the other players or play in custom arenas. But I assume we are talking random matchups.
This is neither a bad or sinister thing, its perfectly normal.
Because myself and a whole lot of pvpers have observed and experienced the shoddy matchmaking the game has.
And when people like you come in here and tell us we are wrong and the claims we make are false even if the devs admit that their system hasn’t been fair, what does that make you?
Btw, Lesh just posted a thread exactly about the things we were discussing here and matchmaking was indeed broken.
I’m not going to rub in just how awfully terribad wrong you were because Im not that kind of person.
I agree. If you plan to bunker far the whole time or other unorthodox, I do appreciate knowing it in advance. I might groan to myself a bit, but at least I can plan how I play around it. Sometimes I might even convince myself that you know what you are doing.
Hey now- I don’t keep doing it if it’s not working . But if I can tie up 2 people trying to reclaim their own home for 15-20 seconds, after I casually capped it and the points are rolling in and my four buddies sweep the field while that’s happening, yeah, I’ll probably trudge over there and re-cap it again while the other team is completely back-footed and trying to catch up. It does actually drive most folks crazy when the ‘free points’ they thought they deserved from an unguarded site are going into my team’s coffer…
. And death notifications are even better than radar for telling me when I’m about to have company. If they finally put a permanent guard on it who can take me solo… I just leave them stuck there and we outman the other two sites. ’Sall good.
Forcing? Uhm… If we assume two equal teams – or unequal for that matter – there is a 50% chance you will win and a 50% chance you will loose. Which means that the average over time will be just that, 50%.
Its hard to avoid basic math. People that doesnt approach this is doing things to avoid it. Like the pics above. Its not suspicious at all with 80% winrate in custom arenas and close to 50% in any normal matchup. Nope, not at all.
Except when the matchmaking system isn’t flipping a coin but rather a complicated algo that can be admittedly broken.
Just 8? I have no sympathy. I’m somewhere close to 15 and I a GET ABSOLUTELY EFFING SICK OF THIS BULLOCKS.
ITT: People who have never played a MOBA long enough to realize that MMR systems are inherently “streaky”.
The matchmaker tries to force your overall win/loss to 50% over time. So in some games, yes, you have less than a 50% chance to win on purpose. HOWEVER, if you do win them then your MMR increases at a greater rate than it would for a 50+% chance to win match. This is how your MMR will increase over time until you hit a wall of skill and stay at 50%.
The real problem is that people blame “premades” and “unfair matches” rather than their own failures or misplays.
Just take a look at the person posting their stats on this thread, they have an 80% winrate in custom arenas, i.e. not matchmaking games that they clearly stack with friends against hotjoiners. This same person has less than 50% win in unranked/ranked, meaning that they think their losses are to “premades” but more likely the losses result from bad habits picked up playing EZ custom games.
Hypocrite much? Who are you to say someone was on EZ mode when you have all but 33 ranked games played.
I did looked them up as you suggested and they outrank you on the old and new leaderboards and have played far more, exponentially more ranked matches than you.
Come on bud, don’t let this person on EZ mode dominate you. I’m embarrassed for you.
The reason why you lack the understanding of the what they were protesting is because you were never the most skilled player in either teams. And the matchmaking that you shrugged off as being normal is indeed bugged and flawed.
Looks like some ppl had fake pumped up winratio and some ppl had “glicko-hell” winratio. Now it settles! prepare to lose!
Forcing? Uhm… If we assume two equal teams – or unequal for that matter – there is a 50% chance you will win and a 50% chance you will loose. Which means that the average over time will be just that, 50%.
Its hard to avoid basic math. People that doesnt approach this is doing things to avoid it. Like the pics above. Its not suspicious at all with 80% winrate in custom arenas and close to 50% in any normal matchup. Nope, not at all.
Except when the matchmaking system isn’t flipping a coin but rather a complicated algo that can be admittedly broken.
Which still wont change the fact that the average will gravitate towards 50%.
If its broken, it will be broken on both sides but the 50% remain – sometimes you end up in the team that roflstomps the opponent, sometimes you end up in the team that is roflstomped.
Sure the matchmaking could be better. But loosing 8 times in a row is just bad luck. I bet the OP still has around 50% winratio. Because he’s probably won 8 or so times in a row too. A couple of days ago, I won 4 matches in a row (the only 4 I played that day, 100% win ratio w00t!). Yesterday, I lost 3 matches in a row and won the 4th by literally the skin on my chin (I held center vs 2 enemies, they got it down to 20% cap and we won with 500 vs 498 or something haha).
Not trying to highjack the OPs thread but I feel his pain, I havent won a ranked match in two days. Thats somewhere around 0-16 in a two day period in ranked. Before you say get gud, I’ve finished second 14 of 16 time and last twice.
Not trying to highjack the OPs thread but I feel his pain, I havent won a ranked match in two days. Thats somewhere around 0-16 in a two day period in ranked. Before you say get gud, I’ve finished second 14 of 16 time and last twice.
Don’t feel alone. That happened to A LOT of people. Most of them don’t even come to the forums. Sadly with the bug they’ve discovered, it also happens to people with very high MMRs that queue solo. But the good news is the devs are already working on the balancing problems.
I’ve been on a few matches against very skilled players who are also on this thread. My teammates and I actually felt bad for him for being teamed w/ clueless pvp people. The skill disparity was so obvious and sometimes, opponents see that better than teammates.
Am I basically reading here that there is an EA style handicap system within guildwars?
I pray not.
Forcing? Uhm… If we assume two equal teams – or unequal for that matter – there is a 50% chance you will win and a 50% chance you will loose. Which means that the average over time will be just that, 50%.
Its hard to avoid basic math. People that doesnt approach this is doing things to avoid it. Like the pics above. Its not suspicious at all with 80% winrate in custom arenas and close to 50% in any normal matchup. Nope, not at all.
Except when the matchmaking system isn’t flipping a coin but rather a complicated algo that can be admittedly broken.
Which still wont change the fact that the average will gravitate towards 50%.
If its broken, it will be broken on both sides but the 50% remain – sometimes you end up in the team that roflstomps the opponent, sometimes you end up in the team that is roflstomped.
Sure the matchmaking could be better. But loosing 8 times in a row is just bad luck. I bet the OP still has around 50% winratio. Because he’s probably won 8 or so times in a row too. A couple of days ago, I won 4 matches in a row (the only 4 I played that day, 100% win ratio w00t!). Yesterday, I lost 3 matches in a row and won the 4th by literally the skin on my chin (I held center vs 2 enemies, they got it down to 20% cap and we won with 500 vs 498 or something haha).
Still will never be 50% if you solo queue because pug vs premade w/l ratio is going to be in the 30% range or less. Therefore if you have 50/50 on your pug vs pug and 30/70 on your pug vs premades, your weighted average will be less. The only way someone can get 50/50 is if they have insanely good luck that they are on amazing pugs that can take on premades who practice together and have voip going (unlikely) or if someone does a fair amount of premade vs pug themselves in order to offset their pug vs premade losses.
Forcing? Uhm… If we assume two equal teams – or unequal for that matter – there is a 50% chance you will win and a 50% chance you will loose. Which means that the average over time will be just that, 50%.
Its hard to avoid basic math. People that doesnt approach this is doing things to avoid it. Like the pics above. Its not suspicious at all with 80% winrate in custom arenas and close to 50% in any normal matchup. Nope, not at all.
Except when the matchmaking system isn’t flipping a coin but rather a complicated algo that can be admittedly broken.
Which still wont change the fact that the average will gravitate towards 50%.
If its broken, it will be broken on both sides but the 50% remain – sometimes you end up in the team that roflstomps the opponent, sometimes you end up in the team that is roflstomped.
Sure the matchmaking could be better. But loosing 8 times in a row is just bad luck. I bet the OP still has around 50% winratio. Because he’s probably won 8 or so times in a row too. A couple of days ago, I won 4 matches in a row (the only 4 I played that day, 100% win ratio w00t!). Yesterday, I lost 3 matches in a row and won the 4th by literally the skin on my chin (I held center vs 2 enemies, they got it down to 20% cap and we won with 500 vs 498 or something haha).
Still will never be 50% if you solo queue because pug vs premade w/l ratio is going to be in the 30% range or less. Therefore if you have 50/50 on your pug vs pug and 30/70 on your pug vs premades, your weighted average will be less. The only way someone can get 50/50 is if they have insanely good luck that they are on amazing pugs that can take on premades who practice together and have voip going (unlikely) or if someone does a fair amount of premade vs pug themselves in order to offset their pug vs premade losses.
How often do you think a 1+1+1+1+1 vs premade happen?
Look at the current leaderboards.
In 1000 players, how many people do you see with less than 45% win rate? The averages are all around 50%, +/- 5%.
You’re talking about extremes here. I can’t help it if you get premades back to back for 10 straight games. That’s definitely not happening to everyone. For starters, I haven’t faced a premade in a week. Really wish I got more tbh.
Forcing? Uhm… If we assume two equal teams – or unequal for that matter – there is a 50% chance you will win and a 50% chance you will loose. Which means that the average over time will be just that, 50%.
Its hard to avoid basic math. People that doesnt approach this is doing things to avoid it. Like the pics above. Its not suspicious at all with 80% winrate in custom arenas and close to 50% in any normal matchup. Nope, not at all.
Except when the matchmaking system isn’t flipping a coin but rather a complicated algo that can be admittedly broken.
Which still wont change the fact that the average will gravitate towards 50%.
If its broken, it will be broken on both sides but the 50% remain – sometimes you end up in the team that roflstomps the opponent, sometimes you end up in the team that is roflstomped.
Sure the matchmaking could be better. But loosing 8 times in a row is just bad luck. I bet the OP still has around 50% winratio. Because he’s probably won 8 or so times in a row too. A couple of days ago, I won 4 matches in a row (the only 4 I played that day, 100% win ratio w00t!). Yesterday, I lost 3 matches in a row and won the 4th by literally the skin on my chin (I held center vs 2 enemies, they got it down to 20% cap and we won with 500 vs 498 or something haha).
Still will never be 50% if you solo queue because pug vs premade w/l ratio is going to be in the 30% range or less. Therefore if you have 50/50 on your pug vs pug and 30/70 on your pug vs premades, your weighted average will be less. The only way someone can get 50/50 is if they have insanely good luck that they are on amazing pugs that can take on premades who practice together and have voip going (unlikely) or if someone does a fair amount of premade vs pug themselves in order to offset their pug vs premade losses.
How often do you think a 1+1+1+1+1 vs premade happen?Look at the current leaderboards.
In 1000 players, how many people do you see with less than 45% win rate? The averages are all around 50%, +/- 5%.
You’re talking about extremes here. I can’t help it if you get premades back to back for 10 straight games. That’s definitely not happening to everyone. For starters, I haven’t faced a premade in a week. Really wish I got more tbh.
" I can’t help it if you get premades back to back for 10 straight games."
That sentence alone proves my point because you’re admitting that premades are going to beat pugs. I know you think anet matchmaking is great and there’s nothing wrong with it. You’ve been proven wrong there. You think pug vs premade isn’t a problem, there is. When 90% of the 500 people who take a survey want solo queue back, there’s absolutely a problem. 500 is beyond a statistically significant sample size.
In addition, pvp leaderboard only goes to 1000. You’re telling me only 1000 people played pvp last leaderboard season? That’s the entire population? Pretty sure GW2 has sold over 5,000,000 copies. If they let us see every single person’s W/L ratio in GW2 we would see A LOT of people at < 40%. There’s also something called “survivorship bias”. If someone has a win rate of < 40%, how long do you think they’ll keep playing pvp? So if we only count W/L on “active players” we’re going to get a skewed ratio.
Finally, if you truly hope you get put against some premades, I do too. That way you’ll stop thinking matchmaking is totally fine.
Forcing? Uhm… If we assume two equal teams – or unequal for that matter – there is a 50% chance you will win and a 50% chance you will loose. Which means that the average over time will be just that, 50%.
Its hard to avoid basic math. People that doesnt approach this is doing things to avoid it. Like the pics above. Its not suspicious at all with 80% winrate in custom arenas and close to 50% in any normal matchup. Nope, not at all.
Except when the matchmaking system isn’t flipping a coin but rather a complicated algo that can be admittedly broken.
Which still wont change the fact that the average will gravitate towards 50%.
If its broken, it will be broken on both sides but the 50% remain – sometimes you end up in the team that roflstomps the opponent, sometimes you end up in the team that is roflstomped.
Sure the matchmaking could be better. But loosing 8 times in a row is just bad luck. I bet the OP still has around 50% winratio. Because he’s probably won 8 or so times in a row too. A couple of days ago, I won 4 matches in a row (the only 4 I played that day, 100% win ratio w00t!). Yesterday, I lost 3 matches in a row and won the 4th by literally the skin on my chin (I held center vs 2 enemies, they got it down to 20% cap and we won with 500 vs 498 or something haha).
Still will never be 50% if you solo queue because pug vs premade w/l ratio is going to be in the 30% range or less. Therefore if you have 50/50 on your pug vs pug and 30/70 on your pug vs premades, your weighted average will be less. The only way someone can get 50/50 is if they have insanely good luck that they are on amazing pugs that can take on premades who practice together and have voip going (unlikely) or if someone does a fair amount of premade vs pug themselves in order to offset their pug vs premade losses.
How often do you think a 1+1+1+1+1 vs premade happen?Look at the current leaderboards.
In 1000 players, how many people do you see with less than 45% win rate? The averages are all around 50%, +/- 5%.
You’re talking about extremes here. I can’t help it if you get premades back to back for 10 straight games. That’s definitely not happening to everyone. For starters, I haven’t faced a premade in a week. Really wish I got more tbh.
" I can’t help it if you get premades back to back for 10 straight games."
That sentence alone proves my point because you’re admitting that premades are going to beat pugs. I know you think anet matchmaking is great and there’s nothing wrong with it. You’ve been proven wrong there. You think pug vs premade isn’t a problem, there is. When 90% of the 500 people who take a survey want solo queue back, there’s absolutely a problem. 500 is beyond a statistically significant sample size.
That statement means your odds of losing increases. It doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to lose against premades.
I never said I agreed with the matchmaking and I never said it was perfect. On both accounts, I don’t.
In addition, pvp leaderboard only goes to 1000. You’re telling me only 1000 people played pvp last leaderboard season? That’s the entire population? Pretty sure GW2 has sold over 5,000,000 copies. If they let us see every single person’s W/L ratio in GW2 we would see A LOT of people at < 40%. There’s also something called “survivorship bias”. If someone has a win rate of < 40%, how long do you think they’ll keep playing pvp? So if we only count W/L on “active players” we’re going to get a skewed ratio.
Finally, if you truly hope you get put against some premades, I do too. That way you’ll stop thinking matchmaking is totally fine.
Never said only 1000 people played the pvp season. What I did imply was that 1000 is a big enough pool to see exactly where the win/lose ratio stood amongst players. You’re blindly assuming that players not listed on the leaderboards, are automatically <45% win/lose ratio.
The last 1000 players on the current leaderboard have 81 rank points. These players played 200 games, give or take 20. It’s reasonable to assume that anyone who hasn’t reach this game count, will not be listed on the leaderboards. This does not mean these players have <40% win/lose ratio They just haven’t played enough games to be ranked.
You have no evidence to support your assumption.
Anet I am confused. I just lost 8 in a row, over the weekend I lost 10 in a row, I thought the new system was supposed to stop this from happening, or at least less often. I’m not a new player, over 1k matches in unranked where both of these happened, but this is just off putting. Especially the match where my team didn’t even get 150-500. Only one of these matches was courtyard, and you’ve yet to release any findings from the old thread of ‘report bad matches’.
I got on yesterday and lost something like 14 matches in a row. Most of them were effectively over by the time the leading team reached 350 points. In other words, most of the matches weren’t even close. Plus the rewards are lame. So you’re not only losing many successive humiliating matches, you’re thinking about the loot you could be getting in literally any other game mode lol. I’m back in PvE and WvW today.
Never said only 1000 people played the pvp season. What I did imply was that 1000 is a big enough pool to see exactly where the win/lose ratio stood amongst players.
I’m going to refer you back to survivorship bias. http://bit.ly/1iFMBKL
Was on a loser streak, then fell into a match where we came back to win 500 vs 499. Closest match I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, there seem to be too many matches that end 500 vs 0. No way you can convince me that is good match making. No wonder people leave of afk.
Was on a loser streak, then fell into a match where we came back to win 500 vs 499. Closest match I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, there seem to be too many matches that end 500 vs 0. No way you can convince me that is good match making. No wonder people leave of afk.
I know some players are notorious AFKers but I agree that sometimes I feel the actions of AFKers are justified because they fell victim to bad matchmaking.
Leaving or AFKing is better for your health because it’s not good for your blood pressure to endure watching your team and importantly, yourself get farmed over and over again.
Was on a loser streak, then fell into a match where we came back to win 500 vs 499. Closest match I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, there seem to be too many matches that end 500 vs 0. No way you can convince me that is good match making. No wonder people leave of afk.
I know some players are notorious AFKers but I agree that sometimes I feel the actions of AFKers are justified because they fell victim to bad matchmaking.
Leaving or AFKing is better for your health because it’s not good for your blood pressure to endure watching your team and importantly, yourself get farmed over and over again.
The 500 to 0 or 500 to 100 is the reason this game needs a surrender button. Either fix matchmaking or add a surrender button. PVP needs one or the other.
Ugh, this is definitely not fixed. After losing 3 in a row, I’m matched against tourney champs. lol
The issues with match making still don’t seem fixed. I played 8 matches tonight, the first 7 in a row resulted in losses (no 4v5s or anything, just straight up failures of the matchmaker to make a good match). I finally won the 8th game and… it was a 4v5 in our favor. I think you devs should recheck things…
So far 1:1 on my NA account. Both games were close but data pool too small. I will keep a record of next 100 games.
There was nothing in the patch about match making, so maybe they haven’t fixed it yet.
The issues with match making still don’t seem fixed. I played 8 matches tonight, the first 7 in a row resulted in losses (no 4v5s or anything, just straight up failures of the matchmaker to make a good match). I finally won the 8th game and… it was a 4v5 in our favor. I think you devs should recheck things…
Most of my matches are still against premades but the 1 or 2 games i had against regular pugs were pretty close matches.
I’m convinced they’re never going to fix the premade vs pug thing because they want to promote gw2 as a ESL type game so they want the premade teams to feel good about themselves and farm pugs. If they take away pug / premade, solo queue goes back to being great but premade queue times go through the roof thus driving away what they believe is their core customer.
Matchmaking is always trying to make 50/50 matches. There is no active streak-prevention built into matchmaking other than the fact that your MMR adjusts each game. Since you’ve been playing so much, your MMR is ‘certain’ and changes slowly. It has certainly adjusted over the course of the weekend, though.
I suggest watching your game history via a site like http://gw2efficiency.com/account/pvp that uses our new PvP API. This way you know exactly what streaks you’re on.
Edit: Both your streaks were when you played Engineer, which has a lower profession MMR than your account and other professions. Looks like you win more often on Thief
first of all, i also just had loss streak of 8 games. what is the point of profession mmr if i can reroll another profession after the game starts? i found that my strongest profession is reroll. if i see bunch of guards i expect to se a bunch of burning and since guards stomp thiefs anyaway, i reroll a necro so that i transfer burning back to them. if i see a bunch of thiefs i reroll a guard cause guards stomp thiefs regardless of the build you run. i dont see any point in having profession mmr, but knowing that such things exist, i will definitely be starting all my matches with a thief in order to avoid playing with newbies.
(edited by rastaman.1905)
“Not trying to highjack the OPs thread but I feel his pain, I havent won a ranked match in two days. Thats somewhere around 0-16 in a two day period in ranked. Before you say get gud, I’ve finished second 14 of 16 time and last twice.”
Number of points is prety much irrelevant and im prtey tired repeating that it dosnt show anything . You get points for random aoe hits 1sec point decap ect,it doesnt show how much you contributed to the match at all.
Again it happend repeatedly that highes scorer in my wining team has 60-90points rst of the team 40-60 p and lowest scorer in losing team has 250p and we win with 250p advantage.
Personal points are irrelevant .
And back on topic i think that MMr is recaluclated everyday 01:00 hour
since i noticed taht i have literaly a day win or lose streak.
Like you get 100%win one day then next day your MMR highrockets and the you get punished,and after geting punished it rewards you again
I had even worse streaks than op than ,I set up a rule that after 3 straight loses i wont be playing that day anymore,saved me a lot of nerves.
Sometime i relog after few hours and i get in 1 win-1 lose cycle and its ok,but these are rare things .This is not a solution since i opt NOT gw2 tha day, which is not what i wont or i guess what ANET wonts,but maybe im wrong…
(edited by deda.8302)
deda, I think you’re on to something as I too often see either a lot of wins or a lot of losses on a particular day. Perhaps they need to update MMR more frequently than once per day…
deda, I think you’re on to something as I too often see either a lot of wins or a lot of losses on a particular day. Perhaps they need to update MMR more frequently than once per day…
I keep hammering this and the devs will not respond but I have noticed when I am getting slaughtered on a particular day it’s like “guild premade day” and I keep getting matched against people from the same pvp guild. Prime time is probably the worst and early afternoon PST is probably the best.
Holy crap the amount of information in this API key thing is astounding. Why is this not a PVP sticky?
Unfortunately matchmaking is broken still. I never thought I’d miss the days of the previous system.
If recent patch was meant to fix this situation it didnt,yesterday i had wining streak like 10-3 or somthing today i have only "new " players that
die in 3 sec,
all 4 on close for first 5 min of the game vs 2,
at 100 p all 4 runing to def lord vs 1 wr and things like that,
i Really dont want to play like this,it is not fun for new players to be buried in 3 sec and it is not fun for me either after 5k games,it either not chalanging or very very frustrating.
If you are saving that "fix"for Hot then GG anet rly gg
For 3 years we have been urging you and point at lack in the system but you have made it worse ,now only way to posible fix is to buy HoT with just few attachments ,tell me why should i buy GW2 hot before black desert or B&S ,just tell me ,sell me your product once more pls…
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