That was a good match. I don’t think you encountered 500-(~10) matches like some of us. Or vs 4man teams.
What exactly is the problem with this match? (no 4v5, no Blowout)
Not that I think it matters but by looking at the individual score Hornet has over 200 and the others has alot less. OP may think he is a special cookie and did lift the whole party and the match would have been a total blowout if not for him.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Truthfully, while I’m only in Sapphire, I really like the matchmaking this season. I have between a 40- 50% win rate, but only a handful of matches have been blow-outs. The vast majority are close, or could have been close if not for human error. This is way better than last season where you knew in the first 3 minutes who was going to win or season 1 where it felt really random.
Season 3 is getting it right, imo.