mesmer moa
You should focus on something suited for you, pve.
Only noob mesmers use Moa in PvP.
Moa is totes OP. Wish they’d use time warp, you know, as it’s so UP compared.
How do you pronounce your name?
Have I gone back two patches here? Fun fact, after the change to Moa, my Ranger was turned into one and it upped my damage.
I love mesmers who use moa. Because then they don’t use timewarp.
Only noob mesmers use Moa in PvP.
Go to this link:
Scroll down to the builds. Clearly a bunch of noobs, right?
Moa damage is clutch.
guess you are rank 1-15 max
lol dude rank has nothing to do with the skill, went from 1-20 in a few hours on my lvl 2 mesmer moa ftw !! let it remain OP’d
guess you are rank 1-15 max
lol dude rank has nothing to do with the skill, went from 1-20 in a few hours on my lvl 2 mesmer moa ftw !! let it remain OP’d
LOL. No you didn’t.
Group quickness and Combo Field(chaos armour/confusion for everybody) > a single target CC
Why make someone run away when you can help kill the entire group in seconds?
Moa is okay, it was mad op in 1v1 situations before they changed the skills though.
You should focus on something suited for you, pve.
you made my day lol.
I like these newcomers to pvp and their interesting topics – now moa after the changes is probably one of the best things a mesmer can use on you, it even helps in big fights to escape. If you think that now moa is overpowered, you should have seen it before : ]
I want my mesmer to be able to turn herself into a moa, it’d sure help with the lack of movement speed uptime.
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
Its a decent skill still. Not OP like it used to be now that moa skills got changed a few patches ago (damage in moa form is decent and u can run easy in moa form). Its got way less utility than time warp since its single target, but for hot joins i typically use it because nothing is organized and its every man for himself (and moa is good for these types of situations)
Mesmer is lucky in that all 3 elites are viable and situationally useful.
Now if only they would take a look at warrior elites….
Moa is totes OP. Wish they’d use time warp, you know, as it’s so UP compared.
hell no!! …let them use moa, sadly good mesmers don’t……
One could do like this: If no mesmer is using them … then give it to ele’s or engineers I am quite sure they will pass a crappy elite over for Moa