might be cray cray buuuut...
Why do people not understand the game is constantly trying to match you people that challenge you enough so that you win some, you lose some?
You’re SUPPOSED to have a 50% win rate. If you’re doing better than that, congrats, you’re beating people the game thinks are better than you.
If you have an 80% win rate you’re either god-like, or stomping the kitten out of new players.
I can understand the 1 vs 1 situation but the score thing is a little crazy.
Snow ball effects happen alot. For instance i ran a full premade with some friends and we faced the same team 3 times in a row. First match they crushed us 500-100. 2nd match we won 500 to like 475 a really close game and the 3rd match we crushed them since they decided to make a comp change and it didt work.
You could be facing players of your skill level but the team comp just doesnt fit.
sorry for the poor matches though
As a addition to my other rant, its not just me loseing, some games i play vs people who by my standards have no idea what they are doing, i also win games by 200 points, even 300 sometimes.
that does not make this matchmaking system ok, it needs alot of work.
simply put solo queue back in, lock skills and traits BEFORE you enter a game, add class/trait into the matchmaking equation.
I won a game by 460 today….pve guilds should just hire pvp players for their guild missions they are ruining pvp for me…every time i get put against a guild group its either stomp or be stomped bc either they know what they are doing and ts gives advantage or they are a pve guild and cant even make it to the points to contest them
Papa’s Lady Luck- Necro
i have a 53% winrate with 415 games played in unranked. there is no reason i should play people who crush me without taking 15% damage in a 1v1. there should be no reason i should ever lose a game by 200 fricking points. ive had enough games where i should be placed with people my skill level.
Actually the devs said that 300-350 is an average losing point ratio for people. This does not mean you got beat horrible by any means. It just means that the winning team snowballed the map more efficiently than the other. In a way, it’s usually a 50/50 chance whether or not you lose team fights… but you have a slimmer chance of being placed on a team that can lose team fights but win due to rotations alone.
remove ACCOUNT MMR, just because i played X amount of games with Y class does not mean im as good with all classes. thats dumb, it makes me not want to pvp with other classes.
I agree with you there. There are several items that needs to be fixed/implemented in that department.
and lastly, STOP CATERING TO ESPORTS you are not league of legends you are not a MOBA you cannot have the same system with an MMO, CLEARLY IT DOES NOT WORK. STOP IT.
So you want them to stop improving PvP? Sorry but NO.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
Afaik mmr right now not only account based, but class based too.
“At the heart of PvP matchmaking algorithm is the Glicko2 matchmaking rating (MMR). This rating, which is an approximation of your skill level, helps match you with other players with similar skill level. In addition to two core ratings (one for unranked and ranked arena), a rating is also kept for each profession. More than one rating is used in order to encourage players to experiment with other professions they may not play regularly.”
>I have a 53% winrate with 415 games played
Well it looks like matchmaking is working.
I have to deal with having a 60% winrate over 120 games. Hopefully it evens out someday.
Its a teamgame. Do not expect to hard carry games.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
>I have a 53% winrate with 415 games played
Well it looks like matchmaking is working.
Except the win rate in itself doesn’t show matchmaking is working, you could have the “ideal” 50% winrate and still have absolutely terrible matchmaking.
What makes a fun match? For me and most players I’ve got to know in games a fun match means a closely fought match, I don’t want to be involved in one-sided matches (be it on the winning or losing side) as they are simply boring, people basically stop playing at some point in the match (or at least stop playing properly), etc.
So the matchmaking should ideally be providing players with close matches where one team is approximately the equal of the opposing team in skill, so the problem is a 50% win rate is no guarantee of that, you could in theory lose 50% of your games being hammered by 5 man ESL pre-mades, and then win the other 50% facestomping newbies/PvE players.
Now whilst that example is obviously not going to happen to that extreme, the problem seems to be in GW2 is that poorly matched teams happen far too often, thus people complain about the poor matchmaking, even though their win-rate may be okay.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
Why do people not understand the game is constantly trying to match you people that challenge you enough so that you win some, you lose some?
You’re SUPPOSED to have a 50% win rate. If you’re doing better than that, congrats, you’re beating people the game thinks are better than you.
If you have an 80% win rate you’re either god-like, or stomping the kitten out of new players.
I remember having long win streaks on my Ranger during one of test seasons (so my Ranger had around 85% win ratio at certain moment) and I don’t think MM was throwing me logs under legs. On other side I couldn’t do better than 50% with Bunker Guard ;-(
For sure nor I or my build back then was god-like, nor I was stomping newcomers.
I think your thesis about MM trying to make you win no more than 50% isn’t true. MM is just bad or it was working much better for Ranked.
and lastly, STOP CATERING TO ESPORTS you are not league of legends you are not a MOBA you cannot have the same system with an MMO, CLEARLY IT DOES NOT WORK. STOP IT.
LoLwas cattering to “casuals” as much as possible, thats why it got so big player base and became Esportz… thats because Esportz is for “hardcore” players and to have enough “hardcore” players you need to have big enough player base.
(edited by Morwath.9817)
If both teams are equally skilled, then it simply comes down to a matter of composition. If they hard counter you, there’s about bum all you can do except switch classes. When they take a lead on you like that, it tends to snowball into losses by large margins. It doesn’t mean they’re significantly better than you.