(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)
more achievement points (daily, monthly)
kitten, i must have forgot to ask everyone to provide feedback.
i feel so lonely in here!
what happened to all those people who were complaining about the new sPvP achievements?
i made this topic especially for them!
with this change, it should benefit them more!
and the “team effort gold reward” will help those people who only play sPvP and nothing else earn more gold more quicker too!
they read your name and go to next thread cause pointless
they read your name and go to next thread cause pointless
aw that’s mean!
i dun think it is pointless though.
so did you read through it?
they read your name and go to next thread cause pointless
Oh, you <3
happy new year!
surely someone will welcome these changes?
add each time win can gain
Pile of Bloodstone Dust x5
Dragonite Ingot x5
Empyreal Fragment x5
And that’s what spvp is, a way for casuals to farm more .
Good Job arena.net (i’m kidding, i know you didn’t have any options, it was that or die).
add each time win can gain
Pile of Bloodstone Dust x5
Dragonite Ingot x5
Empyreal Fragment x50.0
hmmm not sure if i want more of these though. O_O
And that’s what spvp is, a way for casuals to farm more
Good Job arena.net (i’m kidding, i know you didn’t have any options, it was that or die).
well at least its working! XD
okies lets introduce a new tier, for those achievement points hunters.
maybe they will convert to become full time sPvP players after this.
existing full time sPvP players will also benefit from increased achievement points gain provided they win a lot of games per day.
new format:
Solo Arena Three Wins (3 tiers, 3 AP total)
(1/3 solo arena wins) 1 AP
(2/3 solo arena wins) 1 AP
(3/3 solo arena wins) 1 AP [Five Total Solo Arena Wins unlocked]
Team Arena Two Wins (2 tiers, 2 AP total)
(1/2 team arena wins) 1 AP
(2/2 team arena wins) 1 AP [Three Total Team Arena Wins unlocked]
Five Total Solo Arena Wins (5 tiers, 5 AP total)
(1/5 solo arena wins) 1 AP
(2/5 solo arena wins) 1 AP
(3/5 solo arena wins) 1 AP
(4/5 solo arena wins) 1 AP
(5/5 solo arena wins) 1 AP [bonus daily chest 5 gold]
[Daily Solo Arena Winner unlocked]
Three Total Team Arena Wins (3 tiers, 3 AP total)
(1/3 team arena wins) 1 AP
(2/3 team arena wins) 1 AP
(3/3 team arena wins) 1 AP [bonus daily chest 5 gold]
[Daily Team Arena Winner unlocked]
Daily Solo Arena Winner [1/1 unlimited tiers, 1 AP per win]
Daily Team Arena Winner [1/1 unlimited tiers, 1 AP per win]
what does it mean?
after winning 8 solo arena games, each subsequent solo arena win will net 1 AP.
after winning 5 team arena games, each subsequent solo arena win will net 1 AP.
the next day, these 2 achievements will be locked again unless unlocked via 8 solo arena wins or 5 team arena wins.
the achievement keeps track of how many times it has been repeated.
this means, those players who only plays solo arena and team arena, and are good at them, wins often, will be rewarded with more achievement points accordingly.
(certainly does not apply to me, since i am but a casual player)
well, i understand that true sPvP players care about ladder rankings etc more and not achievement points but i feel that this could be more easily implemented at the moment. and may encourage achievement hunters to convert to sPvP full time.
okies i edited the topic title since there is more stuff talking about the achievement points.
i’m gonna move the part about rewards into a new topic.
gonna add in repeatable monthly sPvP achievements too.
maybe revise the repeatable daily.
or maybe no repeatable daily or monthly, put them repeatable under “PvP Conqueror” category.
ok lets look at the previous topic
Daily Solo Arena Winner [1/1 unlimited tiers, 1 AP per win]
Daily Team Arena Winner [1/1 unlimited tiers, 1 AP per win]
i think these 2 bad. probably hard to code as well, since the daily achievements are refreshed every day.
ok i better go tidy up the first post since most people just read that and ignore the rest.
after going through the first post again, i think it is okay though.
a bit tl; dr perhaps. >.<
finally i decide to remove the first paragraph from the first post.
since it is mostly personal opinion and not related to achievement points.
the following text was originally from the first post in this topic:
ever since the gold rewards was introduced in 10 dec 2013 patch there seems to be more players willing to try out sPvP, at least this is true for my casual guild which mostly consist of PvE / WvW players.
sometimes times we get 10+ people playing sPvP together in someone’s custom arena. we discussed about wanting to get our own custom arena but then we decided that it is more economic to use someone’s else custom arena since most of them appear to be empty most of the time.
i feel like removing glory and introducing gold rewards is a good step in the right direction. perhaps the gold rewards could be further improved?
The reward for completing all four of them each day is
1 Mystic Coin
1 Essence of Luck
1 Laurel if Daily has not been completed before
5 Silver coinplus one of the following:
1 Arcane Orb
1 Arcane Crystal
1 Arcane Sliver
1 PvP Arcane ConverterThere is a chance of getting an additional Gem Store item. You may get one of the following rewards:
Black Lion Salvage Kit
Insert items here
i was practicing 1 vs 1 with fellow casual guild member arthur this morning and i completed my sPvP daily after a few games. then i realized i got a Black Lion Salvage Kit! well, i’m very happy since even when completing PvE dailies the chance of receiving a Black Lion Salvage Kit is very small. I only gotten it a few times.
the other rewards, mystic coin, luck, 5 silvers is on par with PvE dailies, is also very good. since sPvP dailies can be completed much faster than PvE dailies. this is a good change.