[movie] Thief Revenge
Ok condition… Try Dps and you will get more views.
Ah… try thief forum too.
Thief rank 80 – I hate overpower condition duration in wvw.
Ok Discordia I’ll try.
Very nice video!
You should try going 00446 though, in my opinion Trickery XII (Sleight of Hand) or XIII (Bewildering Ambush, maybe this is more apropiate because you are a condi thief). You get a little bit more of condi, ~3 seconds cooldown reduction to Steal and if you choose XII trait you can interrupt some crucial skills of the enemy, that can save you more than once a game.
Anyways, good job, good video and keep ’em coming
Thx Poliator for your very nice comment.
I’ll try to change the build by your recommendation. And I give you a feed back.
im so jealous of people who are good at thief
Thx for your com Jae, I appreciate.
Thx all