nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: TallBarr.2184


u remove turret engi from the game yet u leave this skilless piece of kitten of a ai build in the game, get ur stuff togetehr

Ultimate Dominator , Diamond invader

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


What is exactly the AI part in condi mesmer? It’s not like if our clones/phantasms did anything else than being shattered (or cleaved down before it happens). A condi mesmer cannot just leave his clones doing the work while afk, all the work is done by the mesmer itself.

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


lol the AI of mesmers is so low and fragile in pvp: if you see them getting close to u, cleave them, we don’t have our trait that put condi pressure on opponents when they are cleaved. If you are having trouble fighting them I can only suggest you to bring some condi cleanse and if you decide to play with low amount of cleanse don’ t loose trying to fight condies but rotate accordingly to fight opponents you know you can beat

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Hansen.3264


Its so broken the mesmer condi build.

It should get hammered or atleast class stacking should not be allowed, and then it should still be nerfed

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Storm.1653


They keep nerfing mesmer the power daze build was too strong plz nerf the alacrity bunker too strong plz nerf, now the condi mesmer?? Are you kidding me?? Ok i get it is a very annoying class for some to fight. My advice play one, you will see its not that easy. You will also learn the tells that you seem to miss if you are having trouble with them. Again we have struggled to find a playable build since the last nerf with this new build (actually is an old build with a new twist) so we can actually play the darn class. What next?? You want an icon above the real mesmer so you can 2 shot him in his light armor?? Why not take away the clones all together?? When will you stop crying about the mesmer?? ltp!

(edited by Storm.1653)

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Mesmers are hardly skilless. As far as condi shatter is concerned, clones are just slow moving projectiles.

The only thing that seems over the top to me on Mesmer is the frequency of which they can put out CC.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Electra.7530


My first character in this game was a Mesmer. I loved her. I did so much in the game with her. But now, I struggle with her. She can barely kill mobs in pve let alone be effective in pvp against other players.

She is a power build and I haven’t really looked at the condition build for her as she is in ascended gear. The prospect of changing builds on chars with ascended gear is quite expensive.

So, I have put my Mesmer on vacation ankitten ow playing with my tempest/auramancer. A good Mesmer (which most of them are that I encounter in pvp) kill me with no problem. I need to learn how to survive against mesmers.

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


My first character in this game was a Mesmer. I loved her. I did so much in the game with her. But now, I struggle with her. She can barely kill mobs in pve let alone be effective in pvp against other players.

She is a power build and I haven’t really looked at the condition build for her as she is in ascended gear. The prospect of changing builds on chars with ascended gear is quite expensive.

So, I have put my Mesmer on vacation ankitten ow playing with my tempest/auramancer. A good Mesmer (which most of them are that I encounter in pvp) kill me with no problem. I need to learn how to survive against mesmers.

Are you running Chronomancer? I did the Heart of Thorns story solo no problems on my Mesmer, and PvE content in general I find no problems on Mesmer either.

I’m running a Condi build in PvE with dire armour and it works well. I only use exotic armour too, no ascended, so switching to a Condi build isn’t that expensive.

(edited by Zynt.5769)

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


indeed its b/s that you can stealth in a combat and as soon as you reappear clones instantly begin following you giving away your location, same goes to teleport skills

let alone that mesmer is one of the strongest downed fighters because he can benefit from his weapon abilities in downed state in the form of phantasms they created

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


My first character in this game was a Mesmer. I loved her. I did so much in the game with her. But now, I struggle with her. She can barely kill mobs in pve let alone be effective in pvp against other players.

She is a power build and I haven’t really looked at the condition build for her as she is in ascended gear. The prospect of changing builds on chars with ascended gear is quite expensive.

So, I have put my Mesmer on vacation ankitten ow playing with my tempest/auramancer. A good Mesmer (which most of them are that I encounter in pvp) kill me with no problem. I need to learn how to survive against mesmers.

Honestly… you’re doing it wrong…

For a long time a lot of mesmer player have despised the condi mesmer… God it was even to the point that Anet buffed it. In reality the PvE condi mesmer only needed players to max their bleed duration. With a simple scepter/pistol build it’s truly easy to sustain more bleed stack than any other profession and add on top of it some confusion/torment. That said, I coincidently happened to realize that in HoT condi build seem to work better than power build.

As for the gear, honnestly it cost nothing to change your stats via the mystic forge. Well I agree that if wou want to change for “HoT stats” like viper it would be a bit expensive, otherwise it only range between 1g and 3g per gear piece which is nothing.

Otherwise, I don’t think that the ai condi mesmer really need a nerf, the poor survivability of the fantasm/clone in PvP content allow these specs to be balanced since there is plenty of counter play.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: roamzero.9486


I think the main problem is double moa. It’s kind of dumb that the only viable condi builds are Necro followed by Mesmer. This condi/anti-condi arms race needs to stop because it’s leaving build options like condi ranger/engie/thief/guard etc in the dust.

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


What they could do about moa is upgrade the skills you have while being in this form: I mean they changed the meta a lot since the game’s release and yet moa skills are the same, iirc. (Please correct me if I am wrong)

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


give moa a skill that cleanses all conditions and reduce the duration by 2s.. or make the f5 not work with elites anymore.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

nerf ai condi mesmer holy kitten

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Or reduce the range at which you can cast the signet. That way, people won’t be complaining of how they can’t see opponent casting it. As for the double moa, it is fine because players can block, evade or put themselves into invulnerability so they don’t get moa’ed