nerf mesmer or s3 will be a disaster
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition spike / burst ability and strong access to stability / condition removal. Most mesmers could care less about moa
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
I feel they haven’t figured out the best way to change continuum split.
As a mesmer main, I was expecting a CD increases to continuum split but it didn’t happen.
Moa is by no means overpowered with its original 180sec CD. Ppl didn’t like it because its high failure rate, lack of coordination from teammate and being negated by the old rune of vampirism.
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition damage. Most mesmers could care less about moa
moa is only one of the problems. you can’t cleanse conditions during it, and the duration is way too long for the power creep that got added to the game.
it’s a combination of being extremely sustainable with staff/sw/sh, merc amulet and inspiration, having great utilities and elites on “half” their cooldown due to f5, combined with the ability to deal great damage and stunlocks with shield and double daze shatter.
there is basically no downside to that build.
(edited by Jekkt.6045)
It’s puzzling how they could do all the things they did to other professions, yet do nothing to the obvious problems with Mesmers.
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition damage. Most mesmers could care less about moa
moa is only one of the problems. you can’t cleanse conditions during it, and the duration is way too long for the power creep that got added to the game.
it’s a combination of being extremely sustainable with staff/sw/sh, merc amulet and inspiration, having great utilities and elites on “half” their cooldown due to f5, combined with the ability to deal great damage and stunlocks with shield and double daze shatter.
there is basically no downside to that build.
The continuum shift doesn’t make that big of a difference. People act like continiuum shift puts Moa on a 30 second recharge. It doesn’t, it puts it on a 90 second recharge (normal for most elites), and is very difficult to time, so on average I think it puts moa on 120 second recharge. I have no idea why people are squabbling about moa. I think they recognize that Mesmer is overpowered, have never played the profession, see that they can turn people into birds, and then just blame that.
When in reality, the problem is Mesmer’s INSANE access to condition burst. Like, if you’ve ever played Mesmer, you know that you can put 6 stacks of confusion and 4 stacks of torment on someone in less than one second, and then stunlock them with a plethora of skills, including or not including moa. Gravity well is just as bad. In addition, Mesmer’s inspiration and chaos line give them up the wall access to stability and condition removal / resistance. This turns good ones into super warriors. Moa really doesn’t do much by itself.
I’m terrified that a lot of hatred is going to be spilled on CS/Moa in the next few weeks when people are getting stomped by chronomancers, it will be nerfed, but Mesmer will still dominate everything, and people will ask "but no birdie why am I lose "
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition damage. Most mesmers could care less about moa
moa is only one of the problems. you can’t cleanse conditions during it, and the duration is way too long for the power creep that got added to the game.
it’s a combination of being extremely sustainable with staff/sw/sh, merc amulet and inspiration, having great utilities and elites on “half” their cooldown due to f5, combined with the ability to deal great damage and stunlocks with shield and double daze shatter.
there is basically no downside to that build.
The continuum shift doesn’t make that big of a difference. People act like continiuum shift puts Moa on a 30 second recharge. It doesn’t, it puts it on a 90 second recharge (normal for most elites), and is very difficult to time, so on average I think it puts moa on 120 second recharge. I have no idea why people are squabbling about moa. I think they recognize that Mesmer is overpowered, have never played the profession, see that they can turn people into birds, and then just blame that.
When in reality, the problem is Mesmer’s INSANE access to condition burst. Like, if you’ve ever played Mesmer, you know that you can put 6 stacks of confusion and 4 stacks of torment on someone in less than one second, and then stunlock them with a plethora of skills, including or not including moa. Gravity well is just as bad. In addition, Mesmer’s inspiration and chaos line give them up the wall access to stability and condition removal / resistance. This turns good ones into super warriors. Moa really doesn’t do much by itself.
I’m terrified that a lot of hatred is going to be spilled on CS/Moa in the next few weeks when people are getting stomped by chronomancers, it will be nerfed, but Mesmer will still dominate everything, and people will ask "but no birdie why am I lose
as i said, moa, or f5+elites in general, is just part of the problem. for all i care, they could reduce the duration to 5s and lower the cooldown of moa, add a skill that removes conditions and moa is “balanced”.
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition damage. Most mesmers could care less about moa
moa is only one of the problems. you can’t cleanse conditions during it, and the duration is way too long for the power creep that got added to the game.
it’s a combination of being extremely sustainable with staff/sw/sh, merc amulet and inspiration, having great utilities and elites on “half” their cooldown due to f5, combined with the ability to deal great damage and stunlocks with shield and double daze shatter.
there is basically no downside to that build.
The continuum shift doesn’t make that big of a difference. People act like continiuum shift puts Moa on a 30 second recharge. It doesn’t, it puts it on a 90 second recharge (normal for most elites), and is very difficult to time, so on average I think it puts moa on 120 second recharge. I have no idea why people are squabbling about moa. I think they recognize that Mesmer is overpowered, have never played the profession, see that they can turn people into birds, and then just blame that.
When in reality, the problem is Mesmer’s INSANE access to condition burst. Like, if you’ve ever played Mesmer, you know that you can put 6 stacks of confusion and 4 stacks of torment on someone in less than one second, and then stunlock them with a plethora of skills, including or not including moa. Gravity well is just as bad. In addition, Mesmer’s inspiration and chaos line give them up the wall access to stability and condition removal / resistance. This turns good ones into super warriors. Moa really doesn’t do much by itself.
I’m terrified that a lot of hatred is going to be spilled on CS/Moa in the next few weeks when people are getting stomped by chronomancers, it will be nerfed, but Mesmer will still dominate everything, and people will ask "but no birdie why am I lose
as i said, moa, or f5+elites in general, is just part of the problem. for all i care, they could reduce the duration to 5s and lower the cooldown of moa, add a skill that removes conditions and moa is “balanced”.
I personally don’t care what they do with Moa. I think it’s a dumb skill and would be happy to see it just removed. Here’s what definitely needs to happen though:
—> cut confusion stacks from Confusing Images from 6 stacks to 3, or at least
increase the CD from 12 seconds to like 20 or so
—> put an ICD on Main the Disillusioned
—> make Tides of Time only stun once
—> put an ICD on Restorative Illusions
—> rebalance Bountiful Disillusionment stability from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
This would create actual lasting change
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
Goto the mesmer forums and you’ll see mesmers thinking they are UP….
I wish power shatter was meta instead
Even Wooden Potatoes who hit legendary on his Mesmer agrees that it is stupidly overpowered.
Meanwhile no one is playing Guardians for the last two seasons and they nerf them even further…
It really just proves that the balance team really has no clue what they are doing. It isn’t possible to buff Mesmer right now unless the person doing the balance isn’t living in reality.
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition damage. Most mesmers could care less about moa
moa is only one of the problems. you can’t cleanse conditions during it, and the duration is way too long for the power creep that got added to the game.
it’s a combination of being extremely sustainable with staff/sw/sh, merc amulet and inspiration, having great utilities and elites on “half” their cooldown due to f5, combined with the ability to deal great damage and stunlocks with shield and double daze shatter.
there is basically no downside to that build.
The continuum shift doesn’t make that big of a difference. People act like continiuum shift puts Moa on a 30 second recharge. It doesn’t, it puts it on a 90 second recharge (normal for most elites), and is very difficult to time, so on average I think it puts moa on 120 second recharge. I have no idea why people are squabbling about moa. I think they recognize that Mesmer is overpowered, have never played the profession, see that they can turn people into birds, and then just blame that.
When in reality, the problem is Mesmer’s INSANE access to condition burst. Like, if you’ve ever played Mesmer, you know that you can put 6 stacks of confusion and 4 stacks of torment on someone in less than one second, and then stunlock them with a plethora of skills, including or not including moa. Gravity well is just as bad. In addition, Mesmer’s inspiration and chaos line give them up the wall access to stability and condition removal / resistance. This turns good ones into super warriors. Moa really doesn’t do much by itself.
I’m terrified that a lot of hatred is going to be spilled on CS/Moa in the next few weeks when people are getting stomped by chronomancers, it will be nerfed, but Mesmer will still dominate everything, and people will ask "but no birdie why am I lose
76 second cd with continuum split. It is a big deal tbh. In reality, it’s more like 66 seconds after the 10 second duration. On my mesmer it’s amazing, but playing against it can be annoying. The duration just needs to be reduced imho.
It really just proves that the balance team really has no clue what they are doing. It isn’t possible to buff Mesmer right now unless the person doing the balance isn’t living in reality.
DH was overpowered in WvW, that’s why it got nerfed. It shows why you can’t possibly expect to have good balance without a split. PvE is boss fighting and situational builds, WvW can be 50v50 or more, while PvP is organized 5v5. I just dont get why Mesmer was buffed to be honest, did it need help in PvE?
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition damage. Most mesmers could care less about moa
moa is only one of the problems. you can’t cleanse conditions during it, and the duration is way too long for the power creep that got added to the game.
it’s a combination of being extremely sustainable with staff/sw/sh, merc amulet and inspiration, having great utilities and elites on “half” their cooldown due to f5, combined with the ability to deal great damage and stunlocks with shield and double daze shatter.
there is basically no downside to that build.
I love how this one Chrono build has brought out all the scrubs.
From the warrior forum-
So I played the last part of Season 2 PvP, picking up the meta build for Chrono (though swapping out the silly staff for scepter/sword) and making my way through the divisions with ease over what little time I had to play. I’m a Mesmer Main, 4k hours of pure WvW/PvP since release to give some background.
Anyway, during this time I also kept an eye on the forum feedback, seeing where the tears were being shed toward Chrono. Double Moa, CS, condi clone spam, cleanse spam, portal, bla bla. Mes has a viable build with Chrono right now, and a role in Conquest. From what I experienced, the other meta builds were unable to deal with Chrono effectively without some heavy team pressure (or more likely coordination) and a little bit of luck. I didn’t buy that the Chrono build was OP however, and I started to consider the obvious weaknesses that were ready for exploitation.
At seasons end I started thinking about my Warrior, and what I would do to combat the meta build I’d been running. While I didnt see an easy roflstomp victory, it occurred to me that a power warrior/berserker has a solid edge over that Chrono.
- The Chrono build has no boon removal
- He’s expected to hold home (or far) solo
- He has one stun break (blink)
- He has no stability
- He can kite thanks to staff, even off point if he has to, but is still susceptible to ranged pressure
- He has zero stealth and cannot target drop (big plus to ranged pressure)
- He relies on shield block as a big part of his defence, and war has amazing unblockable uptime
So with that in mind
- Warrior/Berserker has heavy CC potential
- Incredible resistance uptime
- Great cleave and direct damage potential (condi’s will not work)
Ive run out of time, but can you warrior pros see where I’m going with this? So long as you know to dodge or interrupt those Moa’s, there’s a good recipe for Chrono take down here. Either 1v1, or as a heavy +1 CC/burst power.
One good warrior/berserker has everything he needs to dismantle the meta chrono build. XD Hilarious.
Mesmer is fine.. you all need to l2p & get nerfed
In s2 it was quite easy to kill mesmer with dragon hunter actually.. But true moa form might actually need buffs ( I mean better skills as moa)
(edited by baylock.1703)
Current “meta” Mesmer functions as a portal/moa bot, not much more. Here are the specifics on the patch:
This quarter, we’ll be looking a bit at the scepter and pushing it toward more hybrid capabilities. There have been several animation changes and recharge reductions, along with general damage increases. Additionally, due to the change made in how attack speed increases are calculated, Malicious Sorcery provides a higher attack speed bonus (though the tool-tip value will not change). The chronomancer has had a few changes, with well recharge reductions and improved access to personal alacrity.
Feedback: Fixed an issue that prevented the combo ring for this skill from displaying.
Ether Bolt: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.16 seconds.
Ether Blast: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.28 seconds.
Ether Clone: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.45 seconds. This skill no longer fires a missile but is a direct attack instead.
Counterspell: The cooldown of this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds. The damage from this skill has been increased by 50% when an attack is blocked. The attack activation time has been reduced by 0.2 seconds. The aftercast delay has been reduced by 0.24 seconds.
Confusing Images: The damage output of this skill has been increased by 20%.
Illusionary Riposte: Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 15 seconds to 12 seconds. The attack activation time has been reduced by 0.4 seconds. The aftercast delay has been reduced by 1 second.
Restorative Mantras: This trait now displays a blue ring effect while channeling a mantra, indicating the trait’s effective area.
Well of Action: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
Well of Precognition: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 45 seconds to 30 seconds.
Well of Recall: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 35 seconds.
Flow of Time: The alacrity applied by this trait has been increased from 0.75 seconds to 1 second per illusion shattered.
You can see, nothing substantial changed, especially with regard to the “meta.” OP, hardly.
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition damage. Most mesmers could care less about moa
moa is only one of the problems. you can’t cleanse conditions during it, and the duration is way too long for the power creep that got added to the game.
it’s a combination of being extremely sustainable with staff/sw/sh, merc amulet and inspiration, having great utilities and elites on “half” their cooldown due to f5, combined with the ability to deal great damage and stunlocks with shield and double daze shatter.
there is basically no downside to that build.
I love how this one Chrono build has brought out all the scrubs.
From the warrior forum-
So I played the last part of Season 2 PvP, picking up the meta build for Chrono (though swapping out the silly staff for scepter/sword) and making my way through the divisions with ease over what little time I had to play. I’m a Mesmer Main, 4k hours of pure WvW/PvP since release to give some background.
Anyway, during this time I also kept an eye on the forum feedback, seeing where the tears were being shed toward Chrono. Double Moa, CS, condi clone spam, cleanse spam, portal, bla bla. Mes has a viable build with Chrono right now, and a role in Conquest. From what I experienced, the other meta builds were unable to deal with Chrono effectively without some heavy team pressure (or more likely coordination) and a little bit of luck. I didn’t buy that the Chrono build was OP however, and I started to consider the obvious weaknesses that were ready for exploitation.
At seasons end I started thinking about my Warrior, and what I would do to combat the meta build I’d been running. While I didnt see an easy roflstomp victory, it occurred to me that a power warrior/berserker has a solid edge over that Chrono.
- The Chrono build has no boon removal
- He’s expected to hold home (or far) solo
- He has one stun break (blink)
- He has no stability
- He can kite thanks to staff, even off point if he has to, but is still susceptible to ranged pressure
- He has zero stealth and cannot target drop (big plus to ranged pressure)
- He relies on shield block as a big part of his defence, and war has amazing unblockable uptime
So with that in mind
- Warrior/Berserker has heavy CC potential
- Incredible resistance uptime
- Great cleave and direct damage potential (condi’s will not work)
Ive run out of time, but can you warrior pros see where I’m going with this? So long as you know to dodge or interrupt those Moa’s, there’s a good recipe for Chrono take down here. Either 1v1, or as a heavy +1 CC/burst power.
One good warrior/berserker has everything he needs to dismantle the meta chrono build. XD Hilarious.
Its a good thing warrior isn’t meta isn’kitten
Want a nerf to the current condi mesmer?
Remove mercenary amulet, then revert alacrity nerf.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
If you truly want nerf happen, play that class you want nerf.
It is so easy to reroll to anything OP nowadays.
If you truly want nerf happen, play that class you want nerf.
It is so easy to reroll to anything OP nowadays.
Perfect suggestion. But don’t tell them to do this. Op class-sepcific specs are only op because not everyone uses the class or spec.
If everyone re-rolls op, no one will be op.
Current “meta” Mesmer functions as a portal/moa bot, not much more. Here are the specifics on the patch:
This quarter, we’ll be looking a bit at the scepter and pushing it toward more hybrid capabilities. There have been several animation changes and recharge reductions, along with general damage increases. Additionally, due to the change made in how attack speed increases are calculated, Malicious Sorcery provides a higher attack speed bonus (though the tool-tip value will not change). The chronomancer has had a few changes, with well recharge reductions and improved access to personal alacrity.
Feedback: Fixed an issue that prevented the combo ring for this skill from displaying.
Ether Bolt: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.16 seconds.
Ether Blast: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.28 seconds.
Ether Clone: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.45 seconds. This skill no longer fires a missile but is a direct attack instead.
Counterspell: The cooldown of this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds. The damage from this skill has been increased by 50% when an attack is blocked. The attack activation time has been reduced by 0.2 seconds. The aftercast delay has been reduced by 0.24 seconds.
Confusing Images: The damage output of this skill has been increased by 20%.
Illusionary Riposte: Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 15 seconds to 12 seconds. The attack activation time has been reduced by 0.4 seconds. The aftercast delay has been reduced by 1 second.
Restorative Mantras: This trait now displays a blue ring effect while channeling a mantra, indicating the trait’s effective area.
Well of Action: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
Well of Precognition: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 45 seconds to 30 seconds.
Well of Recall: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 35 seconds.
Flow of Time: The alacrity applied by this trait has been increased from 0.75 seconds to 1 second per illusion shattered.
You can see, nothing substantial changed, especially with regard to the “meta.” OP, hardly.
You really don’t understand that Mesmer was easy mode is S2? It was the most broken class in fact and a requirement for any good team.
Add to the fact that two other top 5 classes, engi and necro got the nerf bat and what do you get? Another OP Mesmer is S3. Mesmer and ele are 1 and 2 for S3 with rev a close 3rd.
I doubt that the meta will shift much at all in regards to Chrono. Sceptre and wells are highly unlikely to change things up, as current meta Mesmer is all about map control with Portal and team focus support with Moa – there’s no room for the newly buffed stuff. So Chrono will remain in an almost identical role as the fifth choice for a team although there is the potential for new builds to rise that could possibly oust current meta Chrono.
Current “meta” Mesmer functions as a portal/moa bot, not much more. Here are the specifics on the patch:
This quarter, we’ll be looking a bit at the scepter and pushing it toward more hybrid capabilities. There have been several animation changes and recharge reductions, along with general damage increases. Additionally, due to the change made in how attack speed increases are calculated, Malicious Sorcery provides a higher attack speed bonus (though the tool-tip value will not change). The chronomancer has had a few changes, with well recharge reductions and improved access to personal alacrity.
Feedback: Fixed an issue that prevented the combo ring for this skill from displaying.
Ether Bolt: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.16 seconds.
Ether Blast: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.28 seconds.
Ether Clone: Reduced the aftercast delay by 0.45 seconds. This skill no longer fires a missile but is a direct attack instead.
Counterspell: The cooldown of this skill has been reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds. The damage from this skill has been increased by 50% when an attack is blocked. The attack activation time has been reduced by 0.2 seconds. The aftercast delay has been reduced by 0.24 seconds.
Confusing Images: The damage output of this skill has been increased by 20%.
Illusionary Riposte: Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 15 seconds to 12 seconds. The attack activation time has been reduced by 0.4 seconds. The aftercast delay has been reduced by 1 second.
Restorative Mantras: This trait now displays a blue ring effect while channeling a mantra, indicating the trait’s effective area.
Well of Action: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
Well of Precognition: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 45 seconds to 30 seconds.
Well of Recall: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 35 seconds.
Flow of Time: The alacrity applied by this trait has been increased from 0.75 seconds to 1 second per illusion shattered.
You can see, nothing substantial changed, especially with regard to the “meta.” OP, hardly.
You really don’t understand that Mesmer was easy mode is S2? It was the most broken class in fact and a requirement for any good team.
Add to the fact that two other top 5 classes, engi and necro got the nerf bat and what do you get? Another OP Mesmer is S3. Mesmer and ele are 1 and 2 for S3 with rev a close 3rd.
I’ve been running condi/shatter main for 3 yrs (have alt dps Mesmer too), completely understand the profession, its mechanics and the role Mesmer plays in current meta. Mesmer an easy mode for S2? Pretty sure that designation belonged to necro, or was it engi, or perhaps ele and maybe even rev for S2, but Mesmer? Mesmer got “meta” by default because of moa/portal and because warrior, guardian and thief were considered less viable for team play (run into some very good warriors/guardians/thieves in S2 in spite of their deficiencies). All I did was provide patch notes on Mesmer to demonstrate that meta Mesmer remained unchanged and the so called “buffs” were slight modifications to scepter and wells, almost nothing more. Nevertheless, Mesmer is hardly OP; we are just glad the nerf bat swung and missed us this patch.
(edited by Soothsayer.9206)
Thieves could possibly hard counter them again. Withdraw now cleanses torment as well. I think this is what ANet intended and I plan on giving it a chance to play out for few weeks and judge it later. As a thief main I’m actually excited over this possibility after a loooong time of “meh” changes. If everyone and their dog starts playing mesmer (like they did with the reaper) the thief could have some free kills, completely swinging a game.
(edited by Ravenmoon.5318)
Played yesterday against S/D Thief with Withdraw and Cleanse for evading on Mesmer. Absolutely 0 chance to win for me. I couldnt pressure him and he was on me with hard attacks. If Mesmer is to present, thief is a viable option again and im happy about that
Played yesterday against S/D Thief with Withdraw and Cleanse for evading on Mesmer. Absolutely 0 chance to win for me. I couldnt pressure him and he was on me with hard attacks. If Mesmer is to present, thief is a viable option again and im happy about that
D/P is better in terms of damage out and the access to backstab which is painful. Also I would consider that basi/venom is better than impact strike. Since you can freeze the mesmer while they are blocking.
And well, if you walk into the chaos field you deserve what’s coming your way, as always with the thief.
I might be compeltely wrong though, Haven’t had time to play thief yet.
i dont say s/d is better then d/p or anything else. just said that i have played against a s/d thief that evaded for cleanse and played with withdraw while i was on mesmer and looked lie a total kitten against him.
a thief main will know if s/d is possible. for me it looked insane from my position. but maybe d/p is better in all other situations.
and to make it clear. i would love to see thief viable again. just because for me pvp is more interessting with thief in a map. more you have to react to and be aware of. something i miss at the moment with all the aoe clash.
on the other side i want to have mesmer because of his options (Portal/Moa) in the meta.
Both classes are for me important to stay viable or become viable again. but i would love to see power mesmer outshine condi mesmer again. its much more skillbased and needs some setup to work.
(edited by Themistokles.1238)
History always repeats.
Enable jumping on moa and it’s fine.
Only if Moa could be dodged, blocked, or negated by blind…
Please Hotfix mesmer anet
Only if Moa could be dodged, blocked, or negated by blind…
I main mesmer and it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. Mesmers have more than just Moa that needs to be dodged, stealth, and ways to CC you to land Moa.
If it was really that hard to land as everyone makes it out to be then it would never be used period.
Only if Moa could be dodged, blocked, or negated by blind…
I main mesmer and it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. Mesmers have more than just Moa that needs to be dodged, stealth, and ways to CC you to land Moa.
If it was really that hard to land as everyone makes it out to be then it would never be used period.
I can tell by your amazing posts on the Mesmer forums…
SoH has a huge glowing effect that’s easy to tell when they’re casting. And it’s really easy to dodge SoH but the vast majority of people who complain are those who don’t dodge, and expect to press all buttons at once and expect to win.
Only if Moa could be dodged, blocked, or negated by blind…
I main mesmer and it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. Mesmers have more than just Moa that needs to be dodged, stealth, and ways to CC you to land Moa.
If it was really that hard to land as everyone makes it out to be then it would never be used period.
I can tell by your amazing posts on the Mesmer forums…
SoH has a huge glowing effect that’s easy to tell when they’re casting. And it’s really easy to dodge SoH but the vast majority of people who complain are those who don’t dodge, and expect to press all buttons at once and expect to win.
it’s also not hard to force 2 dodges on mesmer or use immob + moa or shield stun + moa. landing moa is very easy. landing moa might have been “hard” 3 years ago, but certainly not nowadays.
Mesmer utilities aren’t as useful in WvW. It might work with a team of 5 in an area as big as a football field but against a zerg over a distance of miles, mesmers can’t do a lot. DH are useful which is why they got the nerf. At any given time there’s more than 10 people playing WvW. There was a lot of work done on WvW and HoT this update. PvP just got a revamp on a couple of old maps. The balance wasn’t for pvp.
Yea, mesmers were probably the easiest class to carry to legendary through solo Q in S2. There’s so much utility and mobility to adapt to whatever matchmaking throws your way and Moas allow your team to get kills, even if your team lacks damage.
It blows me away that there were no nerfs to this build. Hell, even WP admitted that this build was OP after he used it to hit legend.
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition spike / burst ability and strong access to stability / condition removal. Most mesmers could care less about moa
Strong stability access? What are you even talking about XD
This chrono meta build has a few glaring weaknesses. One is it comes with a single stun break and NO stability.
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition spike / burst ability and strong access to stability / condition removal. Most mesmers could care less about moa
Strong stability access? What are you even talking about XD
This chrono meta build has a few glaring weaknesses. One is it comes with a single stun break and NO stability.
It has 3 and potentially 5. Shatter can be used when stunned This means diversion, distortion, and continuum shift can be used defensibly. They also have a well and potentially decoy or blink if they want it instead of an extra well. The ileap once activated can cancel stun.
I agree, mesmers are WAY overpowered right now. But it’s mostly because of the condition spike / burst ability and strong access to stability / condition removal. Most mesmers could care less about moa
Strong stability access? What are you even talking about XD
This chrono meta build has a few glaring weaknesses. One is it comes with a single stun break and NO stability.
It has 3 and potentially 5. Shatter can be used when stunned This means diversion, distortion, and continuum shift can be used defensibly. They also have a well and potentially decoy or blink if they want it instead of an extra well. The ileap once activated can cancel stun.
You and Mr. Alex Shatter appear to be thinking of S1 bunker mesmer, which is completely different.
Condishatter runs portal, SOI, and blink (the one stunbreak). Dropping portal severely diminishes your map coverage. Dropping SOI kills your pressure against people who don’t facetank your shatters. And FYI, the I-leap swap stopped being a stunbreak when re-coded the skill last year.
The main issue with mes right now is that Csplit allows moa to be used on a ~65s CD. So you have a hugely impactful skill that was originally balanced for 180s now costing only 65s. The solution is to either (1) decouple csplit from elites, or (2) reduce moa duration and CD (so that it has less synergy with csplit but is still balanced outside of csplit).
Otherwise, condi shatter excels in 1v1s vs the bruiser classes (although maybe we’ll see some counters in this meta, not sure), but has relatively low pressure in teamfights (outside of moa, see the above paragraph) and has issues debunking a competent ele who doesn’t panic-cleanse and autoattack through confusion.
You think mesmers are bad in sPvP? Wait until you come across one in WvW running the meta condi shatter build. Constant 25 stacks of Confusion regardless of how many times you clear condis. Along with food and Utility buffs make them impossible to kill.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
It’s the simple age old argument of skill/reward.
Mesmer’s get a complete shutdown for just having enough skill to land the stupid moa. Mesmer then has enough dps to kill whatever player just got transformed.
Warrior gun flame is the biggest most obvious skill animation in the game and has a channel time that feels like forever, it is super easy to dodge, and if it does land it takes up at most 70% of a players health. AND THIS IS THE SKILL GETTING NERFED???
All of the Mesmers i’ve fought in legendary leave the Moa on the backburner until they need it, as soon as you think you’re about to get them down, you get moa’d.
Its ridiculously imbalanced. Duration 10s – 5s. Thank you.
It’s the simple age old argument of skill/reward.
Mesmer’s get a complete shutdown for just having enough skill to land the stupid moa. Mesmer then has enough dps to kill whatever player just got transformed.
Warrior gun flame is the biggest most obvious skill animation in the game and has a channel time that feels like forever, it is super easy to dodge, and if it does land it takes up at most 70% of a players health. AND THIS IS THE SKILL GETTING NERFED???All of the Mesmers i’ve fought in legendary leave the Moa on the backburner until they need it, as soon as you think you’re about to get them down, you get moa’d.
Its ridiculously imbalanced. Duration 10s – 5s. Thank you.
Check your facts. Moa has a longer cast time than gunflame and a slightly more colorful animation (but to be fair, both skills could use better visuals). Moa is incredibly easy to dodge, which is why mesmers use CC to set up the moa. The more skills the mesmer uses to set up the moa (like shatters to burn dodges, CCs to ensure success), the fewer skills he has to deal follow-up damage.
The Moa+Csplit combo that definitely needs some nerfing, but spouting ignorance and misidentifying the issues doesn’t help anyone.
The biggest most obvious skills in the game all belong to Ele: churning earth, dragon’s tooth, meteor shower, ice spike, eruption, lava font (it starts doing damage a full second after it appears on the ground).
It’s the simple age old argument of skill/reward.
Mesmer’s get a complete shutdown for just having enough skill to land the stupid moa. Mesmer then has enough dps to kill whatever player just got transformed.
Warrior gun flame is the biggest most obvious skill animation in the game and has a channel time that feels like forever, it is super easy to dodge, and if it does land it takes up at most 70% of a players health. AND THIS IS THE SKILL GETTING NERFED???All of the Mesmers i’ve fought in legendary leave the Moa on the backburner until they need it, as soon as you think you’re about to get them down, you get moa’d.
Its ridiculously imbalanced. Duration 10s – 5s. Thank you.
Check your facts. Moa has a longer cast time than gunflame and a slightly more colorful animation (but to be fair, both skills could use better visuals). Moa is incredibly easy to dodge, which is why mesmers use CC to set up the moa. The more skills the mesmer uses to set up the moa (like shatters to burn dodges, CCs to ensure success), the fewer skills he has to deal follow-up damage.
The Moa+Csplit combo that definitely needs some nerfing, but spouting ignorance and misidentifying the issues doesn’t help anyone.
The biggest most obvious skills in the game all belong to Ele: churning earth, dragon’s tooth, meteor shower, ice spike, eruption, lava font (it starts doing damage a full second after it appears on the ground).
Okay i agree with you. To clear up what i meant, i wasn’t really considering ground effects as those kind of speak for themselves no? (Don’t stand in red circles, this is obvious to me) I was referring strictly to player animations. My point was i still feel that signet of humility cast animation isn’t high-key enough for what it accomplishes. Fair?
It’s the simple age old argument of skill/reward.
The biggest most obvious skills in the game all belong to Ele: churning earth, dragon’s tooth, meteor shower, ice spike, eruption, lava font (it starts doing damage a full second after it appears on the ground).
and yet those skills are some of the worst and most unrewarding skills in the game.
It’s the simple age old argument of skill/reward.
The biggest most obvious skills in the game all belong to Ele: churning earth, dragon’s tooth, meteor shower, ice spike, eruption, lava font (it starts doing damage a full second after it appears on the ground).
and yet those skills are some of the worst and most unrewarding skills in the game.
Their all PVE oriented really, and i think that’s what they were intended for.
Where was the mass outcry about SoH during season 1? CS+Moa has been in the same state for the past four months but now it’s only talked about because people watch other people stream, take their word as absolute, and refuse to counter that class.
Where was the mass outcry about SoH during season 1? CS+Moa has been in the same state for the past four months but now it’s only talked about because people watch other people stream, take their word as absolute, and refuse to counter that class.
time warp (and even well) was just way better in s1 because it denied stomps and res with slow/quickness. even if you killed something with moa, it would just get ressed and your moa was gone.
Where was the mass outcry about SoH during season 1? CS+Moa has been in the same state for the past four months but now it’s only talked about because people watch other people stream, take their word as absolute, and refuse to counter that class.
time warp was just way better in s1 because it denied stomps and res with slow/quickness. even if you killed something with moa, it would just get ressed and your moa was gone.
^ This. Moa was still broken back then, but Time Warp was actually more broken with the previous revive/stomp mechanics.
It’s the simple age old argument of skill/reward.
The biggest most obvious skills in the game all belong to Ele: churning earth, dragon’s tooth, meteor shower, ice spike, eruption, lava font (it starts doing damage a full second after it appears on the ground).
and yet those skills are some of the worst and most unrewarding skills in the game.
100% agreed. I’m predicting we’ll see a 3% damage increase on dragon’s tooth, another 13% increase on churning earth, and a 12% damage increase in ice spike so that they are as powerful as the new-and-improved shatterstone. </s>
(edited by ResJudicator.7916)