nerf necromancer

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


guys look at the pvp tournament that just happened. the abjured, most esports team and the hammer of north america lost because of necromancer. this class is very broken. please nerf this class. it is so strong. ever since the dhuumfire patch, the necromancer has been so goshdarn overpowdered. that was over a year ago. that’s longer than how long hambones have been op. please do the right thing and fix this class. thank you so much for reading.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: SaintSnow.6593


Oh liv….why…



nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Necro beats engie
Engie beats ele
Ele beats necro

The hambow comparison is gold:
1 month necro brokenly godly op
Next month necro nerfed to regular op, while hardcounter and beat evrything god – warrior is created.
THIS LASTED 1 YEAR, necro basically went extinct during this time.

Current state:
Warrior shaved to regular.
Celestial monkeys taking over the planet.
Necro has a class to hardcounter.

and no comment on this being half new abjured losing to half old abjured, AND nos being kinda the only such succesull necro , and also gotta mention the amazing heals and peels that his celestial ele/engie monkeys do to keep him alive.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Sorry for unfrandly post.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Goliath.7546


The only people who don’t want necro nerfed are people who abuse the necromancer class currently. That is actually a lot of people, so naturally posting on forums will not get anywhere.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Elitist.8701


“Ele beats Necro”

Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


0/10, you can do better than this.


Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


checks howmany necro’s in ESL go4 cup in europe…. oh 1 just… must be really op that only 1 person uses it at highest lvl of PvP

Owner and creator of
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Nice job Vee Wee nice to see you there.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


20 teams running either double ele or double engi, let’s nerf Necro, because it has a chance to beat the cele tanks if played well


nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Necro beats engie
Engie beats ele
Ele beats necro

correction, ele does not beat necro, necro beat ele.

necro is pretty much the hard counter of dd ele and engi.
if you want to beat a team full of these classes, have a necro will give you better chance.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Tman.6349


Anything within melee 600ish range, Necro is very strong against. Outside of that Necros can have a really tough time. This is one of the reasons Necros are great a defending points. The last thing you want to do is ‘step onto their turf. On the other side Necros are in dire shape if getting caught between points, chain CCed, or caught by surprise. Generally, if Necro is not defending a point [a small area to control (Necro’s forte)] then the play from the sidelines (with good positioning) and disrupt the flow of the battle for the enemy with AoE chills, cripples, fears, blinds, and condi clears, as well as boon corruption.

Necro is HARDLY “OP” and has detrimental weaknesses built in, should they be capitalized on. The main reason we’ve seen this surge of Necros is from all the ‘condis OP’ threads scattered about (or they likw braindead AI play, but that’s not new) and so people are giving Necro a go. That’s a very bad reason but it is what it is. At one point I was called crazy, stupid, ‘L2Mesmer’ for running my Champion Illusionist Shatterburst Mesmer (when the titles meant anything) back when ‘OMGOPPHANTOMS’ were all the rage….

(edited by Tman.6349)

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


They are just trolling. I think pretty much everyone at this point knows there are only 3 OP specs in the game.

D/D cele ele
Nade cele engi
turret engi

Those are the 3 that need a nerf.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Necro beats engie
Engie beats ele
Ele beats necro

Not exactly but even if we roll with this concept I don’t think Rock, Paper, Scissors is something we should strive for >>

That being said I think necro is relatively fine. However Necro and Engie have an abundance of strong cleave with a lot of survivability. My salty bias towards lower risk builds that do good damage aside, I do find this to be a slight imbalance based on our primary game type.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


guard beats necro
necro beats engi
engi beats guard!
rock paper scissors! except guard isnt viable gg!


nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


What I don’t get in this post is that it used the excuse for the nerf “the Abjured lost to it”. Sure, the Abjured are good, but this is extremely narrow sighted. Maybe they had a bad day, or maybe they lost to somebody that was actually really better than them[upstarts an all]. Maybe the necro was just built and played well in the instance it beat them. The fact that this post seemed to ignore these possibilities seems to make it an inconsequential suggestion.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


You guys discuss if ele > engi or engi > ele or guard > necro. But necro >> engi. It is not like ohh a necro is a little bit stronger. It is like the necro kitten s the engi every time.

A player from Top 300 Terrormancer will beat a Top 10 engi in 9 of 10 fights. This matchup is the worst matchup in the game. Even Thief vs Mesmer is not that hard.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Goliath.7546


guard beats necro
necro beats engi
engi beats guard!
rock paper scissors! except guard isnt viable gg!

Revised version:
Necro beats Thief
Thief beats Mesmer
Mesmer beats Engi
Engi beats ele
The rest are trash

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: djooceboxblast.9876


What needs a nerf is nightmare runes – not necromancer! Nightmare runes just happen to synergise really well with certain necromancer traits and abilities (terror, reapers protection, doom, reapers mark).

We do not really see a lot of necromancers that can compete on top level apart from maybe myself and a few others.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Blackmoa.3186


Necro is in a realy weird spot where they don’t realy fit into any role. They are not realy that good for teamfights cause they are rather easily focused out, and they also are not that good for going into 1v1s cause they lack mobility. The thing though is that if you get them into a situation there they can just do their stuff they kitten their enemies up big time.

German Caster,
never blinking “specialist”,

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Nitesky.6427


The celestial monkey part is the only thing that remotely makes sense in this thread.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


We do not really see a lot of necromancers that can compete on top level apart from maybe myself and a few others.

Same can be said about Mesmers, though it is not as bad on the EU as Necromancers… Might also be because of the popularized Mes/Thief combo, but w/e…

They both suffer a lot if you position them badly, which people tend to do…

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nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Emapudapus.1307


Problem with engis isnt that the necro hardcounters them, but that they dont know how to play against necro or at least they dont want to change their tactics/adjust build (which requires from them very high skill cap). And having just healing turret to remove condis and than flame necro how op it is ….. So necro isnt hardcounter to engi, its just hard fight for them and distinguish the good from the bad.

And fighting other proffesions as necro it mostly depends on skill (tho i think no condi necro can kill rom 1v1 warrs op condi removals) but i think the necromancer is designed in a way that if you do a mistake (which can also be random and not just because bad necro skill) it is more punishable than for example ele. Due to ofc longer casting times and some longer cooldowns and no sustain. And it is easyer to get hit by random blinds and that kind of stuff and this way you can loose alot of potential.

all is vain

(edited by Emapudapus.1307)

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


“Ele beats Necro”

correction, ele does not beat necro, necro beat ele.

necro is pretty much the hard counter of dd ele and engi.
if you want to beat a team full of these classes, have a necro will give you better chance.


I knew i would get called on this one, but i didnt want to make first post any longer

  • ignorant version
    Best necro Noscoc lost to Best ele Phantaram. Necro is ok.
  • non ignorant 1v1 version
    Nos is BY FAAAAAR the best necro, more than the world #2 ele is away from phanta.
    I can only speak for EU, but even there we saw Prototype wining around 50/50 against other dd eles – depending on def/decap node, time pressure etc…

Basically a ele or others can help and cleanse a lot most of the necros damage before the bleeds add up. A necro always needs a ele/engie/warri/ranger to help him get the real damaging burning on target which immediately forces cooldowns.

Also, a necro should NEVER escape a 1v2, so the gank potential is huge. So for all again:

1) rebalance nightmare runes, no one likes them , better a reliable 0,5s fear every 30s than a unreliable 4s every 90s
2) How many sucessfull necros do you see in tournys ?
3) How many regular condi , turret , or celstial monkeys do you usually see?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


The OP is that noob again from twitch chat. Comon, Nos is probably the only necro that made a real difference the last year in PvP. Necro lacks a lot of things and are not overpowered in any way. They have a nice spot now in PvP. Finally, I would say. You’re just crying cuz they are strong versus engi’s.

Oh, and necro are good for decap but not for defending a point. No stability, no vigor, warriors stance, ele AoE = dead.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: djooceboxblast.9876


“Ele beats Necro”

correction, ele does not beat necro, necro beat ele.

necro is pretty much the hard counter of dd ele and engi.
if you want to beat a team full of these classes, have a necro will give you better chance.


I knew i would get called on this one, but i didnt want to make first post any longer

  • ignorant version
    Best necro Noscoc lost to Best ele Phantaram. Necro is ok.
  • non ignorant 1v1 version
    Nos is BY FAAAAAR the best necro, more than the world #2 ele is away from phanta.
    I can only speak for EU, but even there we saw Prototype wining around 50/50 against other dd eles – depending on def/decap node, time pressure etc…

Basically a ele or others can help and cleanse a lot most of the necros damage before the bleeds add up. A necro always needs a ele/engie/warri/ranger to help him get the real damaging burning on target which immediately forces cooldowns.

Also, a necro should NEVER escape a 1v2, so the gank potential is huge. So for all again:

1) rebalance nightmare runes, no one likes them , better a reliable 0,5s fear every 30s than a unreliable 4s every 90s
2) How many sucessfull necros do you see in tournys ?
3) How many regular condi , turret , or celstial monkeys do you usually see?

A well played necro should consistently beat d/d and staff elementalists. So if Noscoc is the best necro by far he should be able to beat Phantaram.

Noscoc is blessed by having a good team allowing him to play at the necromancers highest potential. There are other necromancers who could do the same given they had the same environmental circumstances.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Every build should have at worst a 40/60% vs every other build when played at the highest skillcap. >=(

To bad it’ll never happen.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Forsaken.4215


Necromancers are much better at 1v1 then an ele simply because their skills aren’t based on aoe like and ele is cough A pro vs pro fight ends with whoever gets the first hit and whoever can dodge and reflect the most. This is where TEAM CO-ordination COUNTS You wont know what your opponents build is and changing one skill can make a huge difference against another class. I dont beleive in this best ele best necro bs because i have wrecked so many heads out there that this gw2 ranking just means who smashes gw2 the most peace xoxoxoxo


nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Sunshine.5014


A Necro should always beat an Ele with the same skill level; that’s no contest. The rate that a necro can apply conditions is far more greater than an ele can cleanse. A meta ele have
1) three cantrips that cleanse 1 condition, except cleansing fire that cleanses 4 conditions. High cooldowns.
2) 2 cleanses every swap to water per 10s. Another 40s cleanse inside water.
3) random proc on being critted cleanse a condition. 10s cooldown.

It’s all about experience and timing. As soon as the ele switches out of water, put tons of conditions (don’t use fear or chill yet) on he/she. Then most of them will use cleansing fire to cleanse 4 of that. Then immediately put a chill on. The ele would be dead if they don’t cleanse it, gg for you. If the ele is an experienced one, they will have to use another cantrip to cleanse it, most likely armor of earth (the animation is rock flying around). Immediately rip the boons if possible. If you rip the stability of armor of earth, or the water attunement is delayed by a chill, you can basically chain fear the ele to death.

Most necro makes the mistake of just spamming the conditions. That works against engi, but for ele, they need the timing.

A well played necro should always beat an ele, not the other way around.

Gray out the HP for future condition damage
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


“Ele beats Necro”

correction, ele does not beat necro, necro beat ele.

necro is pretty much the hard counter of dd ele and engi.
if you want to beat a team full of these classes, have a necro will give you better chance.


I knew i would get called on this one, but i didnt want to make first post any longer

  • ignorant version
    Best necro Noscoc lost to Best ele Phantaram. Necro is ok.
  • non ignorant 1v1 version
    Nos is BY FAAAAAR the best necro, more than the world #2 ele is away from phanta.
    I can only speak for EU, but even there we saw Prototype wining around 50/50 against other dd eles – depending on def/decap node, time pressure etc…

Basically a ele or others can help and cleanse a lot most of the necros damage before the bleeds add up. A necro always needs a ele/engie/warri/ranger to help him get the real damaging burning on target which immediately forces cooldowns.

Also, a necro should NEVER escape a 1v2, so the gank potential is huge. So for all again:

1) rebalance nightmare runes, no one likes them , better a reliable 0,5s fear every 30s than a unreliable 4s every 90s
2) How many sucessfull necros do you see in tournys ?
3) How many regular condi , turret , or celstial monkeys do you usually see?

well i don’t know why you quoted me, because i would love to see celes go and see necro kill them..

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


guys look at the pvp tournament that just happened. the abjured, most esports team and the hammer of north america lost because of necromancer. this class is very broken. please nerf this class. it is so strong. ever since the dhuumfire patch, the necromancer has been so goshdarn overpowdered. that was over a year ago. that’s longer than how long hambones have been op. please do the right thing and fix this class. thank you so much for reading.

l2p, necro hard counters engi, especially trash ones. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


look at how overpowdered necromancer is!
Vee Wee has only played necromancer a handful of times! this guy was a Champion Paragon! A CHAMPION PARAGAON!!!! nerf plz

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Acandis.3250


lol the only problem with necro right now is nightmare runes having no counter. fix that fix game.

(edited by Acandis.3250)