new map idea- siege

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Revoke.1425


blu team fortess(lord-inner gate- inner gate cap point- outer gate)
field cap point
red team fortress(outer gate- inner gate cap point- inner gate- lord)

When your team cap mid larger point (field) some npcs spawns there with cannons to destroy the enemy’s outer gate, wich is the only way to destroy it.

If your team cap the enemy’s inner gate cap point the inner gate opens (maybe a message like “a spy disabled the inner gate!”).

If your team kill the enemy’s lord your team wins.

If your team manage to take back the inner gate cap point the inner gate closes after X seconds.

If your team control both your inner gate cap point and field cap point npcs spawn to repair the outer gate in X seconds if necessary.

You would like a map like this?
(I hope to have been clear since english is not my main)

(edited by Revoke.1425)

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Fily.1407


I think it would be an amazing new map, remind me GW1 GvG!

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Jools Do Urden.3429

Jools Do Urden.3429

I second that! ^^

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Elisir.8327


I agree and i also think that you are a kind man.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Saiou.1459


Aye, it sounds like a really nice map XP

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: piffdaddy.8014


I would love a map like this, sounds very fun.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Ondriam.9862


Yup, nice idea!

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Mother of god, that sounds awesome!! Not to mention that this would be a merge of a Death Match style and a Conquest style!!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


This reminds me of old school GW1 gvg, when you could have catapults and death. You know before faction GvG, or did I dream that? So many years ago …..


Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Hiki.9310


This sounds like the team fortress 2 capture point game mode minus the lord to kill. Its a fun mix of defending and attacking.

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” – Mallyx

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Revoke.1425


let’s hope anet notice this topic!
more +1 and comments!!

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Cionna.3158


It’s a good idea. I m with you.

The Rolling Dices [TRD]

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Ullr Altofiordo.5084

Ullr Altofiordo.5084

Great idea man!

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Fbary.2347


Good Idea, I’ll play this map! ;)

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Phos.4035


Great idea! i would love to have different playmode in pvp.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


I really like this idea. It seems to have a somewhat wvw feel to it, thus it might draw more pvpers from the wvw community – the structure of this map might entice them – anything to increase spvp population is a good thing.

With a map like this I think 8 v 8 would b sweet :p

Hopefully anet does not discount the creativity of its player base – I could see an idea like this, once fleshed out and balanced, adding depth to the current one style of play that exists. It would be a great start!


new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


I would truly love an spvp map like this. Shoot, I may not play any other map in the game again.

I love siege warfare in WvW. It’s literally my favorite part of the entire game. Being able to enjoy it in spvp would just be fantastic. It’d also be very similar to a conquest mode in that team combat is a heavy deciding factor here. Whoever takes middle and holds it would be the ones to win the match in the end. Might consider a secondary mechanic that’d be used to relieve pressure on mid to stop an all bunker team from just sitting at middle and dominating the entire match.

Maybe some way to build a siege tower/ladder to climb the enemy’s walls that you have to go off to the side to get so you could sneak into the enemy’s castle for their point or to try and assassinate the lord. That’d force the people in the lead to have roamers running around taking out other roamers, competing for the resource to build the ladder.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


This is not a new map, this is a new gamemode. So forget it.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Stof.9584


I’d say Anet will be reluctant to introduce this map.

It overlaps with WvW and basically requires developing a new gametype for SPVP, which does not fit well into the Hotjoin system.

Then again, I think it would be dumb to not even consider it since the existing playerbase will love it and it could introduce many WvW players to the Mists!

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Fily.1407


This is not a new map, this is a new gamemode. So forget it.


I want to remember you how many different gamemode existed in Guild Wars 1:

- Random Arena
- Codex Arena
- Heroes’ Ascent
- GvG
- Alliance Battles
- Jade Quarry
- Aspenwood Fort

The question is: why, in a game which is supposed to be the Guild Wars 1 sequel, are we playing only one PvP mode?

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Sieg.8439


This would be a really cool way to take sPVP in a new direction.
Awesome idea, +1!

Hoopa doopa.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


This is not a new map, this is a new gamemode. So forget it.


I want to remember you how many different gamemode existed in Guild Wars 1:

- Random Arena
- Codex Arena
- Heroes’ Ascent
- GvG
- Alliance Battles
- Jade Quarry
- Aspenwood Fort

The question is: why, in a game which is supposed to be the Guild Wars 1 sequel, are we playing only one PvP mode?

So? i want to play HA and codex again. But they don’t care. We won’t get any game modes so get used to it or leave. Just like everyone does after 6 months of pvp at least.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Revoke.1425


Might consider a secondary mechanic that’d be used to relieve pressure on mid to stop an all bunker team from just sitting at middle and dominating the entire match.

An arrow cart or something that can fire on middle point when outer gate is broken could do the trick, when the outer gate is up they can’t fire due to obstruction or something like that
I don’t know how an arrow cart works, I use that name only as an example

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Gasp.3824



Message Body length must at least be 15.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Elisir.8327


this is worth a +1

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


This is not a new map, this is a new gamemode. So forget it.


I want to remember you how many different gamemode existed in Guild Wars 1:

- Random Arena
- Codex Arena
- Heroes’ Ascent
- GvG
- Alliance Battles
- Jade Quarry
- Aspenwood Fort

The question is: why, in a game which is supposed to be the Guild Wars 1 sequel, are we playing only one PvP mode?

So? i want to play HA and codex again. But they don’t care. We won’t get any game modes so get used to it or leave. Just like everyone does after 6 months of pvp at least.

As much i’d like to see new stuff in spvp (it’s a total failure atm) i second

This is not a new map, this is a new gamemode. So forget it.


Manly because doing that would mean for Anet admit they’ve completely missed the mark about their spvp and all the esport crap they’ve talked about.
(Same thing happening in wvw, btw.)

So, yeah, my bet is we’ll have tons and tons of maps but only for conquest in the foreseeable future, and nothing more. If you enjoy it, nice (and you must be a bit weirdo, but w/e). If you don’t make your packages and move along.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Symo.7803


Very nice idea!

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Kaywen.1364


I think is a good idea. I hope to see it in the game!

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Awesome idea!

If only anet would release a pvp expansion with your idea and a couple of more game modes. I just can’t motivate myself to play much anymore because after the (what seems to be) millionth round of conquest I start to puke with boredom.

I think GW2 still has the potential to be THE game for spvp and draw a huge crowd, its amazing on so many levels. I wonder if they will stubbornly hold to their guns until the game just peters out, or if they will capitalize on the awesomeness they have and inject some diversity (fun).

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Saiou.1459


This is not a new map, this is a new gamemode. So forget it.


I want to remember you how many different gamemode existed in Guild Wars 1:

- Random Arena
- Codex Arena
- Heroes’ Ascent
- GvG
- Alliance Battles
- Jade Quarry
- Aspenwood Fort

The question is: why, in a game which is supposed to be the Guild Wars 1 sequel, are we playing only one PvP mode?

So? i want to play HA and codex again. But they don’t care. We won’t get any game modes so get used to it or leave. Just like everyone does after 6 months of pvp at least.

Why can’t we try? If it comes to the worst, Anet will just ignore us

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Sounds like a LoL implementation with creep npcs :O but an interesting idea. Knowing Anet though, they’ll probably add the skyhammer in the middle of the map.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Luke Lionhearth.6348

Luke Lionhearth.6348


new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: wulfsbane.6539


Though this idea may sound cool, I think in practice it might not be as good as you guys think it will be. Teams will basically be forced to go for the midpoint, since there is no benefit to capping their own point, and they can’t reach enemy point cuz its behind a wall. That will result in a big teamfight at the beginning of every match, which could go on for quite some time with people continuously respawning and coming back. If one team does finally win, then they’ll all just sit there until the enemy gate is down. Then they will push to inner wall point with entire team to cap it. Other team will defend. Surprise another big teamfight. (The defending team could try and go for mid to get down their opponent’s gate, but they wont since they would have to take someone away from their inner gate point, probs causing them to lose that fight.)

You can imagine how it would go from there. Basically it would be just teamfights, so everyone to be viable, would have to run a support/group/aoe heavy build. Plus it’d be very boring to watch.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Revoke.1425


Though this idea may sound cool, I think in practice it might not be as good as you guys think it will be. Teams will basically be forced to go for the midpoint, since there is no benefit to capping their own point, and they can’t reach enemy point cuz its behind a wall. That will result in a big teamfight at the beginning of every match, which could go on for quite some time with people continuously respawning and coming back. If one team does finally win, then they’ll all just sit there until the enemy gate is down. Then they will push to inner wall point with entire team to cap it. Other team will defend. Surprise another big teamfight. (The defending team could try and go for mid to get down their opponent’s gate, but they wont since they would have to take someone away from their inner gate point, probs causing them to lose that fight.)

You can imagine how it would go from there. Basically it would be just teamfights, so everyone to be viable, would have to run a support/group/aoe heavy build. Plus it’d be very boring to watch.

The idea for this map is a siege, i.e. big teamfights in critical points
Why? because I think variety is fun and lot of people love not so big(wvw) teamfights
This is an idea, it has to be balanced of course
Plus i find boring to watch run and cap with occasionally small fights, people have different tastes

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Fily.1407


I think Anet should notice this post and consider the idea of a new gameplay style…

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094


Game Design Lead

So, I thought I’d take a moment to say that I love this idea….

We’ve been toying around with something very similar internally. As some of you have said, it can be implemented as new game type, or just a secondary for an existing map. There’s also a question of “how many npc’s do you allow in a PvP map before some players get upset that PvE is encroaching on their PvP?”

We want to introduce some more strategic “layers” to a new PvP map, and you guys are proposing a lot of the ideas we’ve talked about internally in order to do just that.

Obviously I can’t give an ETA, but I can say – we’re looking into trying to do something similar to the ideas suggested here. Will it definitely make it in? I can’t say. But I can say that we’re toying around w/ a very similar idea internally. Can’t promise anything, but we also love the general concept behind this idea!

Thanks for the positive ideas and for keeping it constructive!!

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


I’m all for a more offensive-oriented “conquest” mode. I remember suggesting several months ago the idea of marrying conquest with base assault, because it supports a more offensive/ “push it” playstyle while making more flavor sense. Both things would also make this kind of map more appealing to stream viewers.

Hope you can make this kind of map, as I can’t wait to play something like it!

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


What Jon said, bringing more PvE NPCs or make a moba out of GW2 PvP is just something that 99% wouldn’t welcome.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I think this is a great concept. Perhaps it would be nice to use the siege objective to force more strategic gameplay, as opposed to ‘zerg zerg zerg’. Maybe you have to hold 2 cap points for ‘x’ seconds to begin the assault on an opposing team’s ‘fortress’.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


It’s great that A-net is experimenting with new PvP ideas.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: DevO.9854


Idea is great, also I hate people calling it Heroes Ascent, its Hall of Heroes or HoH, you can tell who didn’t play the original from the beginning.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


@sharp: just give us something different from conquest.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


Idea is great, also I hate people calling it Heroes Ascent, its Hall of Heroes or HoH, you can tell who didn’t play the original from the beginning.

You are wrong.

On topic: Throught the last 10 months many people have suggested bringing back GvG-type game mode with more tactical depth and more immersive setting than capping circles. It’s good to see Jonathan finally show up. I guess better later than never.



new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: DevO.9854


Ok if I’m wrong, then you can easily tell me what the Sissy Boys famed Build was in HoH/HA.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Phantaram.1265


Sounds really fun! Once custom arenas are given even more freedom to edit the maps (more points for example) you could really make long epic battles on a map like this.
Heck, with 8 players on each team you could even make some jungle camps that give specific power ups like someones damage becomes siege damage and they can help the NPCs bring down the doors and stuff!

Just an awesome idea all around that fits as a perfect mix between the current conquest and GvG.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


yea awesome idea i love it

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Well GW1’s PvP had some NPCs depending on which map/game type you were playing on. I’m not against PvP game types where there are NPCs. I love Jade Quarry, Aspenwood, Team/Random Arena, GvG.

I would have more fun in PvP if there were more game types, just as the one mentionned here, to play on.


new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


I’d probably come back with my friend and start playing again if you had a map similar to this. Probably…kinda hard to say at this point. But sounds fun.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

this reminds me of the “push of war” styled “standard control point” game mode of team fortress 2.

either teams must successfully “push” their way into enemy territory in order to win.

i support this!
more game modes is always good!


new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


voidstar in swg was fun too.

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You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.