no money from me

no money from me

in PvP

Posted by: tenklo.6104


just to wanted anet to know i used to spend 20$ a month on this game cause i like all 3 form of gw2. but since u wanted esports to be a thing and took out cele i barely spent 30$ this year. all cause in spvp its all to lack of a better term. it to see who has a bigger epennin. since i know where post to rotate and pick are fights.

but if half are traits in our traits are defensive we barely have amulet that would go with it. and if u actually saw low teir fights u would see its invested with cc and dh with spam traps on point….

so where does this tie in with money. basically for me i like pvp… but in my groups im support in wvw. and with those stats im usle power. healing power vit and toughness all together. so if i cant do this in spvp why should i support ur game

yes this was a rant

no money from me

in PvP

Posted by: Sazdek.6830


WvW forum is —-→ way.

Also in mid and high ranking matches, they are infested with DHs and CC as well. Simply because it’s what works. If you’re in the lower rankings at this part of the season, it’s likely because you belong there.

Tarnished Coast
Skaukatt – Engi
Cräsher – Warrior

no money from me

in PvP

Posted by: Myst.9182


I feel ya.

I was used to spending $xx per month when playing WoW, when i came to GW2 I wanted to support the game so I put real money into the game.

I stopped at several points, as “punishment” for doing things like unfairly penalising me on the forum and giving me no recourse for a fair “trial.”

But i always started again after a while. But over the last year I have stopped. I just don’t like where anything is going. WvW is a big mess!? I like raiding but dont have time to join a serious guild. So I pvp, and every season since “pro leagues” has been worse and worse, imo.

I just don’t see how the dev’s don’t see it. Its a frustrating and wearing game. I honestly log on now and all I do is fractals, and suffer through some pvp.

The game at the begining had the right idea but implemented it poorly. 4 years on and its just random idea after random idea thrown at the community, I don’t even know what the vision for the game is anymore.

No money from me either, unless significant changes are made.

no money from me

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


I feel ya.

I was used to spending $xx per month when playing WoW, when i came to GW2 I wanted to support the game so I put real money into the game.

I stopped at several points, as “punishment” for doing things like unfairly penalising me on the forum and giving me no recourse for a fair “trial.”

But i always started again after a while. But over the last year I have stopped. I just don’t like where anything is going. WvW is a big mess!? I like raiding but dont have time to join a serious guild. So I pvp, and every season since “pro leagues” has been worse and worse, imo.

I just don’t see how the dev’s don’t see it. Its a frustrating and wearing game. I honestly log on now and all I do is fractals, and suffer through some pvp.

The game at the begining had the right idea but implemented it poorly. 4 years on and its just random idea after random idea thrown at the community, I don’t even know what the vision for the game is anymore.

No money from me either, unless significant changes are made.

I’ve seen that ANet truly excels in PvE. PvE environments, fractals, world bosses, raids, music, lore, art. This is what ANet does best.

However, when it comes to PvP and WvW, I find that they just don’t have a clue. Either that, or they’re afraid of making massive changes. They’re likely afraid of community blowback or losing players.

no money from me

in PvP

Posted by: DeltaZero.6310


Whoever told you support and/or defense is unviable is lying to you.
If having a low rank is upsetting you play unranked instead

no money from me

in PvP

Posted by: tenklo.6104


okay im alot calmer now. and i been playing since beta so i know what spvp been though where we had stat on tree and amulet with jewel for more customization. that and when stab only could be taken off with boon strip i know why they change this.

all i could say for this meta maybe increase skill that get stab to thing by 2stack instead of one. since if u want to sustain at all u need more way to be able not to get interrupted.

and here something most people wont remeaber but when mallyx was actully good in condi or being able to keep res up for himself.

no money from me

in PvP

Posted by: Sazdek.6830


So you’re playing rev and complaining that you’re not doing well?

Found the problem.

Tarnished Coast
Skaukatt – Engi
Cräsher – Warrior